Elite: Game talk

11 Mar 2022, 1:17pm
Hi people! Im playing ED with Geforce Now... and also I wanna buy a hotas controller (maybe the logitech x52)... since GFN does not have support for hotas controllers, I read that you can use a software called "xbox 360 controller emulator" to transform the inputs of the hotas into a "xbox controller", so then GFN recognize it as a xbox controller. Does anyone tried this solution? I really wanna know if this works well before I jump into buying the hotas !! Thanks everybody !

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 14 Mar 2022, 3:40pm
11 Mar 2022, 3:04pm
Wow, pre-engineered power plants are being delivered already... thought it was going to be a week or two....
11 Mar 2022, 4:41pm
confirmed.. fast delivered -looks like they have a few more MW stock than same overcharged class with monstered effect

Last edit: 11 Mar 2022, 5:28pm
12 Mar 2022, 8:41am
Has anyone else tried to modify the new power plants?

I cant recall reading anything about them not being modifiable.
12 Mar 2022, 3:04pm
So... I wrote on ED forum. Guess how fast this post will disappear

forum link

I hope here is freedom of speach and I can freely tell my opinion. I am very sorry, I dont want be rude or insult somone, but after so long time of lies, broken promises, bugs and schedules I am kinda out of patience. David Braben told us he dont will sell ED studio. But for me its like he is holding this dying corpse and dont want release it to someone who can heal it. We love this game and I belive Fdevs does too. But in every case of love if something goes wrong and one in realationship suffers from that love, we should let that person go. I dont understand why you cant just admint you took biger bite than you can handle. I think for example Microsoft could save this game. I know you will delete this posts very quicky, but nevermind. At least you will just know one voice from thousands devoted and disappointed customers.
12 Mar 2022, 3:24pm
I understand the displeasure of many that Elite on the console is no longer going. I also think that the FDEV is also responsible for such a decision to transfer the game statuses from the console to the PC plus added value such as the Cobra MK4 or ARX, whatever.

I also think it was a corporate choice of cost versus benefit versus PC gamers. Such a decision must have been made for the MAC version as well.

Again, I understand the frustration and you can and should also express criticism. But that's what annoys me the most and that almost every Youtuber says that this game is dead.

Tough decision but I think very much for the best for Elite in the long run.
12 Mar 2022, 3:51pm
I'll shutting down my fleet carrier to save on credits. I'm not going to take the game off Xbox just yet, but I'm really unhappy with how this is ending for the game.
12 Mar 2022, 4:03pm
TiggerHas anyone else tried to modify the new power plants?

I cant recall reading anything about them not being modifiable.

can transfer them to an engineer an add an effect, but with an server error message than..
so far not modifiable for me too, maybe in the next days.. like the fsd´s a few campaigns ago..

Last edit: 12 Mar 2022, 4:08pm
12 Mar 2022, 11:06pm
It’s a shitter for console users but:
It’s been a long time coming and 8-yr old hardware was never going to be up to the job. Maybe this is FDev error but I really believe they tried. It’s not as though anything has been lost. Horizons will still be there and, for the ear future, will receive relevant updates. So, no change from a console point of view.
Also, ED is a service game which suggests that during its profitable life it receives new updates and content. Since the release of EDO there have been very few content updates due to firefighting. While this continues I think ED has problems. So, in times of difficulty any business model tells you to simplify. As with any other service game FDev owe you nothing for the pixels you’ve put in. In the same way that vinyl owners are not owed a cd when the publishers stop making records.
I don’t think they’re out of the woods yet but the latest decisions give ED a roll of the dice to attract new gamers with content updates instead of being hounded.

I’m not 100% hopeful but it was the best choice to make
12 Mar 2022, 11:24pm
I think they will be able to return Elite to the consoles when they fix the PC version enough, maybe with the next large update after Odyssey, in the next years, or something like that.
13 Mar 2022, 12:16am
Being honest, I'm glad they are no longer updating the console game. Gives them more time to focus on PC.
And honestly surprised that they even still update the PC version. Lot of players give em a lot of shit, you know how hard it is to go to work when you read how much people dislike your product? Whats the last perfect thing you have produced for money?

odyssey gets a bad wrap cause people trying to play ultra with a 1060ti, your hardware isn't up to snuff not all the games fault. Agreed it's kinda like crysis little too demanding for the visuals provided, but you can bet i'm excited for the 4080 series to run ultra in odyssey VR, not complain that I can't right now.

I try to buy ARX when I can, cause I'm just happy they still put in the effort for CG's, and odyssey was an unexpected graphics upgrade in weapon FX love that stuff

they should however make a transfer program for ships, modules, engineering. forcing em to do the grinds a 2nd time is uncool*
13 Mar 2022, 12:21am
QuillmonkeyIt’s a shitter for console users but:
It’s been a long time coming and 8-yr old hardware was never going to be up to the job. Maybe this is FDev error but I really believe they tried. It’s not as though anything has been lost. Horizons will still be there and, for the ear future, will receive relevant updates. So, no change from a console point of view.
Also, ED is a service game which suggests that during its profitable life it receives new updates and content. Since the release of EDO there have been very few content updates due to firefighting. While this continues I think ED has problems. So, in times of difficulty any business model tells you to simplify. As with any other service game FDev owe you nothing for the pixels you’ve put in. In the same way that vinyl owners are not owed a cd when the publishers stop making records.
I don’t think they’re out of the woods yet but the latest decisions give ED a roll of the dice to attract new gamers with content updates instead of being hounded.

I’m not 100% hopeful but it was the best choice to make

Xbox Series S/X and PS5 are very capable machines. With the shitshow that Odyssey is for PC, not one is expecting a less than capable developer like Fdev to get it working for XboxO/PS4 (even though it seems that other companies have no issues with this). MS Flightsim is a huge CPU/GPU hog. ED isn't straining PC's even half as hard as MSFS, but a company of 200 employees still managed to deliver on their promise of an amazing port from PC to Console, and the support is still phenomenal.

Also.. I will take a 6 month ban on these forums if the codebase for Horizons is still up and running in 6-12 months from now. I guarantee they are going to can both Horizons PC/Console and force everyone into Odyssey sooner than what it took to tell console users to go pound sand.

Last edit: 13 Mar 2022, 12:30am
13 Mar 2022, 12:26am
F22WarzoneX1Being honest, I'm glad they are no longer updating the console game. Gives them more time to focus on PC.
And honestly surprised that they even still update the PC version. Lot of players give em a lot of shit, you know how hard it is to go to work when you read how much people dislike your product? Whats the last perfect thing you have produced for money?

odyssey gets a bad wrap cause people trying to play ultra with a 1060ti, your hardware isn't up to snuff not all the games fault. Agreed it's kinda like crysis little too demanding for the visuals provided, but you can bet i'm excited for the 4080 series to run ultra in odyssey VR, not complain that I can't right now.

I try to buy ARX when I can, cause I'm just happy they still put in the effort for CG's, and odyssey was an unexpected graphics upgrade in weapon FX love that stuff

they should however make a transfer program for ships, modules, engineering. forcing em to do the grinds a 2nd time is uncool*

Another misconception:

People thinking ED's focus on Odyssey PC is somehow going to ramp up because consoles are going away. You can't add support to Odyssey when Odyssey was getting all the support anyway. I'm going to go ahead and say that ED never even started work on a console port, and Horizons was only receiving maintenance updates that could be done by a 13 year old that learned to code on youtube. Fdev has once again duped people into thinking that they're capable of "ramping things up" by allowing consoles to be the scapegoat of poor development, a terrible in-game engine, and piss-poor business methodology.
13 Mar 2022, 12:34am
Alex Hoffmann

can transfer them to an engineer an add an effect, but with an server error message than..
so far not modifiable for me too, maybe in the next days.. like the fsd´s a few campaigns ago..

So you managed to modify those FSD from a previous CG?
13 Mar 2022, 12:46am
How is Odessey Performing in VR on 'Average-rated' gaming PC's? Example, my VR PC runs Horizons fine (a little stuttering in asteroid fields and on ground about 20-30% of the time, but very playable with no motion sickness). when I tried Odessey back in November it was un-playable for me.
I'm a VR-Only player, and my concern is that I will lose E.D. completely until I can upgrade to a $3-4k system when they take away Horizons code from PC.
So is it playable now with the updates from the last few months (on average VR PC)? Or only top of the line VR setups?

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