Elite: Game talk

05 Mar 2022, 12:36am
Quillmonkey Guess you're playing in Horizons so you go direct to the geo POIs. That should be fine.
If you play in Ody, it gets trickier but not too bad. Just have to remember that the game classes Selenium as G2 mat despite it being G4. So, it won't drop with other G4s. You need to find G2 drops and ensure that Selenium is equal or more than 50% of the G2 group. Each body will have 5 G1, 3 G2, and up to 2 G3, 1 G4.

Thank you... not fully sure I understand, but it sounds like you're saying there are different cuts of Raw mats... Like some Selenium is trash and some are the pure uncut raw... So for every one I physically picked up, I received 3 in the trunk.... So if it's over 50% purity I would receive 5 or something like that?? At the trader they all were in the G4 group....
I'm old, you breaking my brain right now... I'm in the age group of people who remember walking up to the movie theatre excited to see Star Wars on opening day in 1977...

"G2 group"? So are you saying every Geo patch has different ratings like 'the degraded - encoded - HGE' mats?? If so, how can I tell what a GEO site ranks so I can avoid low grade and look for.......... Wait......... So when I looked for planets that say 4.9% Selenium vs the lower %.... I thought that meant that would be the odds on finding it.... You're saying that I'll find it either way but that 4.9 is the purity, not the odds of finding it..... Ok so that falls in line with the asteroid percentages with laser mining % vs Core mining where every chunk actually equals 1 ton straight up... I thought it was a different system.
05 Mar 2022, 1:51am
Pahlusing hats on the stick to navigate to and choose functions.
Ouch. I have throttle 0/100%/-100%/boost on left one, pip switch on right, can't remove them, too important. But, yup, sometimes I think that having 2 hats on each stick would be awesome.
05 Mar 2022, 2:40am
Pahlusing hats on the stick to navigate to and choose functions.

Ouch. I have throttle 0/100%/-100%/boost on left one, pip switch on right, can't remove them, too important. But, yup, sometimes I think that having 2 hats on each stick would be awesome.

The warthog stick has 2 fourways, 1 five way, and 1 eight way, plus the push buttons, does not however have a Z axis, so I use 2 positions of the 5 way hat for yaw control and just keep my thumb rested over it.
05 Mar 2022, 11:36am
Willyum-71 "G2 group"? So are you saying every Geo patch has different ratings like 'the degraded - encoded - HGE' mats?? If so, how can I tell what a GEO site ranks so I can avoid low grade and look for.......... Wait......... So when I looked for planets that say 4.9% Selenium vs the lower %.... I thought that meant that would be the odds on finding it.... You're saying that I'll find it either way but that 4.9 is the purity, not the odds of finding it..... Ok so that falls in line with the asteroid percentages with laser mining % vs Core mining where every chunk actually equals 1 ton straight up... I thought it was a different system.

Look at your right panel>Inventory>Raw Materials. You can filter by material grade. These grades have meaning beyond the cost to trade at the Traders. Each planet gets a distribution of materials allotted by their grade and spawn at various nodes. Each node has a characteristic grade you can expect to get from them. For example Needle Crystals drop G4 materials. If a Planet has a high concentration of, say Polonium, then you can expect polonium to drop from Needle Crystals on that planet. On another planet Needle Crystals might drop another material based on the highest G4 (Grade 4) concentration there.

He then says that there is a bug. The game treats Selenium as if it is Grade 2 when it is listed as G4 in most places you look. Therefore, you would not want to look for Selenium from Needle Crystals despite what the literature says.

Last edit: 08 Mar 2022, 12:49am
05 Mar 2022, 1:31pm
Does exist stome tool what is able to tell me when some carrier left the system 100% filled with carriers?
05 Mar 2022, 2:33pm
PahlThe warthog stick has 2 fourways, 1 five way, and 1 eight way, plus the push buttons, does not however have a Z axis, so I use 2 positions of the 5 way hat for yaw control and just keep my thumb rested over it.
Yup, that's really nice! Sadly, it can't be left-handed.
05 Mar 2022, 2:35pm
PahlThe warthog stick has 2 fourways, 1 five way, and 1 eight way, plus the push buttons, does not however have a Z axis, so I use 2 positions of the 5 way hat for yaw control and just keep my thumb rested over it.

Yup, that's really nice! Sadly, it can't be left-handed.

Might I suggest the Gladiator NXT?
05 Mar 2022, 3:23pm
RotwhylrMight I suggest the Gladiator NXT?
Ow, thank you! Looks really nice and quite affordable. Bookmarked, 2xGladiators will appear on my table when current 2xT16000Ms start to fall apart, lol. Thank you much.

I'm kind of... New to all that virtual piloting world. All spacesims that I've played before were designed for kb+mouse, with optional stick usage.
05 Mar 2022, 4:52pm
Well, Elite is that way too. I just find it much more enjoyable with HOTAS. The more advanced combat pilots will generally coach you to go KBM & FA-off all the time. I just find it's more of a learning curve than I have time or patience for.
05 Mar 2022, 4:53pm
Burstar or something
He then says that there is a bug. The game treats Selenium as if it is Grade 2 when it is listed as G4 in most places you look. Therefore, you would not want to look for Selenium from Crystal Fragments despite what the literature says. Please note I use "Crystal Fragments" as a placeholder name until someone corrects what the correct node for G4 materials is.

Oh ok... I wasn't getting the whole 'it's G2, it's G4' thing.... Thank you.
05 Mar 2022, 4:59pm
RotwhylrWell, Elite is that way too. I just find it much more enjoyable with HOTAS. The more advanced combat pilots will generally coach you to go KBM & FA-off all the time. I just find it's more of a learning curve than I have time or patience for.
Probably yes. There's nothing could be done with FA-off elitism
But I find HOSAS the optimal setup for what I do and I have FA-off button right under the left thumb.
06 Mar 2022, 12:49pm
RotwhylrWell, Elite is that way too. I just find it much more enjoyable with HOTAS. The more advanced combat pilots will generally coach you to go KBM & FA-off all the time. I just find it's more of a learning curve than I have time or patience for.

Probably yes. There's nothing could be done with FA-off elitism
But I find HOSAS the optimal setup for what I do and I have FA-off button right under the left thumb.

I use hotas only for supercruise and landing. Everything else is keyboard and mouse and FA OFF
06 Mar 2022, 4:55pm
SalmoneaI use hotas only for supercruise and landing. Everything else is keyboard and mouse and FA OFF
I'm too fed up with working on the same PC to play with KB+M.
07 Mar 2022, 7:05am
I'm wondering if is more sci-fi the FA or the Hypedrive
07 Mar 2022, 7:08am
Jimbo DelI'm wondering if is more sci-fi the FA or the Hypedrive
"You are going to die here in case of any accident" stations with only one narrow entrance/exit.

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