Elite: Game talk

13 Mar 2022, 12:52am
Using a 2080ti and vive pro 2 with VR medium/high settings at 90 to 120fps in HazRez rings.
Could play ultra on the original vive resolution.
13 Mar 2022, 1:00am
F22WarzoneX1Being honest, I'm glad they are no longer updating the console game. Gives them more time to focus on PC.
And honestly surprised that they even still update the PC version. Lot of players give em a lot of shit, you know how hard it is to go to work when you read how much people dislike your product? Whats the last perfect thing you have produced for money?

they should however make a transfer program for ships, modules, engineering. forcing em to do the grinds a 2nd time is uncool*

Look dude, it's time to wake up from this fairy tale you have whirling around in that head of yours. They haven't done anything in regards to working on console yet because the base game is STILL ( a YEAR later) not even close to where it needs to be in order to be console compatible. Cancelling console support is NOT going to increase their speed of ED:O development. What it WILL do is remove any need for them to truly optimize the game to run at Horizons level performance. THAT is why they are cancelling console support. The amount of time and effort it would take for them to hose down the pile of manure that is 9 years of slopped on and rushed out the door code (due to MGMT demand, not programmer capability ftr) is too much for consoles to be worth it anymore. This is their chickens coming home to roost and the console community is paying for it. Guess what: we're next.

What you can expect now that the cat's out of the bag: ED:O will never attain Horizons level performance (in space or on ground), and I doubt it will ever look near as good as Horizons does. New AmAz0rS content will get sporadically released full of bugs and half thought out with zero community input as usual because 9 years in they clearly don't give a F, and every little thing they can do to milk the Arx out of you will happen. (see: 20000 Arx purchase for red lights instead of blue in the bar). But people will gladly pay for it because this is the only thing they've got in their life.
13 Mar 2022, 1:54am
Alex Hoffmann

can transfer them to an engineer an add an effect, but with an server error message than..
so far not modifiable for me too, maybe in the next days.. like the fsd´s a few campaigns ago..

So you managed to modify those FSD from a previous CG?

yep, i put mass manager effect on all delivered.. was not possible the first time but after a week or so was possible.. than it appeared that they was leveled down to grad 2 or 3 but dont worry..
just relog and all is fine that way i got my prengineered fsd´s with mass effect on.. but it seem they are locked after that ! all of them
13 Mar 2022, 1:55am
F22WarzoneX1Using a 2080ti and vive pro 2 with VR medium/high settings at 90 to 120fps in HazRez rings.
Could play ultra on the original vive resolution.

Thanx, my card is a lower tier. Your card is still in the 1,200 to 1,500 range after 3 years, always been a very solid performer. I was considering it when I built my current system (before I got into VR), so I know it's compatible, and I'm running all M.2 NvMe drives and DDR4 ram (or 5,,, I forgot which)... But if I'm gonna have to go $1,500, I should probably just build a new system since this one works fine for all my music studio and grafx apps (and the rest of my VR titles). Would have been an easy decision if Odessey-legs was in VR and they hadn't already told us they have no plans to further/support VR... Would love to just keep playing what I got 'as-is'.
Thank you very much.
13 Mar 2022, 2:10am
I agree with Aleks and Burstar. The idea that FDev is now going to focus 100% on Odyssey is rubbish; they were doing that already for almost a year. Their announcement is simply an admission of failure. They tried to replace client 3.7 with client 4.0 on PC and consoles, but failed. The separation between EDH and EDO players on PC is now permanent, the player base remains fragmented. It's bad news for consoles and PC alike. Anyone trying to spin this into something positive isn't getting the full picture.
13 Mar 2022, 2:27am
I see D2EA is expecting a merge of Horizons and Odyssey on PC. Technically that could happen tomorrow; client 4.0 has had the ability to run in Horizons mode and even in pre-Horizons base game mode since the early alpha days, but I think at this point it would lock too many players out of the game. Anyway, the next few weeks are going to be interesting...
13 Mar 2022, 3:16am
Willyum-71... card is still in the 1,200 to 1,500 range after 3 years...

Which is insane since that's as much as I paid for it new when it came out.

Maybe if all the stars align, we'll have horizons performance, console transfer, VR legs, and MSRP priced GPU's by the end of the year?
I would love to see one instance of elite, think it would keep the game going for people.
13 Mar 2022, 3:19am
SalmoneaSo... I wrote on ED forum. Guess how fast this post will disappear

forum link

I hope here is freedom of speach and I can freely tell my opinion. I am very sorry, I dont want be rude or insult somone, but after so long time of lies, broken promises, bugs and schedules I am kinda out of patience. David Braben told us he dont will sell ED studio. But for me its like he is holding this dying corpse and dont want release it to someone who can heal it. We love this game and I belive Fdevs does too. But in every case of love if something goes wrong and one in realationship suffers from that love, we should let that person go. I dont understand why you cant just admint you took biger bite than you can handle. I think for example Microsoft could save this game. I know you will delete this posts very quicky, but nevermind. At least you will just know one voice from thousands devoted and disappointed customers.

I disagree with the idea that Microsoft being able to save this game, Microsoft wouldn’t know what todo with it
13 Mar 2022, 6:17am
Which is insane since that's as much as I paid for it new when it came out.

Maybe if all the stars align, we'll have horizons performance, console transfer, VR legs, and MSRP priced GPU's by the end of the year?
I would love to see one instance of elite, think it would keep the game going for people.

Man, I really hope so... I know I'm only in my honey-moon phase of this sim (4 months), But I really, really love ED... Since I've been out from work on quarantine (cause one of my patients didn't want to tell me what they... anyway...). I've been living in ED for hours a day in VR like I was in the Matrix lol. I can honestly say, with me being into science and astronomy from a child, and ED being so accurate.... ED was the one thing that kept me from depression while I sat up to avoid drowning from the blood filling my lungs, in total isolation, for months.... and now that I'm cleared to go back to work in 2 weeks, I'm thinking about biting my lip and act like I'm coughing up blood so my staff will let me stay home and play ED forever...... yeah, that was a little dramatic lol.
But really, ED saved my life during a really scary time for me...
13 Mar 2022, 9:47am
Hi, I need some help I'm trying to find Meta Alloys, I went to a fleet carrier that this site said the had stock ( 15 )...but once I docked and look they had nothing to sell!! so how do I find them? thanks in advance

CMDR Longshanks
13 Mar 2022, 10:03am
Longshanks3054Hi, I need some help I'm trying to find Meta Alloys, I went to a fleet carrier that this site said the had stock ( 15 )...but once I docked and look they had nothing to sell!! so how do I find them? thanks in advance

CMDR Longshanks

This site for the most part relies on crowd-sourced data provided to EDDB and itself so the information is only as good as the last time it was accurately provided. Remember the old saying "if at first you don't succeed, consider your first attempt and any methodology used completely useless".

;tldr go to another carrier listed on this site (make sure you're looking at export, not import), or visit a Thargoid Barnacle Site to farm it yourself, or buy them from Darnielle's Progress in Maia.
13 Mar 2022, 10:09am
Willyum-71How is Odessey Performing in VR on 'Average-rated' gaming PC's? Example, my VR PC runs Horizons fine (a little stuttering in asteroid fields and on ground about 20-30% of the time, but very playable with no motion sickness). when I tried Odessey back in November it was un-playable for me.
I'm a VR-Only player, and my concern is that I will lose E.D. completely until I can upgrade to a $3-4k system when they take away Horizons code from PC.
So is it playable now with the updates from the last few months (on average VR PC)? Or only top of the line VR setups?

On my PC with RTX 2060 it's playable on a little above minimum settings. From time to time it starts stuttering, then I put of headset, switch the tasks, put on headset again and it runs fine. Weird.
Headset is Quest 2.
13 Mar 2022, 11:22am
Hi fellow Commanders

I email FD about ED on Consoles and got this reply so hopefully I can continue to play for many years

"Hello CMDR,

Thanks for being in touch with us.

We will continue to support Elite Dangerous on console through patches which will include bug fixes and resolving issues within the game.

You will certainly be able to continue playing Elite Dangerous on your console, we're not abandoning our console players!

Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.

Kind Regards,
Support Agent
Frontier Developments Customer Support "
13 Mar 2022, 11:35am
That's not surprising. They never said they would shut EDH down.

But they did say they would re-unite EDH and EDO players on PC at some point. The galaxy split was meant to be temporary.

Also I'm curious about future CGs. Special rewards such as new double-engineered modules, paint jobs or decals might become unavailable for EDH players if FDev is serious about working on a single codebase.
13 Mar 2022, 2:39pm
Burstar or something
Longshanks3054Hi, I need some help I'm trying to find Meta Alloys, I went to a fleet carrier that this site said the had stock ( 15 )...but once I docked and look they had nothing to sell!! so how do I find them? thanks in advance

CMDR Longshanks

This site for the most part relies on crowd-sourced data provided to EDDB and itself so the information is only as good as the last time it was accurately provided. Remember the old saying "if at first you don't succeed, consider your first attempt and any methodology used completely useless".

;tldr go to another carrier listed on this site (make sure you're looking at export, not import), or visit a Thargoid Barnacle Site to farm it yourself, or buy them from Darnielle's Progress in Maia.

Thanks for the advice

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