Elite: Game talk

20 Mar 2022, 6:49pm
Yum Kax
Yuna Sakashiro
Yum KaxWould someone point me towards a guide to combat for novices please..

tips on weapons, engineering [grunt] system settings, tactics etc. all gratefully received.

I'm practicing, but it's not easy to learn from scratch

PvE or PvP?

I'm guessing PvE might be the best place to learn the basics...

[I've already checked out your butt, I mean fighters]

I'm want to be using a courier

Hi there,
I am new to combat as well, for now I am using Krait MK II with turreted AX multicanons, prismatic shields, guardian shield reinforcements and hunting for thargoid scouts.
Its lots of fun.
Scouts have no shields so taking them out is quick.
I practice targeting and driving.
Great way to break into combat aspect of this sim.
There are many tutorials on ED combat and outfitting ships and so on.
But I noticed that your play style will determine what you use.
I play with xbox controller so my play style is more laid back, so I get max shields, turrets set my pips and just concentrate on targeting and flying
The choices you have to accomplish your goal are endless in this sim.
So try things out and see what works for you.
Happy hunting, o7
20 Mar 2022, 7:44pm
The UI still does weird things when adding an experimental effect to a pre-engineered FSD from the Colonia Bridge CG. Will they ever fix that?
20 Mar 2022, 7:54pm
Gryphnnwhat do you mean with "explorations stars", the next exploration rank elite cycle, right?

If you click on your or other cmdr profile in INARA, it shows cmdr badges with stars on top for accomplishments for example mine shows that I reached 2 stars in travel, 3 stars in exploration and 1 star in trading; yours are 2 stars in travel and 1 star in exploration and etc. So my question is: I have 2 stars for travel and 3 for exploration and you have 2 for travel and only 1 for exploration but your rank is Elite II for exploration, mine is just Elite even though I have 3 stars rating and you have only 1, how is it possible that you are 2 ranks higher than I?
20 Mar 2022, 8:19pm
Gryphnnwhat do you mean with "explorations stars", the next exploration rank elite cycle, right?

If you click on your or other cmdr profile in INARA, it shows cmdr badges with stars on top for accomplishments for example mine shows that I reached 2 stars in travel, 3 stars in exploration and 1 star in trading; yours are 2 stars in travel and 1 star in exploration and etc. So my question is: I have 2 stars for travel and 3 for exploration and you have 2 for travel and only 1 for exploration but your rank is Elite II for exploration, mine is just Elite even though I have 3 stars rating and you have only 1, how is it possible that you are 2 ranks higher than I?

I'm guessing they do fewer "level 3" planet scans.
20 Mar 2022, 8:37pm
Gryphnnwhat do you mean with "explorations stars", the next exploration rank elite cycle, right?

If you click on your or other cmdr profile in INARA, it shows cmdr badges with stars on top for accomplishments for example mine shows that I reached 2 stars in travel, 3 stars in exploration and 1 star in trading; yours are 2 stars in travel and 1 star in exploration and etc. So my question is: I have 2 stars for travel and 3 for exploration and you have 2 for travel and only 1 for exploration but your rank is Elite II for exploration, mine is just Elite even though I have 3 stars rating and you have only 1, how is it possible that you are 2 ranks higher than I?

I have exploration rank Elite V ingame (EDO has 5 extra ranks). I only have 2-stars in my exploration Inara because a) Inara has fewer level 3 scans than I have ingame and b) exploration rank ingame is purely based on selling carto data which I’ve done mAny times over. while Inara is based on level 3 scans.
I don’t scan anything worth less than 1 mill.
20 Mar 2022, 9:16pm
QuillmonkeyI have exploration rank Elite V ingame (EDO has 5 extra ranks). I only have 2-stars in my exploration Inara because a) Inara has fewer level 3 scans than I have ingame and b) exploration rank ingame is purely based on selling carto data which I’ve done mAny times over. while Inara is based on level 3 scans.
I don’t scan anything worth less than 1 mill.

Also before planets would automatically get surface scanned when getting close to a certain distance, while now you need to do it yourself. Same for FSS which back then your Discovery scanner would do for you automatically.
Since I never visited many systems back then I have never passively gotten many of these level 3 scans.
20 Mar 2022, 9:43pm
Gryphnnwhat do you mean with "explorations stars", the next exploration rank elite cycle, right?

If you click on your or other cmdr profile in INARA, it shows cmdr badges with stars on top for accomplishments for example mine shows that I reached 2 stars in travel, 3 stars in exploration and 1 star in trading; yours are 2 stars in travel and 1 star in exploration and etc. So my question is: I have 2 stars for travel and 3 for exploration and you have 2 for travel and only 1 for exploration but your rank is Elite II for exploration, mine is just Elite even though I have 3 stars rating and you have only 1, how is it possible that you are 2 ranks higher than I?

I have exploration rank Elite V ingame (EDO has 5 extra ranks). I only have 2-stars in my exploration Inara because a) Inara has fewer level 3 scans than I have ingame and b) exploration rank ingame is purely based on selling carto data which I’ve done mAny times over. while Inara is based on level 3 scans.
I don’t scan anything worth less than 1 mill.

Yeah, was just about to say that your result of 2-stars but Elite V exploration could be explained by things like dedicated Road-to-Riches running. If all you scan are Terraformed and Earthlikes you'll get to Elite V in no time, but your badges will not increase nearly as much.

Also, to clarify the mistaken perception: ODYSSEY EXPLORATION DOES NOTPAY MORE THAN STANDARD HORIZONS EXPLORATION. I've ranted about this before. Do a search for Burstar+Exobiology and I'm sure it'll be easy to find. It's the 10 page essay on how FDev game design can seriously go F itself sometimes.
20 Mar 2022, 10:43pm
Burstar or something

Has someone claimed that it does?
Don’t know much about road to riches but guess that it could be highly profitable for early explo rank.
But also get high ingame rank by claiming 1st discovery on 2,900+ systems. Can’t help but rack up a few carto dollars that way.
20 Mar 2022, 11:19pm
Burstar or something

Has someone claimed that it does?
Don’t know much about road to riches but guess that it could be highly profitable for early explo rank.
But also get high ingame rank by claiming 1st discovery on 2,900+ systems. Can’t help but rack up a few carto dollars that way.

Not you, Shg56 thought that might be the case.

Edit: Road to Riches would be highly profitable all the way up to Elite V. It is essentially a search for ELW and bodies worth >1mill. It trades the exploration experience, and first discovery bonus for streamlined grind. I use a modified version of it for BGS work myself.

Last edit: 20 Mar 2022, 11:25pm
20 Mar 2022, 11:20pm
Sure in power of indeed to all of your answers but the reality is if you are not in odyssey you are little people.
20 Mar 2022, 11:55pm
How much difference in power plant efficiency is needed before it is actually noticeable?
21 Mar 2022, 1:19am
Shg56Sure in power of indeed to all of your answers but the reality is if you are not in odyssey you are little people.

That's really not the case at all. Most of Odyssey is just different, but not better.
Exploration: Standard FSS > Exobiology
Making Money: The top earning techniques are all in space. Yes, with a fully engineered combat suit you can come close to most other methods in HGCZs, but it's still a mess with bugs and lackluster gameplay mechanics. Speaking of HGCZs...
Winning wars: HSCZ wins > HGCZs wins. Even considering the extra bonds earned on the ground CZs and their faster turnover if you're in it to win the war then stay in your ship
BGS missions: EDH > EDO in maximum reward potential, speed to complete, mission stacking, and their influence over the BGS.

Frankly, the only thing that gives an ED:O player an advantage is that its Settlements are additional sources of trade goods that might otherwise be unavailable in the area you're in, or for missions, Black Markets, etc... BUT, they are tiny. Their supply and demand are typically insufficient to fill your ship's hold, and being on the planet surface means extra travel time. Still they are a thing.

I have an Epic alt that is Horizons only. I have zero desire to buy the DLC for it. It is essentially an excuse to increase the grind threefold and you really don't get much of anything worth being salty about. Yes, it is teh new shiny but only because 'the grass is greener on the other side of the fence'. It really isn't though, and you see this if you'd 'clean your glasses and take a closer look'.

You'll notice I just talked about the gameplay. The GD mess of a state it's still in after ELEVEN F'ing updates is ridiculous and worthy of it's own rant but that gets old fast so I'll end it here.
21 Mar 2022, 1:59am
Burstar or somethingThat's really not the case at all. Most of Odyssey is just different, but not better.

Odyssey inflates Elite ranks thus the egos of their cmdrs. The real achievements are in the stars on cmdr badges not in the ranks. Let's finish that discussion. It is what it is.
21 Mar 2022, 5:56am
Burstar or somethingThat's really not the case at all. Most of Odyssey is just different, but not better.

Odyssey inflates Elite ranks thus the egos of their cmdrs. The real achievements are in the stars on cmdr badges not in the ranks. Let's finish that discussion. It is what it is.

Ah, I see the problem. You're buying into the idea that Elite 1-5 are 'prestige' ranks, when really they are anything but. In fact, I think the case can be made that due to the discontinuation of console development that Artie should consider removing any Inara Rank benefits from Elite1-5 or even the ED:O related subcategory badges (like Samaritan). It should probably become a value based on [ ( current ranks/total possible rank ) + ( Current Badges / Total Badges available by version ) + Logbook contributions ]. While this math, or something similar, would actually hurt Odyssey players in the short term because their merits would be diluted by the increase in available badges to fulfill they could still theoretically compete with ED:H users, despite the dilution, due to the increase in available methods to create log entries. Alternatively, the Inara Ranks could be separated into 2 classes so that Horizons users don't automatically take a 1000 position penalty.

As it stands now, Inara is basically segregating console users into a second-class status through no fault of their own. I mean, if you buy into that sort of thing.
In an ideal world, ED:H would get the Elite 1-5 ranks added to them but who here honestly thinks FDev would ever do that?

Also, this could also be an argument for a Piracy Badge to help level the playing field, but I don't care about this particular thing either way so I'll just let the idea fester.

Last edit: 21 Mar 2022, 6:24am
21 Mar 2022, 6:57am
Burstar or something
Odyssey inflates Elite ranks thus the egos of their cmdrs. The real achievements are in the stars on cmdr badges not in the ranks. Let's finish that discussion. It is what it is.
Ah, I see the problem. You're buying into the idea that Elite 1-5 are 'prestige' ranks, when really they are anything but. In fact, I think the case can be made that due to the discontinuation of console development that Artie should consider removing any Inara Rank benefits from Elite1-5 or even the ED:O related subcategory badges (like Samaritan). It should probably become a value based on [ ( current ranks/total possible rank ) + ( Current Badges / Total Badges available by version ) + Logbook contributions ]. While this math, or something similar, would actually hurt Odyssey players in the short term because their merits would be diluted by the increase in available badges to fulfill they could still theoretically compete with ED:H users, despite the dilution, due to the increase in available methods to create log entries. Alternatively, the Inara Ranks could be separated into 2 classes so that Horizons users don't automatically take a 1000 position penalty.

As it stands now, Inara is basically segregating console users into a second-class status through no fault of their own. I mean, if you buy into that sort of thing.
In an ideal world, ED:H would get the Elite 1-5 ranks added to them but who here honestly thinks FDev would ever do that?

Also, this could also be an argument for a Piracy Badge to help level the playing field, but I don't care about this particular thing either way so I'll just let the idea fester.

Personally, I would rather not even have ranks at all in-game or at least make them useful. I would prefer something like unlocking titles that somehow buff certain aspects of gameplay depending on which one you choose to use at any given time. Combat titles buff certain combat abilities, trading titles buff buy/sell prices, etc. As it stands ranks are just a way of saying "Congratulations, you are persistent and may or may not be skilled."

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