Elite: Game talk

19 Mar 2022, 9:12pm
GryphnnThere should be an option to pull out your SRV and get some canisters of fuel at Surface settlements, just drive for potentially 300km
Or shoot some rocks, collect smaller rocks and squeeze a bit of space gas out of them!
19 Mar 2022, 10:56pm
Question to Horizons players, is it possible that system with bio planets and planets with bio sites have different bio species in the same system or on the same planet? It happened that I found bio paradise, it has 20 planets with bio sites and I am wondering if it would worth to visit all 20 of them. Thanks
19 Mar 2022, 11:33pm
To my knowledge, Horizons has only a handful of bio species. These could be things like brain trees (much beloved of guardian sites) or even crystal shards, so it would certainly be worth dropping in on at least one just to check. But the kind of diversity of Odyssey is just not present in Horizons
19 Mar 2022, 11:58pm
QuillmonkeyTo my knowledge, Horizons has only a handful of bio species

My previous experience with bio tells that there is only one bio specie per system in EDH but I never before came across of so many bio planets/sites in the same system, so I am wondering if there is an exception from the above observation though I don't want to waste my time visiting 20 planets to prove it. So I would be nice to know if the exception is possible and it was observed by commanders like you with Elite V rank for exploration while having just 2 stars for it.

Last edit: 20 Mar 2022, 12:24am
20 Mar 2022, 7:57am
QuillmonkeyTo my knowledge, Horizons has only a handful of bio species

My previous experience with bio tells that there is only one bio specie per system in EDH but I never before came across of so many bio planets/sites in the same system, so I am wondering if there is an exception from the above observation though I don't want to waste my time visiting 20 planets to prove it. So I would be nice to know if the exception is possible and it was observed by commanders like you with Elite V rank for exploration while having just 2 stars for it.

That's not the case with ED:O exobiology. With ED:O the limitation is a maximum 1 of each genus/planet. If you have a system with 20 planets and every one contains life signs, then it is possible to scan a Bacterium and a Tussock on each planet in that system. You would get rewards for all 40 scans in that case. However, the likelihood that the life you find on those 20 planets is worth scanning is low. The only planet conditions I bothered investigating near the end of my Exobiology career were Thin Water, Sulfur Dioxide, and Oxygen atmospheres with a temperature range between 150K and 350K. CO2 and NH3 atmospheres are tempting due to their high number of possible genus' but their scan value means you're working hard, not smart.

Once you've 'oohed and ahhed' at the amaz0rs exobiology content enough you'll get to the point you just want to get it over with. At this point (and really as soon as you get close/begin) you want to consult Canonn's website etc... and look at the Flora value and environment preferences to figure out WHAT is worth the time to scan, and WHERE you're likely to find it.
20 Mar 2022, 11:47am
Burstar or somethingThe only planet conditions I bothered investigating near the end of my Exobiology career were Thin Water, Sulfur Dioxide, and Oxygen atmospheres with a temperature range between 150K and 350K. CO2 and NH3 atmospheres are tempting due to their high number of possible genus' but their scan value means you're working hard, not smart.

My question was specifically addressed to Horizons players with extensive exploration experience not about Odyssey flowers, bacteria and etc. Though thank you for the hints about atmospheres and temp. ranges, they might help.
20 Mar 2022, 1:47pm
Burstar or somethingThe only planet conditions I bothered investigating near the end of my Exobiology career were Thin Water, Sulfur Dioxide, and Oxygen atmospheres with a temperature range between 150K and 350K. CO2 and NH3 atmospheres are tempting due to their high number of possible genus' but their scan value means you're working hard, not smart.

My question was specifically addressed to Horizons players with extensive exploration experience not about Odyssey flowers, bacteria and etc. Though thank you for the hints about atmospheres and temp. ranges, they might help.

Ahh, well your appeal to Elite V distracted me

There's definitely more than one species per system though. I have seen Horizons flora 3 same genus, but 3 separate species on 1 planet before.

Edit: in fact, it was a source of great consternation during the initial release of ED:O because people were arguing there's more than 1 of a species per planet for ED:O exobiology and multiple species/planet is afaik only a thing for ED:H.
20 Mar 2022, 2:55pm
Would someone point me towards a guide to combat for novices please..

tips on weapons, engineering [grunt] system settings, tactics etc. all gratefully received.

I'm practicing, but it's not easy to learn from scratch
20 Mar 2022, 3:45pm
Yum KaxWould someone point me towards a guide to combat for novices please..

tips on weapons, engineering [grunt] system settings, tactics etc. all gratefully received.

I'm practicing, but it's not easy to learn from scratch

PvE or PvP?
20 Mar 2022, 3:51pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Yum KaxWould someone point me towards a guide to combat for novices please..

tips on weapons, engineering [grunt] system settings, tactics etc. all gratefully received.

I'm practicing, but it's not easy to learn from scratch

PvE or PvP?

I'm guessing PvE might be the best place to learn the basics...

[I've already checked out your butt, I mean fighters]

I'm want to be using a courier
20 Mar 2022, 4:10pm
Yum KaxI'm want to be using a courier

Good choice!
20 Mar 2022, 5:19pm
Burstar or somethingAhh, well your appeal to Elite V distracted me

It was not the appeal but rather the abstract question to cmdr: Quillmonkey where and how he got his Elite V exploration rank with just 2/2 (travel/exploration) stars when my rank is just Elite for 2/3 star respectively. It looks like Odyssey is rewarding much higher that Horizons.

Last edit: 20 Mar 2022, 5:27pm
20 Mar 2022, 5:25pm
Shg56Quillmonkey where he got his Elite V exploration rank with just 2/2 (travel/exploration) stars when my rank is just Elite for 2/3 star respectively. It looks like Odyssey is rewarding much higher that Horizons.
More likely he was doing more scanning and less jumping than you.
20 Mar 2022, 5:34pm
MeowersMore likely he was doing more scanning and less jumping than you.

Exploration stars are rewarded for the number of system visited and scanned, they are like siamese conjoined twins, you could not move higher without both.
20 Mar 2022, 6:34pm
No, it's the amount of money you make from selling.
High-value targets are the same in both horizons and odyssey.

Or what do you mean with "explorations stars", the next exploration rank elite cycle, right?

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