Elite: Game talk

01 Jan 2016, 7:40pm
Jack Dekerdt
OliviaVesperaYesh haapy new year guys!

And to you! Happy festivus all!

Ahhhh, and now...the airing of the grievances! I have a lot of problems with you people!

And next... Feats of Strength.
01 Jan 2016, 7:41pm
Yuru BellumnAnyone does know about a discounted Fer-De-Lance? I know i have to look in Li Yong's systems but cant seem to even find a starport with a FDL, thanks in advance.

What's the size of the discount and how long does it last?
01 Jan 2016, 8:41pm
Yuru BellumnAnyone does know about a discounted Fer-De-Lance? I know i have to look in Li Yong's systems but cant seem to even find a starport with a FDL, thanks in advance.

What's the size of the discount and how long does it last?

15% ship and equip .. all the time (no expiration) .. 109 Piscium have FDL and alot equip
01 Jan 2016, 10:07pm
Martind Forlon
Yuru BellumnAnyone does know about a discounted Fer-De-Lance? I know i have to look in Li Yong's systems but cant seem to even find a starport with a FDL, thanks in advance.

What's the size of the discount and how long does it last?

15% ship and equip .. all the time (no expiration) .. 109 Piscium have FDL and alot equip

^ That.
01 Jan 2016, 10:45pm
Has anyone got a decent controls mapping for the SRV and Saitek X52 Pro? Seems by default nothing is mapped.
01 Jan 2016, 11:02pm
Martind Forlon
Yuru BellumnAnyone does know about a discounted Fer-De-Lance? I know i have to look in Li Yong's systems but cant seem to even find a starport with a FDL, thanks in advance.

What's the size of the discount and how long does it last?

15% ship and equip .. all the time (no expiration) .. 109 Piscium have FDL and alot equip

Thanks dude was, got me a sexy new ship with retarded translation to my language but w/e that, Thanks again
01 Jan 2016, 11:27pm
As much as I love writing Logbooks, I have to fight the urge to keep writing them. Feels like they're getting to spammy from my end.
02 Jan 2016, 12:10am
XeknosAs much as I love writing Logbooks, I have to fight the urge to keep writing them. Feels like they're getting to spammy from my end.

Logbooks are fun unfortunately I am busy writing a plot (the role-play story is part of it )for the new wing I want to create .
and am not really able to keep it up to date.

Please don't get discouraged from writing . the log books it gives the game play more history and a real live feel to it.

especially when character creation and multi crew ships come later this year everything what you write now will be part of your history and legacy in the game .
02 Jan 2016, 2:39am
Jack Dekerdt
OliviaVesperaYesh haapy new year guys!

And to you! Happy festivus all!

Ahhhh, and now...the airing of the grievances! I have a lot of problems with you people!

Ozram...you sit over by Kruger...

And next... Feats of Strength.
02 Jan 2016, 2:43am
James HussarHas anyone got a decent controls mapping for the SRV and Saitek X52 Pro? Seems by default nothing is mapped.

I'm on X55 and nothing much was mapped either. Pilot controls I basically just duplicated from ship controls without any issues. Have not got around to the turret specific controls yet, just have not needed them. If anyone on X52-55 cares to share their map, that would be appreciated. I can do my own but I enjoy seeing how others set them up.
02 Jan 2016, 2:46am
XeknosAs much as I love writing Logbooks, I have to fight the urge to keep writing them. Feels like they're getting to spammy from my end.

How do you mean 'spamming'? I haven't seen any logbooks advertising galaxy brides or making $5000 day for posting tiny ads on Galnet, lmao
02 Jan 2016, 2:49am
Jack Dekerdt
XeknosAs much as I love writing Logbooks, I have to fight the urge to keep writing them. Feels like they're getting to spammy from my end.

How do you mean 'spamming'? I haven't seen any logbooks advertising galaxy brides or making $5000 day for posting tiny ads on Galnet, lmao

Increase the size of your anaconda with this one weird trick!
02 Jan 2016, 2:58am
Nova Cassidy
Jack Dekerdt
XeknosAs much as I love writing Logbooks, I have to fight the urge to keep writing them. Feels like they're getting to spammy from my end.

How do you mean 'spamming'? I haven't seen any logbooks advertising galaxy brides or making $5000 day for posting tiny ads on Galnet, lmao

Increase the size of your anaconda with this one weird trick!

02 Jan 2016, 3:42am
Nova Cassidy
Jack Dekerdt
XeknosAs much as I love writing Logbooks, I have to fight the urge to keep writing them. Feels like they're getting to spammy from my end.

How do you mean 'spamming'? I haven't seen any logbooks advertising galaxy brides or making $5000 day for posting tiny ads on Galnet, lmao

Increase the size of your anaconda with this one weird trick!

02 Jan 2016, 4:14am
Have a mission to deliver goods to Bering Settlement on Mahau except despite buying system data AND settlement data, there appears to be no Bering Settlement. I checked the mission several times and that is the listed delivery port and the Mahau is correctly referenced on the galaxy map for deliver but no delivery icon within the system itself either in space or on planets. Anyone know where this is or experienced this? Thanks.

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