Elite: Game talk

10 Aug 2024, 10:19pm
KensaiVGYeah, my lack of Odyssey (The DLC itself, I'm on live galaxy) is the reason I'm restructuring my plans. Rescue I've never quite gotten into but I could check. Trading yeah I've gotten a few mills per trip with my mining Python (Which I'm wondering if I should switch to laser mining as apparently the profitability gap between laser and core has dropped)

Mining and trading does not appeal to everyone, but it does to me.

My trick to core mining is to find a system paying high prices for a mineral then find that mineral in a planetary ring close by. 700-800K per ton adds up fast.

I also game the mining missions without having to do any mining by taking mining missions for minerals that can be purchased. I don't mind paying 50K per ton for gold if a mission from another station is paying me 300k per ton to "mine" it. Easy 250k/ton profit for little to no actual work.

Overall, mining and trading does not generate money as fast as other activities, but it is super easy to advance through the elite trader levels.
10 Aug 2024, 10:26pm
My main issue with core mining is unreliability. feels I'm never sure if I will get anything off a mining trip or if I'll spend an hour of naught
10 Aug 2024, 10:34pm
Yeah, it can be kind of annoying when you are in a hotspot and all of the cores have something other than what the hotspot is supposed to have. Then there are the long stretches of not finding a suitable rock to open up. That is why I outfit my mining ships for all three types of mining in order to break up the monotony.
10 Aug 2024, 10:38pm
I do have room for a bunch of lasers. I saw a few guides (Still getting my bearings too much to trust my gut) say you should do one or the other, is there any real reason to or should I pop on a laser or two and a subsurface launcher?

It'd make me a bit of a sitting duck in terms of armory but I can reliably get out of NPC interdictions so not the WORST case scenario.
10 Aug 2024, 11:04pm
Generally, excelling at one thing is better than being mediocre in several, however I outfit for all three for these reasons.
1) just to break up the monotony of single purpose mining
2) To take advantage of any opportunity to get a decent mineral by other means
3) To mine throw away minerals for NPC pirates

With regards to number 3, NPCs will wither demand a tonnage of a certain material, or just demand total tonnage of any material in the cargo. So, if all you have are high value minerals, that is all you can dump if you cannot get away. However, if they demand X amount of tons without specifying what they want, you can dump the cheap minerals.

I have found that by keeping 3-4 different materials in cargo, they tend to just demand tonnage. I usually have 1 or maybe two minerals I am after and the others are cheap, usually no more than 5% of the total cargo capacity each.

I am kind of a weirdo in that I use a T9 for mining. 2 Seismic launchers, 1 abrasion, 1 laser, 1 subsurface, so no weapons. With 600+ tons of cargo I can stay for days in a ring. The problem with logging out in a ring is that you encounter pirates when logging back in. I tend to just dump cargo and go right back to mining rather than try to run. What I give up to NPC pirates I can easily get back.

Last edit: 10 Aug 2024, 11:10pm
10 Aug 2024, 11:33pm
Aunty SledgeThe patch only went live on Wednesday, I suspect you won't get anything until Thursday.

No, people already received rewards for the invasions which completed for the cycle that started (just under) three days ago, and Frontier said it would immediately begin counting contributions on the Wednesday, to be awarded on system completion, which appears to be treated as "When they reach 100%", not when the reset happens and states clear. As there's been people who shared getting a "Tier 1 contribution reward" message... yet others who were fairly certain they'd contributed significantly got zilch (and there was a mention of a "bottom 25%" reward in the patch notes, which would make you think anybody that assists can get a reward even if they only mop up Scouts or can only kill some Cyclops).

Hence why there's the impression something about it appears broken or not as described... not that I can be sure.
10 Aug 2024, 11:34pm
BeetchleAnyone else's game been rendered unplayable since the update like mine? All I get is a screen that's about 80% red.
I submitted a support request last week but have heard nothing back as yet.

Try to check your cables, install the latest graphics driver, etc. first, you know, the usual stuff. If that won't help, it seems there is a few threads on Elite Reddit, some even pretty old, with people having a similar problem - not sure what the solution is though as I checked them just briefly, but you may find some info that may help there.
11 Aug 2024, 8:36pm
Need help again, but this time I have surpassed myself in stupidity:
I flew my ship to Marco Qwent on Sirius/Lucifer, manually parked next to the station, got out, walked around a bit, shot a rock, got a penalty. So far, so clumsy. Then I called a shuttle and flew to my home base (Magnus Gateway on EZ Aquarii) just for fun. Now I've been wandering around the lobby for what feels like hours trying to either board one of my ships stored there or get to the ship I left behind. Neither works. Does anyone have any idea what I can do? Thanks in advance.

Update: I found the Inter Astra Bureau at the station and was able to have my ship picked up. As a self-punishment for my stupidity, I'll leave the question in here anyway; maybe there's someone else who's had this happen to them. But I believe or hope that nobody else is as stupid as I was.

Last edit: 11 Aug 2024, 8:48pm
12 Aug 2024, 3:35am
Ralph ThumNeed help again, but this time I have surpassed myself in stupidity:
I flew my ship to Marco Qwent on Sirius/Lucifer, manually parked next to the station, got out, walked around a bit, shot a rock, got a penalty. So far, so clumsy. Then I called a shuttle and flew to my home base (Magnus Gateway on EZ Aquarii) just for fun. Now I've been wandering around the lobby for what feels like hours trying to either board one of my ships stored there or get to the ship I left behind. Neither works. Does anyone have any idea what I can do? Thanks in advance.

Update: I found the Inter Astra Bureau at the station and was able to have my ship picked up. As a self-punishment for my stupidity, I'll leave the question in here anyway; maybe there's someone else who's had this happen to them. But I believe or hope that nobody else is as stupid as I was.

...you can walk into surface settlements? like, not the odyssey settlements, but the planetary port ones?
12 Aug 2024, 3:51am
Kind of. You'd have to land somewhere that is not a landing pad near the base and then get out of the ship, or use the SRV deploy function in the ship hangar, then get out of the vehicle (can be fun to drive around one of the planetary ports with one for a little, as I discovered a month or three ago doing some BGS and deciding to use that function for the first time in several years of playing... which also resulted in this picture).

12 Aug 2024, 3:59am
Kasumi GotoKind of. You'd have to land somewhere that is not a landing pad near the base and then get out of the ship, or use the SRV deploy function in the ship hangar, then get out of the vehicle (can be fun to drive around one of the planetary ports with one for a little, as I discovered a month or three ago doing some BGS and deciding to use that function for the first time in several years of playing... which also resulted in this picture).

i haven't figured out how to get inside but im having a blast lol

12 Aug 2024, 4:03am
Don’t think you can get inside those, to be fair. I assume the poster you referenced/quoted just decided to fire their on-foot weapon within the no fire zone and got fined for it (as you’d expect)…

… I would be happy to explore the subterranean interior of such a planetary base, though, or the towers. But they’re probably staff or resident-only areas. Or for tourists. And we’re apparently not the kind of tourists they want walking around in there, but considering what happens at the Odyssey settlements quite frequently when one appears there, I can’t say I blame them.
12 Aug 2024, 4:11am
Kasumi GotoDon’t think you can get inside those, to be fair. I assume the poster you referenced/quoted just decided to fire their on-foot weapon within the no fire zone and got fined for it (as you’d expect)…

… I would be happy to explore the subterranean interior of such a planetary base, though, or the towers. But they’re probably staff or resident-only areas. Or for tourists. And we’re apparently not the kind of tourists they want walking around in there, but considering what happens at the Odyssey settlements quite frequently when one appears there, I can’t say I blame them.

I think if I wait for an npc to dock, I can jump down into the hangar as their landing pad descends

just kidding, there is an invisible floor that stops you from descending with it.

why won't you let me have fun frontier
12 Aug 2024, 9:07am
Kasumi GotoI assume the poster you referenced/quoted just decided to fire their on-foot weapon within the no fire zone and got fined for it (as you’d expect)…

Right, I fired at a large boulder to see if there were any metals or minerals in it. And yes, the whole thing within the no-weapons zone around the settlement. It was a daft idea.
12 Aug 2024, 1:14pm
Ralph ThumUpdate: I found the Inter Astra Bureau at the station and was able to have my ship picked up........But I believe or hope that nobody else is as stupid as I was.

Sorry to disillusion you in your hopeful belief, but I fear I also excel in stoopidity on occasion. F'rinstance, when about to depart on a red-eye Fleet Carrier from Colonia to the bubble, and having loaded my ship on it, I spotted the escape pods. I reasoned they should work the same as a suicidewinder return to the bubble, where I could get some business done and meet the carrier at it's destination on arrival. Saves loafing around on the long journey.

The bloody escape pod took me to Explorer's Anchorage, close to Sagittarius A*, where there was no shipyard to call in my ship or even buy a disposable Sidewinder.
No point in calling for Fuel Rats or Hull Seals seeing as I hadn't a ship to refuel or repair! My only option was [then] to log out, then back into Horizons which gave me the option of rejoining my ship.
An exploit? Maybe, but not much choice really.

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