Elite: Game talk

16 May 2016, 6:50pm
Toshiro_mifuneCan anyone shed light on what is going on in Wyrd right now? it clearly says "huge gimballed burst lasers unlocked" and its tier 4! What does this mean? unlocked here when they are available after patch 2.1 across the universe? or unlocked after the event expires?or unlocked means that they were in a red box like thing 1 and thing 2 and are now 'unlocked' to play with their kites....
I checked there are NO huge pulse lasers at Gareth Edwards base. Just a bucket full of disappointment and some crying rabbits.

As far as I've been told it was the reward for getting to rank 3 and will be unlocked when the cg finishes....people I play with theorized that more huge weapons would be unlocked if higher ranks were hit but the cg isn't going very well so we may never know. Either way I doubt those of us on xbone will see it and you PC guys will have to let us know how it pans out.
16 May 2016, 6:51pm
Toshiro_mifuneCan anyone shed light on what is going on in Wyrd right now? it clearly says "huge gimballed burst lasers unlocked" and its tier 4! What does this mean? unlocked here when they are available after patch 2.1 across the universe? or unlocked after the event expires?or unlocked means that they were in a red box like thing 1 and thing 2 and are now 'unlocked' to play with their kites....
I checked there are NO huge pulse lasers at Gareth Edwards base. Just a bucket full of disappointment and some crying rabbits.

I have also pondered on this, maybe they unlock after the event itself. They should be more specific with things like this!
16 May 2016, 6:52pm
Yuki Basilisk
Toshiro_mifuneCan anyone shed light on what is going on in Wyrd right now? it clearly says "huge gimballed burst lasers unlocked" and its tier 4! What does this mean? unlocked here when they are available after patch 2.1 across the universe? or unlocked after the event expires?or unlocked means that they were in a red box like thing 1 and thing 2 and are now 'unlocked' to play with their kites....
I checked there are NO huge pulse lasers at Gareth Edwards base. Just a bucket full of disappointment and some crying rabbits.

As far as I've been told it was the reward for getting to rank 3 and will be unlocked when the cg finishes....people I play with theorized that more huge weapons would be unlocked if higher ranks were hit but the cg isn't going very well so we may never know. Either way I doubt those of us on xbone will see it and you PC guys will have to let us know how it pans out.

I'm also on Xbox, now I'm thinking its just PC players now
16 May 2016, 7:42pm
Yuki Basilisk
Toshiro_mifuneCan anyone shed light on what is going on in Wyrd right now? it clearly says "huge gimballed burst lasers unlocked" and its tier 4! What does this mean? unlocked here when they are available after patch 2.1 across the universe? or unlocked after the event expires?or unlocked means that they were in a red box like thing 1 and thing 2 and are now 'unlocked' to play with their kites....
I checked there are NO huge pulse lasers at Gareth Edwards base. Just a bucket full of disappointment and some crying rabbits.

As far as I've been told it was the reward for getting to rank 3 and will be unlocked when the cg finishes....people I play with theorized that more huge weapons would be unlocked if higher ranks were hit but the cg isn't going very well so we may never know. Either way I doubt those of us on xbone will see it and you PC guys will have to let us know how it pans out.

So a few days of waiting can't hurt... I hope you are right yuki...
16 May 2016, 8:14pm
The RealWorld DLC effing sucks! It's way more grindy than the code game, and if you die, you die. That's it. No going back to station, no insurance rebuy, nothing. You're just DONE. Sure, some people say you level up and go to a better place, or that you restart as a brand new character, but I've seen no proof of that. I'm just gonna wait until the next patch, at least. RealWorld DLC TOO BUGGY.

I can second this. I spent all day walking around my city collecting odds and ends (no good stuff, though- virtually *everything* in this DLC is tagged as "owned"). Then, when I walked into a merchant's store to try to sell it, they told me to get out. Can you believe that?

Then, I went on a fetch quest at the behest of some friends. I was to bring a case of beer to a party, which was simple enough- except when I got there, the mission rewarded me with reputation instead of gold. Can you believe that? I'm out 12 gold, and I was already allied with the local faction to begin with! What a joke.

And don't even get me started on the marriage quests....

Last edit: 16 May 2016, 8:24pm
16 May 2016, 8:50pm
M. LehmanAnd don't even get me started on the marriage quests....

I heard they're the hardest to complete, many shy away from them or give up way early. I can say with some pride that I hold onto mine for the last 14 years now, but one wonders what type of reward waits at the end. Perhaps the journey is the goal so to speak, who knows...
16 May 2016, 9:00pm
M. LehmanAnd don't even get me started on the marriage quests....

I heard they're the hardest to complete, many shy away from them or give up way early. I can say with some pride that I hold onto mine for the last 14 years now, but one wonders what type of reward waits at the end. Perhaps the journey is the goal so to speak, who knows...

yup , them marriage quests give no end reward , they are only there so players are forced to create emergent content together
16 May 2016, 9:02pm
M. LehmanAnd don't even get me started on the marriage quests....

I heard they're the hardest to complete, many shy away from them or give up way early. I can say with some pride that I hold onto mine for the last 14 years now, but one wonders what type of reward waits at the end. Perhaps the journey is the goal so to speak, who knows...

yup , them marriage quests give no end reward , they are only there so players are forced to create emergent content together

I tried two different marriage quests and failed both. Glad it is such an open world DLC and I found the 'Friends with Benefits' section. No more missions needed.
16 May 2016, 11:45pm
Sevin Church
M. LehmanAnd don't even get me started on the marriage quests....

I heard they're the hardest to complete, many shy away from them or give up way early. I can say with some pride that I hold onto mine for the last 14 years now, but one wonders what type of reward waits at the end. Perhaps the journey is the goal so to speak, who knows...

yup , them marriage quests give no end reward , they are only there so players are forced to create emergent content together

I tried two different marriage quests and failed both. Glad it is such an open world DLC and I found the 'Friends with Benefits' section. No more missions needed.

Personally, I'm quite happy with the marriage quest. Only had to do one and it's got plenty of benefits. It just requires some additional skill training and a few levels. Plus you have to watch out for the fight events. Those things can get brutal if you're not prepared. I'm actually looking for this little cheat item. Or Admin Item depending on who you talk to. It allows you to create things from apparently nothing, though I've also heard it too comes with a price deary.
17 May 2016, 3:06am
Well, I can say that I myself have never given the ol' marriage quest a try. From what I can tell, they cost a lot of gold to get into (after months or even years of questing for and leveling the relationship), and your partner's stats and AI are randomly shuffled after equipping the gold ring. If you want out, it's even more gold- and possibly a monthly gold payment after that! It seems to be totally hit and miss- working as expected for some people, but hopelessly game-breaking for others.

So, I don't think that I'll be doing it.
17 May 2016, 2:37pm
I haven't tried the Kids DLC yet. It sounds like a horrible grind, but in time allows you to develop your own faction. Anyone play it, who cares to weigh in?
17 May 2016, 2:44pm
James HussarI haven't tried the Kids DLC yet. It sounds like a horrible grind, but in time allows you to develop your own faction. Anyone play it, who cares to weigh in?

It's really horrible RNG with those genes. And developing and maintaining a own faction is very expensive AND grindy. Those repetitive quests ... Drive them here, drive them there, get them something to eat, etc...
17 May 2016, 3:09pm
M. Lehman From what I can tell, they cost a lot of gold to get into (after months or even years of questing for and leveling the relationship), and your partner's stats and AI are randomly shuffled after equipping the gold ring.

Marriage is quite an expensive way to have sex for free!
After wall, women are like swimming pools: away to much maintenance cost for the time we spend in it!

17 May 2016, 3:13pm
Oh, boo, hiss...
17 May 2016, 6:05pm
Jose C. SilvaMarriage is quite an expensive way to have sex for free!
After wall, women are like swimming pools: away to much maintenance cost for the time we spend in it!

You make me laugh !!!


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