Elite: Game talk

08 Apr 2022, 3:57pm
MeowersOn a FDL with tier 2 fuel scoop and without FSD booster it will take 3 to 4 days. Bring some coffee and snacks.

jep thats true but you have enough money in stock..

i build an light weight annaconda for that job.. with full weapon banks yes you don´t need them in deep space but sometimes it´s better not to be naked..
don´t want to go all the long way with no weapons, couse shit happens too often.. so i started do get them all lightweight and voila the whole weapon bank is only 5,6 t
than i thought why only the weapons.. and here we (i) go.. now i have an pretty lightweight annaconda build with a jump range of 70 lj costs around 200 mil and much eng. stuff..

..and there are more cheaper ships, like dbx or asp explorer, with hugh jump jange..
08 Apr 2022, 4:02pm
I'd go with a Sidewinder.
08 Apr 2022, 4:05pm
most times i use the sidewinder for settlement missions here.. was the first ship i transfered.. costs nearly nothing to get it here.. only time.. if you fail a mission you have no rebuy costs
08 Apr 2022, 4:37pm
Alex Hoffmann
Yum KaxForgive me for asking a question that I'm sure must have often asked before, I've looked everywhere I can think of for information.

I there a regular 'shuttle' from Colonia to bubble? It's one thing to make it an exploration trip, but might take me a week to get there, then face the long drag back.

(clip) It took only a few hours if you dont honk every system.

for me it was a nice exploring day

What Explorer worth her salt wouldn't?
08 Apr 2022, 4:40pm
Alex Hoffmannjep thats true but you have enough money in stock..
I'm a weirdo.
08 Apr 2022, 6:37pm
Dezik Tsigan...personal equipment upgrades, but I am pretty sure that I have not increased my asset base by 2 billion...

Your Suits and weapons when upgraded are worth pretty much that's why (more than the sell value).
08 Apr 2022, 7:10pm
What Explorer worth her salt wouldn't?

you mean what ship for exploring ?

if you search a ship for long distance travel have a look here Coriolis Shipyard
here you can sort ships by jump range -shown is only the standard jump range without any improvements
08 Apr 2022, 7:20pm
Alex Hoffmann
MeowersOn a FDL with tier 2 fuel scoop and without FSD booster it will take 3 to 4 days. Bring some coffee and snacks.

jep thats true but you have enough money in stock..

i build an light weight annaconda for that job.. v i have an pretty lightweight annaconda build with a jump range of 70 lj costs around 200 mil and much eng. stuff..

..and there are more cheaper ships, like dbx or asp explorer, with hugh jump jange..

Thanks for all the suggestions re. 'Shuttle to/from colonia.

Decided to take 'The Bowie Route' (Station-to-station), will give me something to listen to en-route. Buy and sell a ship now and then for a little fight, or local exploration, and hope I don't end up 'Ashes-to-Ashes'.

Catch a shuttle back. Beer and nuts there and back. (coffee and snacks are for wimps, sidewinders are for masochists)
08 Apr 2022, 7:27pm
hehe, brower route is good too, sounds you are on a road trip nice idea, i like to pick that one up for my way back.. so much stuff to explore..
08 Apr 2022, 8:05pm
You could also try the prison transport express
08 Apr 2022, 8:09pm
hehe, a few days ago, before i arrived at colonia, there was someone in local chat who said he got killed by targoids 2000 ly outside the bubble and than he spawned here..
near colonia, around 500-1000 lj away. another method some cmd´s assist help to him so he was not stranded finaly he was on the way to his krait.. last i know..
08 Apr 2022, 10:59pm

Does anyone know why this happens? I'm docked at Tietjen Ring right now, but the galaxy map still shows a wrong export price.
08 Apr 2022, 11:03pm
SakashiroDoes anyone know why this happens?
08 Apr 2022, 11:18pm

I was hoping for some lore-related pseudoscience technobabble explanation. Are you sure it's just a bug?
08 Apr 2022, 11:34pm
Well when looking at a system map of A while in system A, the distances are correct. When looking a system map of any other system while in system A, the distances are not correct. I'm assuming there is a giant Thargoid near the core and it emits a giant scramble field and mixes up all the data. Maybe it does something similar to the trade data.

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