Elite: Game talk

09 Apr 2022, 12:57am
I noticed that if I switched to some other commodity and then back to agronomic treatment, the correct price would be shown. But the wrong price would appear again later.
09 Apr 2022, 2:05am
Yeah, it's some odd display bug - switching to another commodity and back will show a correct price after, but a new map/widget opening will default it to the incorrect price again. But it works otherwise (or at least was working last time I have checked).
09 Apr 2022, 11:04am
does anybody know why i cant request landing contacts in hud will not show any contacts
09 Apr 2022, 11:17am
Malottheaddoes anybody know why i cant request landing contacts in hud will not show any contacts
Maybe your sensors are offline or damaged.

That's a crap, actually. The Thargoids are banging my sensors from time to time, and I'll have no chance to land even on my own carrier if I'll run out of AFMU repair kits and synth materials to produce more of them. I have to be really dumb and careless to end up that way, however, but still it's possible in theory. What one can do in that kind of a crapsituation? Self-destruct and lose everything? Ah, never fly without enough AFMU mats...
09 Apr 2022, 11:25am
Thanks I realized I was just in a battle and my sensors were damaged and I had to activate it again
09 Apr 2022, 11:50am
Malottheaddoes anybody know why i cant request landing contacts in hud will not show any contacts

Maybe your sensors are offline or damaged.

That's a crap, actually. The Thargoids are banging my sensors from time to time, and I'll have no chance to land even on my own carrier if I'll run out of AFMU repair kits and synth materials to produce more of them. I have to be really dumb and careless to end up that way, however, but still it's possible in theory. What one can do in that kind of a crapsituation? Self-destruct and lose everything? Ah, never fly without enough AFMU mats...

Reboot the ship.
09 Apr 2022, 2:42pm
Does somebody know a good source for Classified Scan Fragments? Need a bunch of them so G5 to G5 trading would be the last option.
Maybe somebody knows what kind of mission is giving these as rewards.
09 Apr 2022, 3:03pm
GryphnnDoes somebody know a good source for Classified Scan Fragments? Need a bunch of them so G5 to G5 trading would be the last option.
Maybe somebody knows what kind of mission is giving these as rewards.

No mission for those. They drop from scanning ships.

Hm, I am maxed on all mats in that category... This most likely means something from the category can be obtained by megaship hacking.
10 Apr 2022, 9:09am
Compared to their default guardian counterparts are there any modified guardian weapons that are objectively worse or are they all considered better?
10 Apr 2022, 9:39am
Better but hotter.
10 Apr 2022, 9:51am
EpisparhBetter but hotter.

That's what I was mainly concerned about. I'll get some anyway.
10 Apr 2022, 10:28am
EpisparhBetter but hotter.

I see no problem here
10 Apr 2022, 10:49am
much more energy consumption (not all), espically when u use them repeatly

Last edit: 10 Apr 2022, 10:54am
10 Apr 2022, 12:43pm
The modified Plasma Chargers seem to be a very reasonable alternative to standard Gauss Cannon;
and the modified Shard Cannon are the most awesome and funny thing to spam around ingame!
10 Apr 2022, 12:59pm
Best multi-crew turret

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