Elite: Game talk

02 Jan 2016, 5:30am
Jack DekerdtHave a mission to deliver goods to Bering Settlement on Mahau except despite buying system data AND settlement data, there appears to be no Bering Settlement. I checked the mission several times and that is the listed delivery port and the Mahau is correctly referenced on the galaxy map for deliver but no delivery icon within the system itself either in space or on planets. Anyone know where this is or experienced this? Thanks.

Use an advanced discovery scanner and then check navigation panel for settlements.
02 Jan 2016, 5:45am
Mila Strelok
Jack DekerdtHave a mission to deliver goods to Bering Settlement on Mahau except despite buying system data AND settlement data, there appears to be no Bering Settlement. I checked the mission several times and that is the listed delivery port and the Mahau is correctly referenced on the galaxy map for deliver but no delivery icon within the system itself either in space or on planets. Anyone know where this is or experienced this? Thanks.

Use an advanced discovery scanner and then check navigation panel for settlements.

thanks got the basic scanner. difficult to pay a million dollars for 200k payday and its a one off.
02 Jan 2016, 6:18am
Also possible its a planetary delivery; I've taken a few by mistake now.
02 Jan 2016, 6:30am
Shyn DarklyAlso possible its a planetary delivery; I've taken a few by mistake now.

because i love to waste time and be interdicted 49 times, i went to all unexplored, explored planets, ports, and stations with scanner...no luck. took the fine, selling tea. the joke is i have to come back to this backwater system to claim bounties since i cant land clipper anywhere. fun night, lol, good times.
02 Jan 2016, 6:34am
Jack Dekerdt
Shyn DarklyAlso possible its a planetary delivery; I've taken a few by mistake now.

because i love to waste time and be interdicted 49 times, i went to all unexplored, explored planets, ports, and stations with scanner...no luck. took the fine, selling tea. the joke is i have to come back to this backwater system to claim bounties since i cant land clipper anywhere. fun night, lol, good times.

Confirmed its a planetary settlement on the 8th moon of the non-ringed gas giant in the system; which is itself about 3k from the beacon. Was in the area so did an advanced scan. There's an outpost which may show for you orbiting the gas giant itself, Trujillo Mines.
02 Jan 2016, 6:49am
Just dropped down and did an EDMC and full info update on ROSS for the place so hopefully the next person should have a little more luck. Should be able to pull info on it via all the usual tools now. Thankfully it was a low gravity place as opposed to the 6G hell hole I had to land the Anaconda on earlier.
02 Jan 2016, 8:04am
Shyn Darkly
Jack Dekerdt
Shyn DarklyAlso possible its a planetary delivery; I've taken a few by mistake now.

because i love to waste time and be interdicted 49 times, i went to all unexplored, explored planets, ports, and stations with scanner...no luck. took the fine, selling tea. the joke is i have to come back to this backwater system to claim bounties since i cant land clipper anywhere. fun night, lol, good times.

Confirmed its a planetary settlement on the 8th moon of the non-ringed gas giant in the system; which is itself about 3k from the beacon. Was in the area so did an advanced scan. There's an outpost which may show for you orbiting the gas giant itself, Trujillo Mines.

Hey, I appreciate the time you took. I went ahead and swapped basic for adv. scanner for the future so I shouldn't have the problem again and The bounties and selling cargo put me actually 50k cr ahead of the fine so really i lost time is all but now I know and knowing is half the battle as GI Joe says. Thanks for checking on that. This site is awesome.
02 Jan 2016, 8:12am
Pleasure, any time you need a nav fix, bounce me a message in game

The Advanced scanner always seemed like a luxury to me initially, but now I wouldn't leave port without one. Saved my having to abort a mission many, many a time, and the exploration data isn't too shabby either. Even Mahua is worth 16k just for entering the system and honking!
02 Jan 2016, 2:32pm
Jack Dekerdt
Nova Cassidy
Jack Dekerdt
XeknosAs much as I love writing Logbooks, I have to fight the urge to keep writing them. Feels like they're getting to spammy from my end.

How do you mean 'spamming'? I haven't seen any logbooks advertising galaxy brides or making $5000 day for posting tiny ads on Galnet, lmao

Increase the size of your anaconda with this one weird trick!


Funny, But I meant spammy in the sense of me pushing too many of them out too quickly.
02 Jan 2016, 2:41pm
Jack Dekerdt
Nova Cassidy
Jack Dekerdt
XeknosAs much as I love writing Logbooks, I have to fight the urge to keep writing them. Feels like they're getting to spammy from my end.

How do you mean 'spamming'? I haven't seen any logbooks advertising galaxy brides or making $5000 day for posting tiny ads on Galnet, lmao

Increase the size of your anaconda with this one weird trick!


Funny, But I meant spammy in the sense of me pushing too many of them out too quickly.

one a day is not spamy but you can write each day in word or wordpad and copy it to your logbook once a week .
02 Jan 2016, 7:25pm
Hello I just joined this site an was wondering if I could get a wing together with someone I've been playing elite for about 2 weeks an have done all that much coop play Wichling for a game this size is unbelievable I spent most of my time in elite pirate hunting an have 36 mil doing so solo so it would be nice to shear in experience an just talk about the game in general so if your interested in flying with me in my A rated asp send me a msg at EliteStarFalcon an we can get started thank you
02 Jan 2016, 10:04pm
EliteStarFalconHello I just joined this site an was wondering if I could get a wing together with someone I've been playing elite for about 2 weeks an have done all that much coop play Wichling for a game this size is unbelievable I spent most of my time in elite pirate hunting an have 36 mil doing so solo so it would be nice to shear in experience an just talk about the game in general so if your interested in flying with me in my A rated asp send me a msg at EliteStarFalcon an we can get started thank you

Damn you can talk much in one sentence <tips hat> Do you breathe sometimes ?;)
04 Jan 2016, 12:40am
Jack Dekerdt
Nova Cassidy
Jack Dekerdt
XeknosAs much as I love writing Logbooks, I have to fight the urge to keep writing them. Feels like they're getting to spammy from my end.

How do you mean 'spamming'? I haven't seen any logbooks advertising galaxy brides or making $5000 day for posting tiny ads on Galnet, lmao

I got you...was having a bit of fun. I started out strong but have fallen off. It seems like a lot of us do them sporadically when something 'big' happens. Having said that, of course, there are those that post ad nauseum ( I suspect IRL they are huge on FB, Twitter, texting, etc., lol). To each their own we all paid to play, lol.

Increase the size of your anaconda with this one weird trick!


Funny, But I meant spammy in the sense of me pushing too many of them out too quickly.
04 Jan 2016, 7:57am
Kinda sad... Loved the lines of the Imp. Courier (kind of a cross between a retro fighter and a Jedi ship, to me anyway). I really love the sound of it too, also kind of retro, IMO. On a whim I bought it with an A-class suite as a nicer shuttle between my various ports and for small missions. At the end of a couple of days I find it overall lacking, costing more to insure than the DBS without the agility/handling and missing a much needed 4th weps hardpoint. Plus it overheats if you breathe hard on fuel scoop or in a dogfight. My DBS and Imp. Clipper can handle a crazy amount of heat before I pay any attention. Plus, no paint schemes...just sad. Not picking a fight with anyone, just offering my experience over a couple of days and running various missions and surviving interdictions.
06 Jan 2016, 10:07am
Until a few moments ago the Cherets bounty hunting CG was named 'Faisal is a NOOB.' I edited to remove the description.

For Flying Spaghetti Monster's sake guys. Grow up.


Last edit: 06 Jan 2016, 10:17am

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