Elite: Game talk

09 Aug 2024, 9:18am
KensaiVGHuh, disregard me - is it true it'll remain ARX exclusive indefinitely for non-oddisey players? That puts a damper on things

Yes, that's correct. Non-Odyssey players still need to unlock any new ship with Arx even when it's available in the game for credits to Odyssey owners already (like Python Mk II).

Last edit: 09 Aug 2024, 9:44am
09 Aug 2024, 9:43am
Situation Update: Upgraded 3D LIFE SUPPORT to a 3A, Engineered - LIGHTWEIGHT - GRADE 3, I lose a bit in integrity (53.9 instead of 58) but it is lighter at 1.75 t instead of 2.0 t.

Oxygen Time Capacity is increased to 25 mn from 7:30.

Ship have been Christened Red Sonja.

Last edit: 09 Aug 2024, 10:30am
09 Aug 2024, 10:34am
AS well as the Krait IS INVERTED, the T-8 is SHORT-NOSE'D, don;t change my mind
09 Aug 2024, 2:24pm
How do you get to external camera in 1st person mode? (I mean when on foot, not in a ship or SRV.)
09 Aug 2024, 2:36pm
KensaiVGHuh, disregard me - is it true it'll remain ARX exclusive indefinitely for non-oddisey players? That puts a damper on things

Yes, that's correct. Non-Odyssey players still need to unlock any new ship with Arx even when it's available in the game for credits to Odyssey owners already (like Python Mk II).

Sad times. I'd understood it at first to be a limited exclusive thing - that it would be Odyssey only for X months and then general. Well there go my plans to have a ship I love the design of
09 Aug 2024, 2:37pm
Joxilb 8QHow do you get to external camera in 1st person mode? (I mean when on foot, not in a ship or SRV.)

Mine is set to LeftALT+Space in options under General Contr>Camera Suite>Commander Toggle Camera
09 Aug 2024, 3:45pm
I believe it is F12 by default
09 Aug 2024, 6:55pm
EpisparhI believe it is F12 by default

I can't say what the default is since I've customized most of my keyboard controls, but F1`2 is also the default for taking Steam screenshots. So, F12 will likely not work on either if both are running.
09 Aug 2024, 8:41pm
Why is it taking 30 to 40 minutes to get a carrier jump when it used to only take 15?

Found the answer on Fronteirs website. High traffic, or in other words not enough servers, which again means not enough interest in the game. Why am I going to spend 33,000 ARX ON A NEW MINING SHIP when it takes 40 minutes to get to the mines. I just set the timer and watch youtube.

Last edit: 09 Aug 2024, 8:53pm
09 Aug 2024, 11:51pm
Hi cmdrs,
I'd like to know about the exact armour piercing value modifiers for *grade 5* engineering.
There are two effects that can change the AP on burst lasers:
- Sturdy
- Focused
On Inara, Sturdy is said to have +60% AP, and Focused has +120%
On the ED wiki (elite-dangerous.fandom.com), Sturdy has +45% AP, and Focused has +60%
Which site has the correct info as of today ?
Thank you so much, if someone knows please lmk.
09 Aug 2024, 11:54pm
CybermyklWhy is it taking 30 to 40 minutes to get a carrier jump when it used to only take 15?

Found the answer on Fronteirs website. High traffic, or in other words not enough servers, which again means not enough interest in the game. Why am I going to spend 33,000 ARX ON A NEW MINING SHIP when it takes 40 minutes to get to the mines. I just set the timer and watch youtube.

It's a quirk of the system, always happens after the weekly server restarts and patch days. Been like this for years.

It's annoying, but it's just how things are after server restarts. It works itself out in a day.
09 Aug 2024, 11:55pm
CybermyklWhy is it taking 30 to 40 minutes to get a carrier jump when it used to only take 15?

Found the answer on Fronteirs website. High traffic, or in other words not enough servers, which again means not enough interest in the game. Why am I going to spend 33,000 ARX ON A NEW MINING SHIP when it takes 40 minutes to get to the mines. I just set the timer and watch youtube.

... but it's only increased because of a higher interest in the game/release of the T8, which kind of defeats your statement. Would you keep servers for a 1000 players running when you've had concurrent player counts of 500 for quite a while? (Those are purely fictional numbers and I don't have a clue about how many people actually are playing - please don't pull Steam numbers which only represent a single store platform among three.)
10 Aug 2024, 12:40am
Private CheburekHi cmdrs,
I'd like to know about the exact armour piercing value modifiers for *grade 5* engineering.
There are two effects that can change the AP on burst lasers:
- Sturdy
- Focused
On Inara, Sturdy is said to have +60% AP, and Focused has +120%
On the ED wiki (elite-dangerous.fandom.com), Sturdy has +45% AP, and Focused has +60%
Which site has the correct info as of today ?
Thank you so much, if someone knows please lmk.

Hello, I am not sure where the wiki numbers came from, but Inara numbers should be correct (you can also see them on EDSY and Coriolis).
10 Aug 2024, 2:04am
in space you are scanned less frequently if you are allied with the controlling faction, the same should apply to ground. thank you for coming to my ted talk xx
10 Aug 2024, 3:20am
Did I hear this right? Engineering now has a predictable linear progression? One roll for the first grade, two rolls for the second, five rolls for the fifth?

It used to be 1, 2, 3, 4, 9. And sometimes 10. Or 11.

And a single HGE now has 40+ scoopable units?

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