Elite: Game talk

10 Aug 2024, 3:30am
SakashiroDid I hear this right? Engineering now has a predictable linear progression? One roll for the first grade, two rolls for the second, five rolls for the fifth?

It used to be 1, 2, 3, 4, 9. And sometimes 10. Or 11.

And a single HGE now has 40+ scoopable units?

This is correct about the engineering materials. I'm not sure about HGE. But some missions are now giving a wider variety of materials, too.
10 Aug 2024, 4:11am
HGEs can - according to Frontier patch notes - have 30-100 “microresources”(aka scoopables of 3 units) spawned within them, unlike the (sort of) paltry 3-5 (or 6, maybe) from before.

And yes, engineering RNG rolls are a thing of the past, dependent only on rank now how much they progress. Although you won’t(shouldn’t?) have G5 blueprints unlocked with a G1 access engineer anyway, so you won’t ever see the absymal results that would produce under this new system.
10 Aug 2024, 4:37am
Private CheburekHi cmdrs,
I'd like to know about the exact armour piercing value modifiers for *grade 5* engineering. . . .

Can't get into the numbers. I just use 'em. Focused. Lasers are lasers. Better overall performamce for near or far. Far being the place you will find rare value. Damage from a distance, and right on up to close range. Nothing wrong with focused. Better practicality than the "Long Range" mod.
10 Aug 2024, 2:44pm
Given my recent, shall we call it, change of plans (Curse you, lack of reading comprehension + disastrous economy, yadda yadda) and the Type 8 saving spree scuttled, I'm wondering what to do next. Core mining is fun enough but tedious and I don't like the big haulers enough to commit to pure trading so while I keep making the numbers go up I'm wondering where to go from here. Combat never quite grabbed me (Lack of HOTAS doesn't help) but I also never made a full combat ship. I could also refit my DBX and go full scout for a while

Part of me thinks getting involved in the wider community (These posts and one very embarrassing call to the Fuel Rats are the only contact I have with it) but I feel my gameplay loop of ocassionally spending a few months away from the game when life calls will sour any squadrons and/or PP groups a bit
10 Aug 2024, 2:52pm
KensaiVGGiven my recent, shall we call it, change of plans (Curse you, lack of reading comprehension + disastrous economy, yadda yadda) and the Type 8 saving spree scuttled, I'm wondering what to do next. Core mining is fun enough but tedious and I don't like the big haulers enough to commit to pure trading so while I keep making the numbers go up I'm wondering where to go from here.


Unlock ship engineers and progress them to grade 5 access.
10 Aug 2024, 3:02pm
Not a bad shout - unlocked a couple by, basically, accident but haven't been farming them, mostly been doing odd jobs to make more money
10 Aug 2024, 3:48pm
Anyone else's game been rendered unplayable since the update like mine? All I get is a screen that's about 80% red.
I submitted a support request last week but have heard nothing back as yet.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Aug 2024, 11:27pm
10 Aug 2024, 5:24pm
KensaiVG...Core mining is fun enough but tedious and I don't like the big haulers enough to commit to pure trading...Combat never quite grabbed me... I could also refit my DBX and go full scout for a while...

You don't really need a chonky ship like a T9 to do trading. But yeah, it helps having a larger cargo capacity, particularly if you get into doing community goals requiring you to bring supplies to a station.

You could try rescue or transport missions.

I like exploring and you can get some decent payouts for first discoveries and first mapping rare finds such as ammonia and earth-like worlds.. However, the big money in exploring requires odyssey. As an example, I just turned in chart and bio info for three systems. Systems paid out 8 mil and the 7 bio samples from the systems paid 32 mil.
10 Aug 2024, 5:58pm
Yeah, my lack of Odyssey (The DLC itself, I'm on live galaxy) is the reason I'm restructuring my plans. Rescue I've never quite gotten into but I could check. Trading yeah I've gotten a few mills per trip with my mining Python (Which I'm wondering if I should switch to laser mining as apparently the profitability gap between laser and core has dropped)

I got a FdL paint job from twitch drops so half considering checking whether my issue with combat was combat in general or my Challenger specifically
10 Aug 2024, 6:10pm
KensaiVGGiven my recent, shall we call it, change of plans (Curse you, lack of reading comprehension + disastrous economy, yadda yadda) and the Type 8 saving spree scuttled, I'm wondering what to do next. Core mining is fun enough but tedious and I don't like the big haulers enough to commit to pure trading so while I keep making the numbers go up I'm wondering where to go from here. Combat never quite grabbed me (Lack of HOTAS doesn't help) but I also never made a full combat ship. I could also refit my DBX and go full scout for a while

Part of me thinks getting involved in the wider community (These posts and one very embarrassing call to the Fuel Rats are the only contact I have with it) but I feel my gameplay loop of ocassionally spending a few months away from the game when life calls will sour any squadrons and/or PP groups a bit

You could try meeting players here of in-game, explore things together, work as partners.

just a thought
10 Aug 2024, 6:19pm
KensaiVGYeah, my lack of Odyssey (The DLC itself, I'm on live galaxy) is the reason I'm restructuring my plans. Rescue I've never quite gotten into but I could check. Trading yeah I've gotten a few mills per trip with my mining Python (Which I'm wondering if I should switch to laser mining as apparently the profitability gap between laser and core has dropped)

I got a FdL paint job from twitch drops so half considering checking whether my issue with combat was combat in general or my Challenger specifically

Odyssey gets a hard rap. If you are enjoying Elite I would recommend getting Odyssey. I've had my value out of the DLC 100 times over. It's 10 quid, and can be picked up at £6.49 in the sales. That'll only buy you a coffee these days.

With the engineering changes it'll be a lot easier to get suits and weapons levelled up. Space combat is best done sober, ground CZs are a fun unwind regardless of blood/alcohol levels.
10 Aug 2024, 6:24pm
Aunty SledgeSpace combat is best done sober
Docking with Coriolis-class stations is best done sober as well.
10 Aug 2024, 7:36pm
Aunty Sledge
Odyssey gets a hard rap. If you are enjoying Elite I would recommend getting Odyssey. I've had my value out of the DLC 100 times over. It's 10 quid, and can be picked up at £6.49 in the sales. That'll only buy you a coffee these days.

With the engineering changes it'll be a lot easier to get suits and weapons levelled up. Space combat is best done sober, ground CZs are a fun unwind regardless of blood/alcohol levels.

Oh I do think from what I've seen the infamy Odyssey has is mostly unwarranted. I don't own it because where I'm based (Even though FDev uses the regional pricing Steam suggests, which is better than most AAA devs) games are a bit more spenny and all-around harder to buy than in the US/Europe due to a mix of exchange rate wobbles and foreign currency taxes. Will probably get it in the next sale if I can justify a bit of a treat though
10 Aug 2024, 10:06pm
Aunty SledgeSpace combat is best done sober

Docking with Coriolis-class stations is best done sober as well.

Especially if they have “noob hammers”. Luckily… I am not at risk of being, well, not sober, when playing. Or at all.

And on an unrelated note, Frontier patch notes claim any activity in a Thargoid invaded or controlled system will provide engineering materials, except it actually does not, because someone wrote the patch notes wrong, or the alternative my brain considers as more likely, it’s broken. I participated in two invasion clearances this week and got absolutely nothing out of it.
10 Aug 2024, 10:16pm
Kasumi GotoAnd on an unrelated note, Frontier patch notes claim any activity in a Thargoid invaded or controlled system will provide engineering materials, except it actually does not, because someone wrote the patch notes wrong, or the alternative my brain considers as more likely, it’s broken. I participated in two invasion clearances this week and got absolutely nothing out of it.

The patch only went live on Wednesday, I suspect you won't get anything until Thursday.

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