Elite: Game talk

25 Jan 2016, 12:22pm

That's impressive to look at. Although I keep thinking that VR might bring alot to the table as well

I have a fsx simulator build and use 8 monitors and head tracking its all I need now let sytek create some instruments fore elite for  their instrument panels and I am in heaven.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 25 Jan 2016, 1:32pm
25 Jan 2016, 2:16pm
I got a question, have anyone encountered that after ranking up in the empire once, your federation rank was reset back to recruit? and if so can you tell me if I lost all my rank progress and should ragequit or just do rank up missions again, I was Lt. Commander and it had taken me a long time
25 Jan 2016, 2:56pm
TechowlI got a question, have anyone encountered that after ranking up in the empire once, your federation rank was reset back to recruit? and if so can you tell me if I lost all my rank progress and should ragequit or just do rank up missions again, I was Lt. Commander and it had taken me a long time

if this is the case you probably had an error. Maybe try to contact FD support, they can look into it (https://support.frontier.co.uk/login.php)
25 Jan 2016, 3:51pm
Hi guys in general, I'd like to introduce you to the newest radio station, this side of the verse.

Broadcast the hottest explorer hits straight from the Zombie Wasp III on her way to Sagittarius A*

Forum Thread
25 Jan 2016, 5:57pm
Does anyone know if the emperor's dawn cg will increase my naval rank
25 Jan 2016, 6:29pm
TechowlI got a question, have anyone encountered that after ranking up in the empire once, your federation rank was reset back to recruit? and if so can you tell me if I lost all my rank progress and should ragequit or just do rank up missions again, I was Lt. Commander and it had taken me a long time

Hmmm....maybe there is some sort of new ED feature?
As far as I can remember, in Elite 2 Frontier you couldn't be pledged to both powers at once (in short time after you pledged to second power - you've been loosing rank in previous one). Maybe Frontier Developments decided to make the same in ED now?
On the other hand, if that's the case - they would have noticed that in Release Notes, so I believe it's just a bug.
26 Jan 2016, 12:26am
Hi everyone
Do we have a Facebook page?
26 Jan 2016, 4:16am
Nathanc213Does anyone know if the emperor's dawn cg will increase my naval rank

That's a big negative there Chief. Only confirmed way to gain rank (That I'm aware of) is to accept missions. However, if you find missions relating to the death of the Emperor's Dawn terrorist ships on the bulletin boards (Not talking about the CG mission), then you could do them in sync, get a little extra cash and rank along with the bonds and the CG bonus.
26 Jan 2016, 11:29am
Brenner Soriah
Nathanc213Does anyone know if the emperor's dawn cg will increase my naval rank

That's a big negative there Chief. Only confirmed way to gain rank (That I'm aware of) is to accept missions. However, if you find missions relating to the death of the Emperor's Dawn terrorist ships on the bulletin boards (Not talking about the CG mission), then you could do them in sync, get a little extra cash and rank along with the bonds and the CG bonus.

There were couple of posts in Elite Dangerous Community FB public about this:


Nico Weyers
14 октября 2015 г.


Let's use the analogy of buckets of water. To gain an Imperial rank of outsider, you need 1x 10litre bucket full of water. That means you do maybe 3-5 missions in one system - an arbitrary guess.

Let's go up to Baron. Now you need 3x 10litre buckets. If you fill one bucket with 30 litres, will you have 30 litres? NO, 20 will be wasted. You need to put 10 litres in each bucket. Doing many, many missions in one system, is an absolute WASTE

THAT MEANS; in order to gain Imperial or Federation rank, you need to do missions in MANY, DIFFERENT systems. I spent months and months spamming missions in 2x systems. No progress.

The minute I stepped out of that rut (thanks to the advice from Alex), I made progress.

Essentially, the fame of your name needs to spread through your ship and you doing missions, throughout the government you're with. The more places you go, the better

Nico Weyers
21 ноября 2015 г.


Sooo, tell me more about how you do "15 missions" and expect to become a KING in the Empire?? Come son, sit, let the old Duke tell you a thing. For a start, you cannot only do 15 donation missions and expect to rule the world. It takes a lot of WORK. You have to prove that you have what it takes for people to bow a knee to you.

I researched Reddit and the Frontier forums. Below, a few averages per rank, with missions and mission cost (donation missions). I hope this helps.

* Note, the cost is based on an average donation of 11,000 credits / donation *
** These are the number of missions PER RANK

ALSO note my water bucket thread:

Rank: Outsider / Recruit
Missions 20
Cost 220,000

Rank: Serf / Cadet
Missions 32
Cost 352,000

Rank: Master / Midshipman
Missions 50
Cost 550,000

Rank: Squire / Petty Officer
Missions 66
Cost 726,000

Rank: Knight / Chief Petty Officer
Missions 93
Cost 1,023,000

Rank: Lord / Warrant Officer
Missions 133
Cost 1,463,000

Rank: Baron / Ensign
Missions 168
Cost 1,842,500

Rank: Viscount / Lieutenant
Missions 184
Cost 2,018,500

Rank: Count / Lieutenant Commander
Missions 250
Cost 2,750,000

Rank: Earl / Post Commander
Missions 286
Cost 3,146,000

Rank: Marquis / Post Captain
Missions 347
Cost 3,817,000

Rank: Duke / Rear Admiral
Missions 421
Cost 4,625,500

Rank: Prince / Vice Admiral
Missions 522
Cost 5,743,833

Rank: King / Admiral
Missions 601
Cost 6,611,000

Missions 3,172
Cost 34,888,333

I hope this will help.
26 Jan 2016, 6:01pm
Thanks for this info.
27 Jan 2016, 9:49am
In one of the frontier streams they talked about having a maximum of 4 crewmembers for the larger ships pilo,t engineer navigation/coms and weapons.
actualy you can make it 5 .
Having 4 cmdrs to operate the ship and 1 captain to have the overview and makes him the binding factor of your ship.

If you have the setup of multiple commanders in one room, in the same way as

The Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator.
I know it looks geeky but you get the idea

27 Jan 2016, 11:15am
Since 1.5 has anyone seen any anacondas in conflict zones.
27 Jan 2016, 11:18am
Nathanc213Since 1.5 has anyone seen any anacondas in conflict zones.

yes ones in December and mine a few day ago.
27 Jan 2016, 12:13pm
Nathanc213Since 1.5 has anyone seen any anacondas in conflict zones.

yes ones in December and mine a few day ago.

Im wondering if FD made it so that the corvettes/cutters replace the condas in federal and imperial conflict zones and independent factions still have condas
27 Jan 2016, 12:23pm
Nathanc213Since 1.5 has anyone seen any anacondas in conflict zones.

yes ones in December and mine a few day ago.

Im wondering if FD made it so that the corvettes/cutters replace the condas in federal and imperial conflict zones and independent factions still have condas

the anacondas are multipurpose ships does everything extremy well and it is a great explorers but has a weaknes their powercores are extremely vulnerable to battle damage.
the corvette is a combat ship and and the imp cutter as the story goes a large passenger ship.
the new panther clipper is the larges upcoming trade ship .

so the role of the anaconda is unchanged but it no longer the premier battle ship..

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