Elite: Game talk

28 May 2024, 5:06pm
I sort of found I had a similar issue when I tried a Challenger for AX. Think it was more with the pitch where it isn't (or doesn't feel) consistent at first when you start the input, then becomes a steady rate after like a second or two. Which can be quite annoying if you're trying to line up a shot on a Thargoid's heart with the Guardian weapons.
28 May 2024, 5:14pm
Soooo. It's done.

The 3 Lasers are all Short Range Blasters, tow of them Oversized, the third one Thermal Vent.

When it comes to the Controls sensitivity, I went the opposite way than previously with Weight Saving Measures, I added weight but also reduced Power Consumption with a 4E Life support (10 t, - 0.50MW).

Old stats.

New stats.
Kasumi GotoI sort of found I had a similar issue when I tried a Challenger for AX. Think it was more with the pitch where it isn't (or doesn't feel) consistent at first when you start the input, then becomes a steady rate after like a second or two. Which can be quite annoying if you're trying to line up a shot on a Thargoid's heart with the Guardian weapons.

Yeah. Whatever axis, you need precision, especially if you use fixed weapons and correct me if I'm wrong but most anti-Targo weapons are fixed, right?

Anyway problem solved, It's a pity about the top perfs but I need a stable weapon platform and the wallowing in Yaw forces me to correct the axis constantly, you don't need this distraction, during my last sortie with her I never felt like I missed the speed and other axis rates at all, I'm still not sure if I'm gonna change the Thruster now, especially because I have a reasonable output from the Power Distributor.
28 May 2024, 5:24pm

Difference in Yaw rate is not a response to the weight increase? What is it then?


I was talking about my numbers. Bigger changes in weight would require altering my build in a way that would not be an option for me.

You said, you downgraded your Thrusters to E spec. I would think that explains the change in yaw as we!l as the drop in speed.

Either way, if controller input is laggy or not intuitive, that certainly spoils it.
28 May 2024, 5:31pm
ThinderYeah. Whatever axis, you need precision, especially if you use fixed weapons and correct me if I'm wrong but most anti-Targo weapons are fixed, right?

Pretty much. I have used a Krait, the Chally and an FDL, but find the Krait and FDL to be more ‘stable’ in this regard, though the latter definitely remains more responsive/easier to keep on target in certain scenarios.

The only advantage I found to the Challenger was that its vertical thrusters seem to be more reliable for ‘evading’ the interceptor and not ending up in a stall in front of its cannon.

… even if not that dangerous for a Cyclops. Wouldn’t recommend with the other types.
28 May 2024, 5:35pm

Difference in Yaw rate is not a response to the weight increase? What is it then?


I was talking about my numbers. Bigger changes in weight would require altering my build in a way that would not be an option for me.

You said, you downgraded your Thrusters to E spec. I would think that explains the change in yaw as we!l as the drop in speed.

Either way, if controller input is laggy or not intuitive, that certainly spoils it.

What you do with your ship is up to you, nothing to do with my data or my controller, btw, curiously I also find similar alteration in pitch and yaw = 19.54%. In passing, if I try to fit an heavier Thruster, all axis figures goes down.

My controller is fine, brand new, responsive and precise. Have you tried fixed weapons yet? If not, we're not talking about the same thing, there's a huge difference between gimballed and fixed when it comes to hitting a target, Kasumi Goto explains that very well too.

Last edit: 28 May 2024, 5:46pm
28 May 2024, 6:17pm
Oh, I don't question your data and I was not referring to your controller. I meant the way the ship model is processing steering input - if there is non linearity or latency or to much gain, that is a problem.

Probably I just did not notice the yaw issue yet due to my loadouts (gimballed or fixed PACs, which are also more forgiving regarding alignment errors compared to lasers).
29 May 2024, 2:06am

Probably I just did not notice the yaw issue yet due to my loadouts (gimballed or fixed PACs, which are also more forgiving regarding alignment errors compared to lasers).

That's what I mean. Unless you try to hit a target with a fixed Beam Laser, you can't possibly notice this issue, we're not talking about the same thing.

On my Corvette I have 2 X 4A MULTI-CANNON [GIMBALLED] and 2 X 2F MULTI-CANNON [GIMBALLED], I don't have any problem hitting a target from angles up to <> 30° on the pitch axis in particular, the 4A are particularly good, they focus and track well, so I can tell the difference with the Lasers.

The only time I don't need that 1/2° precision with Lasers is when I'm shooting at point blank but from 3200m to mid range, you need pinpoint precision to get shields down especially on small and agile targets.

I've done both Bounty Hunting and Combat Zone with my Corvette yesterday, the Ross 342 Pirates were using nearly exclusively Vultures, very hard to hit accurately because of their acceleration, I scored dozen of kill (had to rearm once), I couldn't have done that with the Python for this reason and also Combat Persistence (Shields).

When it works, shields goes down in seconds with this fit, and the MULTI-CANNON does the rest.

Last edit: 29 May 2024, 4:50am
29 May 2024, 6:45pm
type 8 looks like hammerhead from start citizen :nerd: Now.. just need not to spend arx for silly cosmetics ._.
29 May 2024, 6:48pm
At least it wasn’t just me who thought the design could’ve as well come from that other game.
30 May 2024, 8:57am
Rayman.type 8 looks like hammerhead from start citizen :nerd: Now.. just need not to spend arx for silly cosmetics ._.
I knew, I knew they were playing that scam fest!
30 May 2024, 11:48am
Hello pilots,
I have some new noob questions, please:

What do you do to prevent your own beam laser weapons from overheating quickly? Am I perhaps using the wrong weapon types (one 3D and four 2E beam lasers - all as turrets - with a 6a power plant and 6a energy distribution, all in a Federal dropship)?

I got a wanted status when completing a faction mission, flew to the mission station, turned myself in to pay and found myself in a different system. It was very close, but a different star system. Is this a bug in the game or is it normal?

Thanks in advance for your help
30 May 2024, 1:02pm
Ralph ThumHello pilots,
I have some new noob questions, please:

What do you do to prevent your own beam laser weapons from overheating quickly? Am I perhaps using the wrong weapon types (one 3D and four 2E beam lasers - all as turrets - with a 6a power plant and 6a energy distribution, all in a Federal dropship)?

I got a wanted status when completing a faction mission, flew to the mission station, turned myself in to pay and found myself in a different system. It was very close, but a different star system. Is this a bug in the game or is it normal?

Thanks in advance for your help

Put pips to WEP and do not fire with empty WEP capacitator.

For the second part, when a criminal turns himself he is transferred to nearest detention center. Next time you can go to interstellar factions in different system and just pay the baunty with +25%

Last edit: 30 May 2024, 1:12pm
30 May 2024, 5:52pm

Looks like they've got some inspiration from Star Citizen, not bad, a good change from the box-like designs.

Last edit: 30 May 2024, 6:30pm
30 May 2024, 9:26pm
EpisparhPut pips to WEP and do not fire with empty WEP capacitator.

For the second part, when a criminal turns himself he is transferred to nearest detention center. Next time you can go to interstellar factions in different system and just pay the baunty with +25%

Ah, I see: always keep an eye on the displays, even in battle
And I have to be glad that there was a prison nearby, it could have been hundreds of LJ away.

Thank you very much, those were again very helpful answers. It's a very friendly and patient community!
30 May 2024, 11:18pm
Ralph ThumWhat do you do to prevent your own beam laser weapons from overheating quickly? Am I perhaps using the wrong weapon types (one 3D and four 2E beam lasers - all as turrets - with a 6a power plant and 6a energy distribution, all in a Federal dropship)?

It also depends how you engineered them.

Beam Lasers are the most powerful of Laser Types, but they generate more heat as well, using THERMAL VENT EXPERIMENTAL EFFECT helps...

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