Elite: Game talk

03 Mar 2024, 11:38am
I am a Bounty Hunter, But I do not kill for credits
I am one of the cmdrs that is full on Anarchy. everything else is a lie.
BECAUSE all the feds, emps and the most useless indes are all so corrupt, they actually believe the stories they spew and expect everyone to do just that.

YET, they are the most blood thirsty governments at peace I have ever seen.
paying to kill anyone and everyone left right and center.
and my fav - kill anyone that loiters

THIS is a place to live
these are the people to obey

get a perspective.

These are the scum, the murderers and the thieves of the galaxy. THEY WEAR BADGES. and THEY PAY to get their dirty work done because they are incapable themselves, time and lore shows all they know is in-fighting and lies.
Only the blind cannot see.

The only honesty in the galaxy is from Pure ANARCHISTS, burn everything else. let hell sort them out.
03 Mar 2024, 12:07pm
CMDR Milesredcompletely random rant

S tier salt, mr miles.
03 Mar 2024, 12:25pm
Goids human pods are Matrix batteries...
03 Mar 2024, 1:55pm
We are pretty lousy batteries, though. Thanks, first and second laws of thermodynamics.

We consume a lot of high-energy materials (food, oxygen) and convert it into low-grade heat (with a very small temperature difference). If you took all the food and oxygen and burned it, it would produce way more heat, more efficiently.

Even if you could harvest all of the calories we consume and convert them directly to joules, a ton of that would still be required to keep our brain, nervous system, organs and joints alive and working. Without which the battery stops working.

Any system using humans as a power source is just not efficient enough to bother building. You have to put in way more energy than you're going to be able to extract.
03 Mar 2024, 2:09pm
It had worked in Matrix...
03 Mar 2024, 2:19pm
That's why the Wachowski sisters are screenwriters and directors, not physics professors.
03 Mar 2024, 2:27pm
It could be goids are aware about other types of energy which humans have not discovered yet...
03 Mar 2024, 2:28pm
What the Thargoids need to save the titans is their version of Obi Wan. Whenever a human ship shows up, it waves an insect leg and says, "These are not the goids you're looking for."
03 Mar 2024, 2:31pm
Vasil Vasilescu"These are not the goids you're looking for."


Barnacles and Spire sites are also harvesting energy, humans have no idea what it is...
03 Mar 2024, 8:14pm
I’m just going to say it right now - Taranis is not dead. At least… not completely. I was observing the anomaly it left behind, and something at its core very clearly charged up a repulsion wave, except it sounded a lot weaker and was not visible at all. Not long after I saw a high wake out of the system, so someone triggered it.

It definitely matches up with my feeling that this caustic residue cloud feels more like a hyper-protective shell of whatever remains inside. But I’m not sure anyone’ll like what we find left in it.
03 Mar 2024, 10:59pm
We will have to wager on something. 15 Manufacturing Instructions!

I think the maelstroms are for-real dead, and afterward we'll see a carcass/wreck site at their former locations. Bonus points if it's explorable with an SLF.

But I don't think it'll be the end of Maelstrom gameplay period; there are too many modules and collectible materials that we wouldn't have a use for, or any way of obtaining again. I suspect one or two Titans will survive, or we'll gain another couple way out at Witchhead or Coalsack in their "traditional" lands, and they would probably be more permanent.
03 Mar 2024, 11:05pm
I think the maelstroms are for-real dead, and afterward we'll see a carcass/wreck site at their former locations.

I am going to verify the existence of this continued pulse myself relatively soon-ish, once my brain pulls itself away from the log I’m working on long enough to brave the newest caustic hellstorm.

What will I do it in? A Cutter slapped full of hull reinforcements and seven or eight caustic sinks. But if that pulse exists, it would indicate something is in fact still in there and active. But to what extent, that still needs to be determined. And likely only will be in a few weeks - if that cloud even dissipates at all.
03 Mar 2024, 11:18pm
The pulse was always generated from the orbiting asteroid ring, though, not the Titan itself. It may trigger independently of it; like you can sink a carrier but the guided missile destroyers that were its escorts are still alive and going to shoot shit at you.

Good luck with your explorations; I left the Taranis vicinity without trying to poke around in the remains. I understand the caustic damage is really ramped up post-explosion and makes penetration to the inner areas nigh-impossible.
03 Mar 2024, 11:30pm
The pulse was always generated from the orbiting asteroid ring, though, not the Titan itself.

No, I definitely saw it myself - the Titan is what generated those pulses. The last one especially, because I saw its ‘pillars’ begin to flicker with electricity or whatever it was and begin to connect lines to each other, then it emitted a pulse itself that knocked every ship away from it, human and Thargoid apparently.

And those asteroids? They usually don’t generate electromagnetic fields of sufficient intensity to repel a ship at several thousand meters per second. Or at all, really. I suppose they may have served as an amplifying conduit for the repulsion wave so that it could reach a hundred kilometers outward, though, since certain materials/metals cooled to sufficient levels are superconductors. (If the science can even work that way. Which I am not good enough to say for certain.)

But if that is how it worked and those asteroids are now gone(which they absolutely are going to be), it would explain why the repulsion wave is a lot ‘weaker’ and less far-reaching.

I understand the caustic damage is really ramped up post-explosion and makes penetration to the inner areas nigh-impossible.

It is extreme. The very outer edge of the cloud fills a caustic sink in a few seconds, at… maybe around 18, 20% per ‘tick’ of caustic, so to speak. It gets to maybe around 30% on the inner areas, and the way your ship gets kicked around is turned up to 11 as well.

(I am going to pretend this is a remote-piloted flight by my character and that she is totally willing to go through with an insurance claim on that Cutter if it tells her whether there is any way to get close enough to trigger this supposed repulsion wave.)
03 Mar 2024, 11:51pm
The last one especially, because I saw its ‘pillars’ begin to flicker with electricity or whatever it was and begin to connect lines to each other, then it emitted a pulse itself that knocked every ship away from it, human and Thargoid apparently.

That sounds like what happens when a Titan does the blue "Torus" (or doughnut) attack, and damages/kicks away every ship in range of the blue torus rings.

Is that where you were? The safe zone for that attack is a little ways above the centre areas (maw on front or pineapple/ass on the rear). That is a different thing from the big shove-you-out-of-the-maelstrom massive energy surge.

I may be wrong, but I always understood that the massive energy surge that boots you right out of the maelstrom entirely, gets generated in the asteroid ring. That's why you can have people buzzing around the Titan, not having to ever use their TG Pulse Wave neutralizer, while there are dozens of people still trying to get into the inner layers who are still encountering the pulse wave knock-back.

I'm not a Titan scholar exactly, but I have flown in there dozens of times and never have to use the TG pulse neutralizer after getting past the asteroids.

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