Elite: Game talk

16 Feb 2023, 5:47am
So, a mining question (I'm still learning):

I go into a 'hot spot' area and start mining. It seems like I find everything in the area BUT what ever the hot spot is. Void Opals seem to be the worst at this. I find more Tritium than Opals (same for Platinum, Cold diamonds, etc et al...). I've just about decided that mining is the space version of fishing or playing golf. All are an excellent way to ruin a good day.

What am I doing wrong, if anything?
16 Feb 2023, 12:44pm
Are you specifically core mining?
Are you using the PWS and then targetting shiny rocks with a prospector?
I ask because Vopals are only found in cores and cannot be laser mined.
The hotspot does not increase the number of core rocks in the ring but does increase the likelihood of any core rock containing the required mineral
16 Feb 2023, 12:49pm
@lucia melony

I have not come across this problem. Can you be more specific about the times you get the problem? All of your detective work seems logical but there is probably some common thread that runs through each instance of the problem.

{EDIT: sorry, just read this back and I sound like a bloody chatbot}
16 Feb 2023, 12:58pm
I have find this !

Is this a good mod ?

Because headshot damage is useless if the target has shields so i am not sure
16 Feb 2023, 1:51pm
I've been off for month and came back to play this game with a complete PC upgrade and strong VR capabilities. Bar the little difficulties I encounter re-adjusting, I really think the game is at another level in VR, graphics are great and it is really enjoyable to play.

Coming from Horizon, I do not know how to manage my character in footie mode and to tell you the truth, apart for visiting my bar tender, I'm not really into it.

The ships, travels, exploration, missions, farming of materials for engineering new ships is enough to keep me busy most of the time, To get back to my previous level of skill, I prepared a Python for passenger missions and make money to buy a stock of Tritium.

So far, only binding my new gear was an issue at times but it looks OK now, I still have to bind my combat specific keys for my Corvette, when I feel I can handle it properly again, then I'll go do some bounty hunting...

Perhaps I'm missing something not using the full features of Odyssey, but I got it to enjoy my Carrier interior, if I wanted to play foot soldier stuff I'd try Elden Ring or something like it, the game has everything I need other than that to keep me playing for hours, for those who haven't got VR, you should try it.
16 Feb 2023, 2:51pm
Talon AvexSo, a mining question (I'm still learning):

I go into a 'hot spot' area and start mining. It seems like I find everything in the area BUT what ever the hot spot is. Void Opals seem to be the worst at this. I find more Tritium than Opals (same for Platinum, Cold diamonds, etc et al...). I've just about decided that mining is the space version of fishing or playing golf. All are an excellent way to ruin a good day.

What am I doing wrong, if anything?

There are three types of mining. Laser mining, Sub-surface mining and core mining. Laser mining is surface mining (no Pulse Wave Analyser required), but a good (Class A) prospect limpet will maximise the amount you get. Subsurface mining is digging into the surface of an asteroid to with explosive charges (still no Pulse Wave Analyser required) and class A limpets may (not sure, never tried) increase yield. Core mining requires a Pulse Wave Analyser to identify a core asteroid.

So, as you appear to be laser mining, I think the nerf that occurred a wee while ago has reduced yields on all mining, but I think you're going about it the right way. Try to stay within 20km of the centre of the hotspot, that's where the most profitable asteroids are (supposed to be).
16 Feb 2023, 4:06pm
SlickwuluffI think that's not quite right.

Ranks were borked from the very start. A Hydra will give you the same amount of rank 'points' as some noodley haz-res NPC on a crappy ship.

thats because the scouts are like the "sidewinder" of thargoids, a hydra is like killing a mark 4 cobra.... wait till their "anaconda" comes, and its capital "farraguth class interdictor"
16 Feb 2023, 5:55pm
Mining, part 2...

First, thanks for the replies Quillmonkey and AKAArthur.

I am doing laser, sub-surface, abrasive and core. Also, I do run with a pulse wave analyser. I have been using the mining multi-limpet as well. The cores I've gotten have all been something other than the hot zones. I'll remember the 20 KM radius for the hot spot areas. I was reading you have a better chance in finding what you are looking for if you can find places that have hot spot overlaps.

If there has been one nice thing, I've managed to get what I need for engineering ships this way. Just looking for ways to get a better payout. Gotta make back the credits for that Type-9 that I have for mining.

FYI - I'm out in the Colonia part of space. Tritium has been good for me. I've also discovered a few systems that no one has found and that's been fun...especially the 'Armstrong' moments. Being the first to mine the rings also feels good. I'm having fun with it!
17 Feb 2023, 8:19am
The 20km limit is only for resource extraction sites, not hotspots.
Overlapping hotspots will increase the yield for surface mining but for cores it only increases the chance of a particular mineral.
Multi limpets are okay but only for collection. Always have separate A-Rated prospectors
17 Feb 2023, 8:39am
If your target is faster then you then the interdictors don't work I think. so have a look at the distance. if it is increasing you are simply too slow relative to your target for it to work.

Lucia MelonyI haven't been able to find anything anywhere about this, so I'm making my first post about it.

My brother and I have been flying around in multi-crew, hunting npc pirates with an interdictor. Sometimes, the interdictor just won't respond at all. No "Get behind target," no "out of range" no reaction the the button being pushed at all. We checked, and we have enough power, it's assigned to a proper fire group, and even if this happens when you just don't have enough mass/a high enough grade of interdictor for the npc's mass, a Vulture should have zero problem interdiction a Sidewinder.

We just encountered this issue again, and this time were flying a FDL trying to interdict a Viper. We've interdicted Vipers before. Does anyone know anything about this? Or even something vaguely similar? This has happened several(more than 4) times with many differing ship models, and is becoming more of an irritation than an inconvience.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Feb 2023, 8:43pm
18 Feb 2023, 4:22pm
It would be nice to have the option of having our NPC pilot seating and interacting with us in the cockpit before and after launch, right now it feels like she/he isn't real and only generated artificially, I'd do with a chat with Celest...

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Feb 2023, 8:44pm
19 Feb 2023, 1:29pm
First sortie with my new (rebuy) Krait MKII after full engineering

Went out to one of my favorite hunting spots in Wolf 363, bounty hunting for 7 mn...

One million per mn is a lot more than I expected from this ship especially after month of absence in this game and not having flown one of these for even longer...

The weapon combination makes everything go boom, FAST.

I didn't use a single shield cell and combat damage was 0%, shields went down to 26% due to a collision with my last target, kills ranges from light to heavy (Anaconda) and I think it is the best ship for bounty hunting, I'll use the corvette for assassination missions, mainly due to combat persistence.

My pilot is Elite, trained her from newbie to this level, her pay rate is still 10% and she flies an XG9 Lance, very good against shields.

Last edit: 19 Feb 2023, 2:07pm
20 Feb 2023, 10:34pm
So, I just watched the new Galnet article on the "test flight" for some new tech to deal with the caustic maelstrom environment. Their prototype tech: A HEATSINK. A stupid flipping heatsink. Oh, sure, they're SAYING it's LIKE a heatsink, in that it just "absorbs" the material and then you "expel" the cartridge. For lack of a better term, I'll call this a "Caustic Sink". Whatever, it's a stupid idea....UNLESS they ALSO develop a new armor that you have to use WITH the caustic sink. This new armor would be designed to absorb the caustic substance as it comes into contact with the skin of the ship and shunts it TO the caustic sink for ejection. This new armor would slowly degrade once you no longer have caustic sinks to eject the gathered material (not as quickly as other armor types, and possibly it's made of similar material as the anti-corrosion cargo modules).

THAT would be the one way to avoid constant eyerolling of this "new tech".
21 Feb 2023, 1:08am
Sombody knows why in game platinum and osmium are not visible on galaxy map commodoty search?

Thank you
21 Feb 2023, 1:38am
I am pretty sure you can't buy them, only mine them.

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