Elite: Game talk

15 Jun 2016, 12:37pm
The Market Connector tool

do you have a tutorial for use that thing?

no idea of what is it
15 Jun 2016, 12:53pm
Laynor Luna LagoonaThe Market Connector tool

do you have a tutorial for use that thing?

no idea of what is it

Check here, and get from here.

It's a small app you install that just sits there and reads the current state of the game client. You can assign a hot-key to take a "snapshot" of the data for the station you're at from within the game. By default it will upload the data to EDDB - Inara (and other tools and sites) then can pulls data from EDDB. So updating station data for the benefit of the ED player community everywhere is as simple as pressing a hot-key when you are at a station.

I've made this hot-key press a habit. Land, reload, repair, refuel, hot-key, then hit the contacts to claim any local bounties, then go on to the market or mission board to do my business.

The Connector also checks what services there are on the station - shipyard and outfitting inventories, if there is a black market, etc. Very handy thing.
15 Jun 2016, 1:10pm
James Hussar
Laynor Luna LagoonaThe Market Connector tool

do you have a tutorial for use that thing?

no idea of what is it

Check here, and get from here.

It's a small app you install that just sits there and reads the current state of the game client. You can assign a hot-key to take a "snapshot" of the data for the station you're at from within the game. By default it will upload the data to EDDB - Inara (and other tools and sites) then can pulls data from EDDB. So updating station data for the benefit of the ED player community everywhere is as simple as pressing a hot-key when you are at a station.

I've made this hot-key press a habit. Land, reload, repair, refuel, hot-key, then hit the contacts to claim any local bounties, then go on to the market or mission board to do my business.

The Connector also checks what services there are on the station - shipyard and outfitting inventories, if there is a black market, etc. Very handy thing.

Cheers for that really straight forward and have just used it for the first time
15 Jun 2016, 1:51pm
Anybody able to point me to a system where the controlling faction is at War? I must find Military Supercapacitors, but the state filter in the galaxy map is not being updated correctly, so it is entirely useless.
15 Jun 2016, 2:05pm
Thanks, i will have a look
15 Jun 2016, 2:56pm
Armitage TauAnybody able to point me to a system where the controlling faction is at War? I must find Military Supercapacitors, but the state filter in the galaxy map is not being updated correctly, so it is entirely useless.

The state filter actually filters by faction state instead of system state which is extremely annoying.
15 Jun 2016, 3:11pm
Is there a way to search the discussions. That way I can try to find if the subject has been discussed already instead of bothering you all (again) with questions like this .
16 Jun 2016, 4:30pm
Alright Ladies and Gents, little Engineer question here...

Looking for Proto Heat Radiators. Supposedly they only appear in a System that has economic boom running. I'm in such a System currently, and according to the Inara info, it's coming from Signal sources, whereas somewhere else it says off of Ships wreckage. Anyone able to confirm to have found one of these in either yet (if off Ships, please specify which type), so I don't go chasing waterfalls or something (found a array of interesting Satellites though, posted them on the Gallery).
16 Jun 2016, 8:02pm
First I'll have to do some trading, earning the money I need to invest in a Python and afford the rebuy. So let's do that with a Cobra. Thanks for the advice Ming the Merciless.
17 Jun 2016, 5:27am
CoragonAlright Ladies and Gents, little Engineer question here...

Looking for Proto Heat Radiators. Supposedly they only appear in a System that has economic boom running. I'm in such a System currently, and according to the Inara info, it's coming from Signal sources, whereas somewhere else it says off of Ships wreckage. Anyone able to confirm to have found one of these in either yet (if off Ships, please specify which type), so I don't go chasing waterfalls or something (found a array of interesting Satellites though, posted them on the Gallery).

Answering myself, jumped into the game today, first Encoded Emissions Signal Source gifted me 3 of the aforementioned Radiators. So they do exist, just takes a long while to get them.
19 Jun 2016, 2:03am
hi all, me and my Friends started an alliance called "Nova Elites" and its totally worth your time.If your interested friend me on Xbox.
Xbox name:SSGjugg3r
20 Jun 2016, 12:49am
Looking to trade meta alloys for any other comodity. I just would like to aquire access to the engineer that wants one of those.

Willing to trade any comoddity equal in value for 1 meta alloy.

please contact me through steam or in game;
Steam: Chili Palmer (picture is of a joker playing card)
In game: (cmdr) Phantom Cruze
20 Jun 2016, 7:41am
Phantom CruzeLooking to trade meta alloys for any other comodity. I just would like to aquire access to the engineer that wants one of those.

Willing to trade any comoddity equal in value for 1 meta alloy.

please contact me through steam or in game;
Steam: Chili Palmer (picture is of a joker playing card)
In game: (cmdr) Phantom Cruze

You should be able to buy some in Maia at one of the surface ports. Darnielles Progress I think.
20 Jun 2016, 9:38am
Anyone have any decent advise when it comes to undermining a power, that requires taking cargo from them, before the system security vessels appear within 20 seconds of attacking the ship?! This is just impossible!!!!
20 Jun 2016, 10:11am
Dragon DarkoAnyone have any decent advise when it comes to undermining a power, that requires taking cargo from them, before the system security vessels appear within 20 seconds of attacking the ship?! This is just impossible!!!!
work in a cohesive team....

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