Elite: Game talk

29 Jun 2016, 2:33pm

My only question is with Xbox players is how to find a consistant groups of players to wing with and explore. seems guys will play for a bit then off to something else. I would love to find a good core group to play with I love this game so will be sticking around a while

Look no further, elite is literally the only game I play so it is rare to see me on anything else and 2 of my wing members also play elite just as much as me.

tag: Silverdrake220 I am on most nights in Segon right now feel free to add me I am still relatively new and still learning but is the only thing I am playing.

I don't mind helping ppl out, i dont know how long im gonna be in the bubble for because im gonna go help out jaques

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jun 2016, 12:24pm
29 Jun 2016, 2:39pm
Do PC and Xbox players exist in separate Universes in ED, or can we fly together?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jun 2016, 12:24pm
29 Jun 2016, 2:50pm
James HussarDo PC and Xbox players exist in separate Universes in ED, or can we fly together?

We cannot fly together, which is a big shame I think

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jun 2016, 12:24pm
29 Jun 2016, 2:50pm

My only question is with Xbox players is how to find a consistant groups of players to wing with and explore. seems guys will play for a bit then off to something else. I would love to find a good core group to play with I love this game so will be sticking around a while

Look no further, elite is literally the only game I play so it is rare to see me on anything else and 2 of my wing members also play elite just as much as me.

tag: Silverdrake220 I am on most nights in Segon right now feel free to add me I am still relatively new and still learning but is the only thing I am playing.

Feel free to add me as well. GT Carfalon. I'll be doing some trade runs for a few days to kit out a python to help Jacques

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jun 2016, 12:24pm
29 Jun 2016, 2:54pm

My only question is with Xbox players is how to find a consistant groups of players to wing with and explore. seems guys will play for a bit then off to something else. I would love to find a good core group to play with I love this game so will be sticking around a while

Look no further, elite is literally the only game I play so it is rare to see me on anything else and 2 of my wing members also play elite just as much as me.

tag: Silverdrake220 I am on most nights in Segon right now feel free to add me I am still relatively new and still learning but is the only thing I am playing.

Feel free to add me as well. GT Carfalon. I'll be doing some trade runs for a few days to kit out a python to help Jacques

and me as well. my gt is same as my name. i be doing sothis runs for a little then come back to the bubble.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jun 2016, 12:24pm
29 Jun 2016, 3:01pm
Dragon Darko
James HussarDo PC and Xbox players exist in separate Universes in ED, or can we fly together?

We cannot fly together, which is a big shame I think

It IS a shame. Do xbox players have the same options of Open, Solo AND various private groups, at least? Or just Solo/Open?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jun 2016, 12:24pm
29 Jun 2016, 3:33pm
James Hussar
Dragon Darko
James HussarDo PC and Xbox players exist in separate Universes in ED, or can we fly together?

We cannot fly together, which is a big shame I think

It IS a shame. Do xbox players have the same options of Open, Solo AND various private groups, at least? Or just Solo/Open?

Yep, we can play in open/solo/private group yes.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jun 2016, 12:23pm
29 Jun 2016, 4:17pm
James Hussar
Dragon Darko
James HussarDo PC and Xbox players exist in separate Universes in ED, or can we fly together?

We cannot fly together, which is a big shame I think

It IS a shame. Do xbox players have the same options of Open, Solo AND various private groups, at least? Or just Solo/Open?

Yes private group was added in 1.6 for us

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jun 2016, 12:23pm
29 Jun 2016, 7:20pm
Zrantaa suggestion for the Wings section

Now i know Xbox players are shunned and disrespected by the PC boys/girls but i hoping that such attitudes aren't taken up here

How about in the Wings viewing page to have additional Tabs for PC and Xbox. I am sure there are Wings out there which are platform pacific although i have seen that Paladin Consortium Wing cover both PC and Xbox.

I think there is no animosity between PC/XBox here.
Yes, I will add this settings/filter for the wings. I initially thought that I will be doing that by the ratio of PC/Xbox members in the wing automatically, but simple option in the wing settings will be more straightforward and less complicated...

thats pleasing to know
glad my idea is well received

My only question is with Xbox players is how to find a consistant groups of players to wing with and explore. seems guys will play for a bit then off to something else. I would love to find a good core group to play with I love this game so will be sticking around a while

i tend to log in and stay logged on, since ED its the only game i play

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jun 2016, 12:23pm
29 Jun 2016, 9:36pm
Private groups is in the menu for XB1 but acts like solo as you cannot wing up in private group, nor see your friends in the map.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jun 2016, 12:23pm
29 Jun 2016, 9:40pm
TheEnigmaShewPrivate groups is in the menu for XB1 but acts like solo as you cannot wing up in private group, nor see your friends in the map.

Im on Xbox and I have been able to wing up in private groups

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jun 2016, 12:23pm
29 Jun 2016, 10:02pm
Ah must have been updated in the last week then, as my friends and I who run together on sundays were not able to wing unless in open.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jun 2016, 12:23pm
30 Jun 2016, 12:34am
Meta Alloys ? Anyone know where other than "Maia" (300 lys away) to purchase these ? Btw did go to Xinca Alpers Penal colony as well as Zhang fei (listed in Inara) but nothing to purchase on the commodities list only that they purchase them? Thanks for any info in regards to this.

30 Jun 2016, 1:37am
ShadowmaMeta Alloys ? Anyone know where other than "Maia" (300 lys away) to purchase these ? Btw did go to Xinca Alpers Penal colony as well as Zhang fei (listed in Inara) but nothing to purchase on the commodities list only that they purchase them? Thanks for any info in regards to this.


AFAIK, Maia is the ONLY place meta-alloys can be purchased. Other than that, you need to find a barnacle and mine it. And a new barnacle at that, as the documented ones have been nerfed and only drop metal ores at this point.

It just so happens that I am carrying a few tons of meta-alloys right now, and I'm heading back toward the bubble as I type this. My plan is to give these away to my wing brethren, but maybe we can work something out.
30 Jun 2016, 3:59am
TheEnigmaShewAh must have been updated in the last week then, as my friends and I who run together on sundays were not able to wing unless in open.

We have always been able to wing up in private but you had to have been in the same place to do so

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 30 Jun 2016, 12:23pm

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