James HussarGogozliGreenArrowC67Has anyone had problems getting the ranked missions with the Federation or the Empire
I cannot rank up in Empire! Still didnt achice my first rank.I am at 100%,continuing to do missions for Empire,for nearly a month now,but cannot rank up!!!
You need to find an "ascension" mission and conduct it. They're often simple delivery or retrieval missions, but they are the THING that actually increases your rank once you've gained 100% reputation needed to rank up. It's a bit awkward. Once you do have the needed rep to rank up, the ascension missions should start popping up in mission boards on stations that are controlled by factions that are aligned with the Empire.
One thing to note is that you keep on earning reputation toward your ranking even if you don't actually don't do the ascension mission, so it is possible to skip a rank, or to have plenty of rep toward the next rank when you do rank up.
The mechanic for Federation and Alliance is the same - ascension missions are what formally promotes you, but any mission for an aligned faction increases the reputation needed to rank up.
Ah would explain why I got message saying I'm Duke but still lord thanks for info.