Elite: Game talk

24 Jun 2022, 12:16pm
The squadron requirement for carriers was unenforceable anyway. I could make a squadron with my alt and fulfill the requirement. In fact leaving the carrier-owning account in the bubble and using an alt as crew would make upkeep even less of a problem because credits are so much easier to earn in the bubble.

Making carriers prohibitively expensive would result in fewer carriers, but I don't see how making them more affordable turned them into a half-baked feature.
24 Jun 2022, 12:49pm
Yes, you could do one person squadron but could you pull the effort required to maintain it? I would assume the cost would be scaled to at least 20 players group....

Making carriers prohibitively expensive would result in fewer carriers, but I don't see how making them more affordable turned them into a half-baked feature.

It is not their affordability that makes them half-baked it is their design. A group asset was made a private one by applying MVP without considering all consequences of it. This I call half-baked feature. The more thoughtful approach would be to give two types of player owned megaships one for groups with all benefits of persistent instance and one personal which would be a specialized instance per player. ... This would required more effort of course to implement because it would need actual work rather than reusing existing station assets.

There a plenty of stuff that both types could do. One I could've think is asset and even ship production by players. Instead we got that jack that trade order with +/- .... set that service tariff nonsense. No wonder people want them jumping every second and self refueling.
24 Jun 2022, 1:27pm
Episparh..The more thoughtful approach would be to give two types of player owned megaships one for groups with all benefits of persistent instance and one personal which would be a specialized instance per player. ...

thats a nice idea in that direction, one megaship for squad or other use with lower range, as it is, and one for personal use with maybe higher distance range and optimized consumption, would be great for deep space explorers
24 Jun 2022, 2:01pm
EpisparhThe more thoughtful approach would be to give two types of player owned megaships one for groups with all benefits of persistent instance and one personal which would be a specialized instance per player. ... This would required more effort of course to implement because it would need actual work rather than reusing existing station assets.

They might as well make the service modules more expensive so that individuals can only afford basic refuel/repair/rearm and everything else requires group play.

On the other hand, they should make the concourse bar permanent and only replace the trading barkeeper with a PA912 unit if the material trade feature isn't installed. Doesn't take much of a psychologist to see the appeal of a crowded bar to an explorer who just spent days or weeks alone. Even if it's just NPCs, the place should feel alive.

I dislike the idea of megaships visible only to their owner.
24 Jun 2022, 2:03pm
I dislike the idea of megaships visible only to their owner.

Can you explain why?
24 Jun 2022, 2:50pm
I dislike the idea of megaships visible only to their owner.

Can you explain why?

It would break a core mechanic of the game: dropping into another player's wake.
24 Jun 2022, 3:10pm
I dislike the idea of megaships visible only to their owner.

Can you explain why?

It would break a core mechanic of the game: dropping into another player's wake.

Yeah, I guess that is a thing. It will give a localized safe heaven instance. But then how logging out and in during SC gives you access to a the instance where the player is?

A personal FC will not save you from interdiction and in most cases that safe heaven would be few jumps away ...
24 Jun 2022, 10:44pm
Personally I don't like anything that "forces" me to do anything on a regular basis (namely carriers and weekly arx). I should be able to play every single day or every 6 months according to my own schedule without penalty. Otherwise it just becomes work and the fun is detached to other activities.
24 Jun 2022, 11:36pm
Admittedly, for what fleet carriers are and what they are worth, I don't see much of a problem with the upkeep costs. They aren't that high to begin with. It doesn't take long to put enough credits into a carrier for its upkeep costs to be covered for multiple years. The issues I see with them are that they are clogging up systems as people abandon the game and leave their carriers behind (Rackham's Peak is packed full of abandoned carriers now). The other issue I have is that there isn't an in-game method of plotting a course for them to follow. Rackham's Peak is only about 5k LY's above the galactic plane and it's a 6 hour journey to take a fleet carrier up there. Colonia is 22k LY's away and people are able to take long range Anacondas there in under 2 hours. Even if they have to have a 20 minute jump cycle, FDev should have enabled players to plot a course for their carrier to travel. That way someone could plot a course and go to bed or head off to work and come back to their carrier far out in the black, ready to explore more isolated places. The upkeep costs are paying a crew and bridge officer on board. It only make sense that they can be delegated the navigation duties.
25 Jun 2022, 1:28am
It would be nice if it were possible to combine several carriers into one permanent station.
25 Jun 2022, 2:20am
EpisparhWell, as I said it is personal preference. MRPs cost no power and they are far more valuable vs reverberating cascade than SRPs.
... Honestly, SRPs are to compensate for weak shield if you have a strong shield, SCBs are better value given you can afford power draw.

I keep forgetting about SRPs. I think I will start using them on the lower-shield ships.
25 Jun 2022, 4:19am

I keep forgetting about SRPs. I think I will start using them on the lower-shield ships.

Take a look at my AspX .... search it by name Jinn. A bit hard to find something visually in my fleet.
25 Jun 2022, 11:08pm
o7 cmdrs , was wondering if anybody could tell me where to pick up the chieftain from the cg and also do you have to be unfriendly with Sirius to open up uma laszio or should she be open for doin the cg. Thx if you can help.
26 Jun 2022, 6:06am
Кто подскажет, какое среднее содержание платины указывает что месторождение богатое?
Сделал 4 сессии по 150 сканов, показывает более 30%. Мне кажется это много.

Who can tell you what the average platinum content indicates that the deposit is rich?
Made 4 sessions of 150 scans, shows more than 30%. I think it's a lot.
26 Jun 2022, 1:55pm
SerganinКто подскажет, какое среднее содержание платины указывает что месторождение богатое?
Сделал 4 сессии по 150 сканов, показывает более 30%. Мне кажется это много.

Who can tell you what the average platinum content indicates that the deposit is rich?
Made 4 sessions of 150 scans, shows more than 30%. I think it's a lot.

30% tells you that each fragment you refine from surface mining gives you that percentage of a tonne. Meaning that you will get one Tonne of rich metal (platinum or whatever) for every 3 to 4 fragments. You would be surprised how quickly that will fill your holds.
I reckon anything above 25% is worth stripping.

Good luck Cmdr, and don’t forget your Limpets 07

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