Episparh Goids saw miners' frenzy and gave upThe Thargoids have 99% resistance to human weapons... 99% isn't 100. So, it is possible to gather together and start mining Thargoids...
Elite: Game talk
02 Sep 2022, 2:09pm
03 Sep 2022, 12:13am
Yuna SakashiroIt looks like the anomaly has stopped moving (if it ever moved at all). I took two photos of it from deep space in Oochorrs UF-J c11-0 about four hours apart, and it changed neither its size nor its position relative to other stars in the skybox.
I assume its general galactic coordinate position as already been determined? Triangulation and whatnot. I'm confident there are enough enthusiasts to figure it out.
03 Sep 2022, 12:20am
KurakilI assume its general galactic coordinate position as already been determined? Triangulation and whatnot. I'm confident there are enough enthusiasts to figure it out.Just saw someone on Reddit hyperjumping through it.
03 Sep 2022, 1:08am
MeowersJust saw someone on Reddit hyperjumping through it.
Wow. But then it's visitable?
03 Sep 2022, 5:33am
MeowersKurakilI assume its general galactic coordinate position as already been determined? Triangulation and whatnot. I'm confident there are enough enthusiasts to figure it out.
Just saw someone on Reddit hyperjumping through it.
Is there a link?
03 Sep 2022, 9:53am
03 Sep 2022, 11:21am
Yuna SakashiroIt looks like the anomaly has stopped moving (if it ever moved at all). I took two photos of it from deep space in Oochorrs UF-J c11-0 about four hours apart, and it changed neither its size nor its position relative to other stars in the skybox.
It is currently moving from Oochorrs UF-J c11-0 to Oochorrs CS-F c13-0 at an estimated 0.67ly per hour. You won't see any apparent motion from either of these two systems, as the anomaly is moving directly away from / towards you, respectively. Its apparent size will also be changing very slowly now, because it is already many lightyears away. Effectively, over four hours you would currently see it travel from around 20 lightyears to 22 lightyears away, which will barely make a difference in size.
A good system to observe motion currently is Oochorrs YL-H c12-0, as it forms an almost eqilateral triangle with the above two systems. From there, one can see the anomaly is now almost half-way between the systems, with an ETA at Oochorrs CS-F c13-0 around 3308-09-05 08:00 game time (~44 hours from now).
Last edit: 03 Sep 2022, 11:32am
03 Sep 2022, 4:22pm
Yuna SakashiroIt looks like the anomaly has stopped moving (if it ever moved at all). I took two photos of it from deep space in Oochorrs UF-J c11-0 about four hours apart, and it changed neither its size nor its position relative to other stars in the skybox.
Squad discord reckon Stargoid (TM) is increasing speed exponentially.
Personally, I reckon it will arrive wherever it is going by November update. No reason to get interested yet.
03 Sep 2022, 4:31pm
QuillmonkeyYuna SakashiroIt looks like the anomaly has stopped moving (if it ever moved at all). I took two photos of it from deep space in Oochorrs UF-J c11-0 about four hours apart, and it changed neither its size nor its position relative to other stars in the skybox.
Squad discord reckon Stargoid (TM) is increasing speed exponentially.
Personally, I reckon it will arrive wherever it is going by November update. No reason to get interested yet.
Canonn is currently estimating a constant speed somewhere between 0.65 and 0.67 lightyears per hour, I think.
Unless it speeds up a lot, it's going to be at least ~3 months before it gets anywhere interesting though, yeah.
04 Sep 2022, 1:03am
Alex HoffmannMac4How does one go about gathering 25 occupied space pods?
check out meene ab 5 c/d for recoverable wreckage signals, there are enough occupied escape pod´s to collect
Mac4I should've thought of that before setting out to look up ol' Etienne
Turns out one of those mysterious stranger tip-offs leads you to a crashed ship in nearby Ra' Takakhan, that as far as I can tell features one (1) occupied escape pod. I'm thinking it must've been left there on purpose, so that all it takes is 25 relogs to solve the issue, since as we all know that makes for bwahaha excellent gameplay
04 Sep 2022, 4:18am
Mac4Alex HoffmannMac4How does one go about gathering 25 occupied space pods?
check out meene ab 5 c/d for recoverable wreckage signals, there are enough occupied escape pod´s to collect
Mac4I should've thought of that before setting out to look up ol' Etienne
Turns out one of those mysterious stranger tip-offs leads you to a crashed ship in nearby Ra' Takakhan, that as far as I can tell features one (1) occupied escape pod. I'm thinking it must've been left there on purpose, so that all it takes is 25 relogs to solve the issue, since as we all know that makes for bwahaha excellent gameplayAlso, whoever came up with the idea of your SRV holding 4 pieces of cargo should of course be summarily executed $#@
04 Sep 2022, 4:37am
Mac4Alex HoffmannMac4How does one go about gathering 25 occupied space pods?
check out meene ab 5 c/d for recoverable wreckage signals, there are enough occupied escape pod´s to collect [img=20x20]/sites/general/js/sce/emoticons/smile.png[/img]
Mac4I should've thought of that before setting out to look up ol' Etienne
Turns out one of those mysterious stranger tip-offs leads you to a crashed ship in nearby Ra' Takakhan, that as far as I can tell features one (1) occupied escape pod. I'm thinking it must've been left there on purpose, so that all it takes is 25 relogs to solve the issue, since as we all know that makes for bwahaha excellent gameplay Also, whoever came up with the idea of your SRV holding 4 pieces of cargo should of course be summarily executed $#@
25 relogs is awfull, next time just check the signals (at meene) in space.. usually there a 5 pods on each signal, with a collector takes just 1-2 minutes.. or the manual way, goes also fast.
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