Elite: Game talk

14 Sep 2022, 1:38pm
Ugh. It should really be possible to leave a marker from your SRV.

(Situation again where you go >salvage mission >find more interesting goodies >cargo full >return to ship, no idea where you been since wasn't paying attention to compass.)
14 Sep 2022, 1:42pm
Mac4Ugh. It should really be possible to leave a marker from your SRV.

(Situation again where you go >salvage mission >find more interesting goodies >cargo full >return to ship, no idea where you been since wasn't paying attention to compass.)
you have longitude/latitude readings on your HUD, you can write them down
14 Sep 2022, 2:36pm
Meowersyou have longitude/latitude readings on your HUD, you can write them down

Yes, thanks. That's assuming you are paying attention

Mac4no idea where you been since wasn't paying attention to compass.)

(To expound some, the situation went thusly: Sent out to look for cargo X, find it among some rubble DYZ. Another sample X lights up on radar some distance away, among another pile of rubble. Go and collect it, return to ship to transfer cargo, not quite letting it sink in that I guess the non-mission stuff doesn't light up on radar quite like it does. So can't find back said pile of rubble.

Oh, well. I realize there are more pressing things in the world. On the bright side, came across two rich geological sites today, out of the two I randomly chose to land at because why not let's give it a shot haven't tried this in a good while, so all is not lost )
14 Sep 2022, 4:48pm
Mac4Yes, thanks. That's assuming you are paying attention
Yeah, it's quite a convenient thing with those Odyssey surface material sites, I don't bother equipping a scanner, just descending to the right spot. We have compass, we have long/lat indication, and that's enough to drop at the exact location.
14 Sep 2022, 6:30pm
Meowersit's quite a convenient thing with those Odyssey surface material sites

Oh, right, you don't even get a marker, or somesuch, right? Not looking forward to that one Anyway tomorrow will be the 4.0 update, a lot will depend on that as to whether I'm interested in getting Odyssey or not. I'm not holding my hopes up. Wanting to graft an entire FPS onto this game was a pretty bold move, wasn't it. (Although it's best left to the Odyssey thread, I'm aware.)
14 Sep 2022, 6:36pm
Mac4Oh, right, you don't even get a marker, or somesuch, right? Not looking forward to that one Anyway tomorrow will be the 4.0 update, a lot will depend on that as to whether I'm interested in getting Odyssey or not. I'm not holding my hopes up. Wanting to graft an entire FPS onto this game was a pretty bold move, wasn't it. (Though it's best left to the Odyssey thread, I'm aware.)
Honestly speaking, can't even remember. I was like... "Oh, a thread about Odyssey top-tier materials locations! I should go there! Got tired of switching to Horizons". Then I'd written down the locations in lat/long format and was farming them like that since that day. I do remember, though, I had to install a scanner to get the marker on Horizons, however, never tried to look at the same place by just showing up at its exact coordinates. I'm not the one to experiment with the grind, I just want it done...
14 Sep 2022, 6:59pm
Odyssey material sites are objectively superior to horizons, they're easy to find just by looking for the right border zones between highlands/flatlands, much easier to collect thanks to less extreme terrain so you're not chasing fragments at all, and they're just as if not more plentiful than horizons ones.

Probably going to get fixed, but i noticed if you drive 1km away from a field like this and back all the spikes refresh, though not like it matters since this particular one i barely got through half before topping off so eh.
14 Sep 2022, 7:02pm
KayominProbably going to get fixed, but i noticed if you drive 1km away from a field like this and back all the spikes refresh.
Menu-relog works too, as far as I can remember. At least was working a few months ago.
14 Sep 2022, 8:08pm
MeowersMenu-relog works too, as far as I can remember. At least was working a few months ago.

It does, or it should.

That's an impressive field though, Kayomin (looking at all the blips on your radar), not come across the likes yet. By far!
15 Sep 2022, 1:15am
Mac4That's an impressive field though, Kayomin (looking at all the blips on your radar), not come across the likes yet. By far!
Yeah, those sites have a plenty of high-tier mats. But still, it's almost a whole evening, dedicated to the grind. Very interesting gameplay (no).
15 Sep 2022, 3:23am
KayominOdyssey material sites are objectively superior to horizons, they're easy to find just by looking for the right border zones between highlands/flatlands, much easier to collect thanks to less extreme terrain so you're not chasing fragments at all, and they're just as if not more plentiful than horizons ones.
Probably going to get fixed, but i noticed if you drive 1km away from a field like this and back all the spikes refresh, though not like it matters since this particular one i barely got through half before topping off so eh.

I would not say better, just different. They take more time and effort to find, tend to be smaller, but on the plus side are flatter, unfortunately there also tend to be a few shards buried and inaccessible. The refresh distance I suspect is tied to other game engine things and won't be changed any time soon.
15 Sep 2022, 3:51pm
Hola Comandantes/tas,
Soy yo... aaarg, aaarg un viejo minero decrepito de tanto inhalar gases de Tritio que desde la ultima actualización los núcleos "amarillos" de minería han cambiado los colores y ahora se confunden mas?
16 Sep 2022, 12:24pm
I was watching a recent Youtube video that showed capital ships shooting Thargoids in a conflict zone. The guy explained that the capital ships had tamed the swarm and were pre-exerting the hearts to make it easier for us to kill the Thargoids. Unfortunately, i can't find that vido again to get the details. I thought he said that it was in HIP 22460, but that might just be my warped memory.

Can anybody put a bit more meat on the bone about that? Is it still a thing? If so, exactly where? Is there a ship build specifically for that situation? Obviously, if it is in HIP 22460, the ship build can't include Guardian stuff.
16 Sep 2022, 12:28pm
Yup, going into the Odyssey gear selection screen = CTD, and sure enough, just happened to me at first try.

3.8 all the way and just ignoring whatever lukewarm story content they'll release in several months seems like a winner more and more. I could be sunsetting the game before Frontier eventually does if they keep at it like this.
16 Sep 2022, 1:47pm
D8vehI was watching a recent Youtube video that showed capital ships shooting Thargoids in a conflict zone. The guy explained that the capital ships had tamed the swarm and were pre-exerting the hearts to make it easier for us to kill the Thargoids. Unfortunately, i can't find that vido again to get the details. I thought he said that it was in HIP 22460, but that might just be my warped memory.

Can anybody put a bit more meat on the bone about that? Is it still a thing? If so, exactly where? Is there a ship build specifically for that situation? Obviously, if it is in HIP 22460, the ship build can't include Guardian stuff.

The Megaships and capital ships in hip 22460 were indeed equipped with proper weapons to do damage to Thargoids. Unfortunately, after the dramatic failure of Salvation all of those are now space debris.

Some of the superpowers plan to build more in the future. You can find more details in galnet.

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