Elite: Game talk

02 Oct 2022, 11:05pm
KurakilIt seems we each have a different take on which mods are most important, perhaps based on how we play.

My recommendation was for First set to make - a set that will make your life easier for unlocking engineers and grinding materials.

I have plenty of other setups that I use but effectively "Maverick - Collector" is my go to for any kind of ground ops. Even if I get tipped off before arrival in high security military settlement I still can clean it without alarms being triggered or enemy shot a single round.

I'm just listing what I do and why. I know others value certain things more and have a build for such. An initial engineer grind build is perfectly valid.
03 Oct 2022, 10:09am
Hello CMDRs --

Apologies if this post does not belong here. Please advise as to a more appropriate place.

About 10 days ago, I jumped my carrier - crazy story, right? But it got weird. Normally, since the update that allowed us to do so, I have taken in all of my jumps either completely offline, or up on the command deck to watch the light show. But this time I had some work to do on an adjacent PC, so I stayed inside my Python, on the hangar deck.

When the carrier entered hyperspace, the strangest, most creepy, indescribable sounds could be heard, that I swear I'd never heard before during a carrier jump. My husband concurred; he and I have jumped hundreds of times in many carriers, though he stopped playing shortly after the release of Odyssey, and I hadn't jumped while remaining on the hangar deck for months. I don't know if it is related to this business with the Thargoids, something I just missed due to my disappointing entry to middle age and am just noticing now, something that was added randomly and unrelatedly... but I thought it was very strange and creepy.

At request, I got video of the sounds from my next carrier jump, which you can check out here on Reddit or, if you don't do Reddit (I have five versions posted there in varying codecs and resolutions), here are direct links to a 4k60 h.265 HEVC AAC version which is rather long, with a voiceover, explaining the situation and showing the jump locations, and a 1080p h.264 AAC short version which is basically just the final three minutes of the long version.

Clicking the direct links will take you to a youtube player that has downconverted everything to 360p trash, so do take advantage of the download button in that player view, in the upper right, and play the file locally (5kplayer or VLC both work great).

Am I just crazy? What I know for certain is that these sounds are not the normal creaks and groans of the carrier in transit - those are audible in the recordings as well, and are much higher-pitched.

Any opinions/discussion welcome!
03 Oct 2022, 11:58am
I dont have very much experience traveling via Carrier, but those did sound suspect
03 Oct 2022, 12:02pm
Some Thargoids docked to trade their trinkets for Ammonia and Meta-Alloys and had to use their sick bags because of not being completely adapted to human hyperjump tech.
03 Oct 2022, 12:07pm
MeowersSome Thargoids docked to trade their trinkets for Ammonia and Meta-Alloys and had to use their sick bags because of not being completely adapted to human hyperjump tech.

Isnt our Hyperspace tech just crappy rip offs of their own tech
were they sickened by how badly we botched the Dimensional shifting of the hyperbolic phasic tearing that opens the portal to hyperspace or do you think its more the fact that our ships travel in a zig zag thru witchspace
03 Oct 2022, 12:07pm
Is there a youtube link. I am not a fan of video sharing through Google drive.
03 Oct 2022, 7:42pm
OK to get back on this e-breach on controller issue, yes it turns out it uses the secondary action button B, which if holding it down is required brings up a sub-menu if you do so. That's really dumb.

I looked into rebinding it but ofc it's needed for a host of other things, so that's hardly workable. Strangely I don't readily find mention of it or a solution on the web, you'd think all those console players would run into it. Anyway I guess for the time being, that's no e-breaching for me. I suppose it'd be one for the official forums, but eh.

RearAdmiralPantsmy disappointing entry to middle age

Now you caught my attention, what did you find disappointing about it? We could continue on the off-topic thread Not all the midlife fireworks you'd expected?

Also, on the merits of looking out the window now & then, so yesterday I was using my free-roam camera while landing at some random settlement, just because that's what a commander will sometimes do, when I spotted what looked to be some mossy rocks. And thus did I bag my first bio samples Turned out there were some smaller plants and trees in the vicinity, too.
04 Oct 2022, 4:46am
EpisparhIs there a youtube link. I am not a fan of video sharing through Google drive.

I purposely avoided YouTube because they compress the hell out of videos, which would defeat the purpose - if you look at the Reddit discussions, someone posted a spectrogram of the relevant audio and the sounds I'm trying to highlight have features at 20Hz (and probably lower; the graph ends there, as does most human hearing, and most likely software recording, but in a real physical situation the sound would continue to extend beneath that threshold), as well as smooth overtone fades all the way up to 15kHz, occurring in a smooth fade-out instead of the usual overtone series (octave, octave + fifth, two octaves + third, etc.) which other sounds in the video (the ship's creaks and groans, for example) follow exactly. Compression of the video would involve compression of the audio, which usually destroys details at the low and high ends, and those features would be distorted to hell and back. Even clicking directly on the links takes you to a "google video player" hosted by youtube, which has automatically compressed the videos without informing me, resulting in my urge to take advantage of the "download" button on that player's screen and use a local video player.

That said, if you are paranoid about strangers' content, that's a fair enough reaction. I guess if you really want to hear what I'm talking about, you could spin up a VM and download / play the video there, but you'd need decent enough emulation of your video and sound hardware. YMMV.

Safe flying CMDR!
04 Oct 2022, 4:56am
Hey Commanders,

Got a quick question here. Recently I went to a base in a warzone. This base was not my faction. While sneaking about I got detected and got into a fight. I got a number of them but a grenade wound up eating my lunch. In any event, I arrived on foot in a prison barge? Once there I paid my fine (only 5,500 credits) and went to my ship. It allowed me to launch however, upon launch I was immediately attacked by the patrol craft outside the prison barge. Uh, why? I paid my fine. There was no hold on my ship ... everything appeared normal. BOOM.

I checked my Notoriety its a 1. I don't understand why the ambush from the station that just released me after accepting my very low bounty payment. Ideas?
04 Oct 2022, 5:35am
Lochannonupon launch I was immediately attacked by the patrol craft outside the prison barge. Uh, why? I paid my fine. There was no hold on my ship ... everything appeared normal. BOOM.

I checked my Notoriety its a 1. I don't understand why the ambush from the station that just released me after accepting my very low bounty payment. Ideas?

Identical experience for me - just because you pay your bounties doesn't mean your notoriety disappears immediately, unfortunately, and near as I can guess, that's the factor that caused the prison station forces to attack our ships. I'm uncertain as to how one is "supposed" to handle this situation; the prison stations vary quite a bit, so while some may have a taxi service you could use to get someplace to summon your ship, or a shipyard you could use to summon a ship without any legal issues attached (though the latter won't help you if you get scanned, since notoriety is attached to the CMDR), others are barebones and have no way to leave other than in your own ship.

Notoriety takes two real-time hours to decrease per point. If FDev truly expects us to cool our feet offline for 2+ hours in these situations, that's nonsense, so I must be missing something here; I'll add my voice to yours and ask what we're supposed to do in these situations.

Safe flying CMDR...
04 Oct 2022, 5:40am
LochannonHey Commanders,

Got a quick question here. Recently I went to a base in a warzone. This base was not my faction. While sneaking about I got detected and got into a fight. I got a number of them but a grenade wound up eating my lunch. In any event, I arrived on foot in a prison barge? Once there I paid my fine (only 5,500 credits) and went to my ship. It allowed me to launch however, upon launch I was immediately attacked by the patrol craft outside the prison barge. Uh, why? I paid my fine. There was no hold on my ship ... everything appeared normal. BOOM.

I checked my Notoriety its a 1. I don't understand why the ambush from the station that just released me after accepting my very low bounty payment. Ideas?

Same thing happened to me. Exactly the same thing. lost a python. idk why it happened, but it does. Appears to be a "crime and punishment" issue. I haven't lost the ship since that time, but now I'm triple checking fines and bounties to make sure i dont end up like that again. Good luck, and o7
04 Oct 2022, 6:28am
Hm ok,

Doesn't seem right. I get fines and then shown the door only to be ambushed by "law enforcement"? One would think that if one was to be shot on sight for leaving when essentially being told it was fine to do so ... would bring the hammer of the justice department down on the heads of the "law enforcement".

As it is ... seems pretty lawless. I can hear them now ....

Hey guys, take his money, smile, and then wave ... we will murder him as soon as his landing struts clear the deck. BWA HA HA HA.

One would think that if you weren't clear to leave ... there would at the very least be a warning if not an outright statement "Sorry, you are going to have to stay in the cooler until you have served your time."

Ah well, guess its an oversight.

Thanks Commanders, be safe, but if you can't be safe ... WIN. o7
04 Oct 2022, 7:49am
EpisparhIs there a youtube link. I am not a fan of video sharing through Google drive.

I purposely avoided YouTube because they compress the hell out of videos, which would defeat the purpose - if you look at the Reddit discussions, someone posted a spectrogram of the relevant audio and the sounds I'm trying to highlight have features at 20Hz (and probably lower; the graph ends there, as does most human hearing, and most likely software recording, but in a real physical situation the sound would continue to extend beneath that threshold), as well as smooth overtone fades all the way up to 15kHz, occurring in a smooth fade-out instead of the usual overtone series (octave, octave + fifth, two octaves + third, etc.) which other sounds in the video (the ship's creaks and groans, for example) follow exactly. Compression of the video would involve compression of the audio, which usually destroys details at the low and high ends, and those features would be distorted to hell and back. Even clicking directly on the links takes you to a "google video player" hosted by youtube, which has automatically compressed the videos without informing me, resulting in my urge to take advantage of the "download" button on that player's screen and use a local video player.

That said, if you are paranoid about strangers' content, that's a fair enough reaction. I guess if you really want to hear what I'm talking about, you could spin up a VM and download / play the video there, but you'd need decent enough emulation of your video and sound hardware. YMMV.

Safe flying CMDR!

I played your video back through Google's web player and could hear the Thargoid sounds you were talking about. I wouldn't worry too much about things outside the audible range though. AFAIK the game's audio assets are compressed already, and any sort of lossy compression may introduce artifacts outside the audible range that would show up in spectrograms.

It's obvious that FDev is teasing Thargoid stuff all over the game since update 13. They shifted the colors in the ship hyperjump sequence from blue towards green and added Thargoid sounds to the FSS. The lore suggests that Thargoids use "witch space" for more than just traveling, so it makes sense to put all those hints into the jump sequences. Every time we jump, we're basically passing through their turf.
04 Oct 2022, 8:46pm
? Goid fighters - are Salvation mods better than regular Guardian weapons for anti xeno ?
04 Oct 2022, 9:54pm
LochannonI arrived on foot in a prison barge? Once there I paid my fine (only 5,500 credits) and went to my ship. It allowed me to launch however, upon launch I was immediately attacked by the patrol craft outside the prison barge.

RearAdmiralPantsIdentical experience for me

CX7Same thing happened to me.

I think but couldn't quite make it out this is also what upset poster Russgc201a here.

Can confirm I had the same thing happen to me recently, and I think I then found more complaints about it online. It happened to me shortly after buying Odyssey, so I'd assumed it was some sort of bug to do with it. (Well, since I was fiddling with my free-roam camera leaving the prison, at first I assumed I must've accidentally deployed my guns or something, or maybe blocked the exit. In which case they'd still have been right quick to shoot me down!)

It was anyway jarring and offputting, and I'll check and double-check everything twice before I next leave prison. Note btw if you are wanted you can get shot down in an Apex shuttle just as well, I do believe and so it has been recently reported here. (Though it wouldn't cost you your ship, presumably?) I didn't know about your notoriety wearing off, so that sounds like a safe bet. If a lousy solution, of course.

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