Elite: Game talk
28 Nov 2022, 10:34am
28 Nov 2022, 10:50am
EpisparhI think EDO is more messed up + more populated. Those are counter reasons to your theory. Hackers will remain in live mode.
I suppose the common haxx0r boy craves attention from other players and 4.0 will have the higher player pool, so point taken.
3.8 could still be a harbour for those who want to cheat/mod their pve game (skip rank and engineering grind etc) given it's going to be the deprecated version FD probably have little incentive to keep that clean.
I still wonder whether from tomorrow the default version in game stores will be 4.0... it would make sense of course but FD being FD... We shall see I suppose.
28 Nov 2022, 4:39pm
28 Nov 2022, 5:28pm
50/50 chance of it being an oversight and me not being able to start the game without issues tomorrow (general patch day issues aside)
28 Nov 2022, 8:14pm
KurakilI found a neutron star about a week ago and the jets were spinning so fast it looked like it was glitching.
I’ve found one of those before, less than 1k ly from Colonia. I thought it was glitching out too. I have video of it with the system name.
29 Nov 2022, 12:00am
EpisparhLower your expectations and you may be surprised.
I haven't had measurable expectations since Odyssey first released. It's been one big disappointment after another for VR-only players. And all the Thargoid stuff? Meh. I'm glad I live in Colonia, so none of this affects me. I'm expecting Update 14 to be a nothingburger unless you live in the bubble.
29 Nov 2022, 1:04am
ScubadogEpisparhLower your expectations and you may be surprised.
I haven't had measurable expectations since Odyssey first released. It's been one big disappointment after another for VR-only players. And all the Thargoid stuff? Meh. I'm glad I live in Colonia, so none of this affects me. I'm expecting Update 14 to be a nothingburger unless you live in the bubble.
I expect the usual. Galnet articles I will never read, something in the BGS that doesn't matter much, and anything that is actual content will be shiny without much substance and most likely unoptimized and/or buggy. So if any of it is more than that I can be pleasantly surprised. I feel like the days of worth while new stuff are long gone. Hopefully they can prove that wrong.
29 Nov 2022, 5:23pm
29 Nov 2022, 9:34pm
KurakilScubadogEpisparhLower your expectations and you may be surprised.
I haven't had measurable expectations since Odyssey first released. It's been one big disappointment after another for VR-only players. And all the Thargoid stuff? Meh. I'm glad I live in Colonia, so none of this affects me. I'm expecting Update 14 to be a nothingburger unless you live in the bubble.
I expect the usual. Galnet articles I will never read, something in the BGS that doesn't matter much, and anything that is actual content will be shiny without much substance and most likely unoptimized and/or buggy. So if any of it is more than that I can be pleasantly surprised. I feel like the days of worth while new stuff are long gone. Hopefully they can prove that wrong.
You were right, another huge disappointment on the content side, just some ax combat and thats about it. GG fdev
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