Elite: Game talk

17 Dec 2022, 11:48am
Cephy Cyclops Devine
Alex Hoffmannwhich ship you prefer for ax combat? and did you take the same one for solo and wing fights?

Me? Or Cephy?

I use krait for both situations ...when i have the access too dock i go full buffer guardian hull reinforcements/ with some human ones and sigle size one afm for canopy reps. If i am doing solo depends...cyclops i keep the same buffer build, otherwise i drop the 1 human hull reinforcement for a size 5 repair limpet and and do a second size afm so a size 1and 2 afm... both use 3 gauss 2 size 2 thermal vent beam lasers or 4 shards 1 size 2 thermal vent laser

thanks for the infos cephy. i also use krait builds for ax cz. last days i tested the phantom, only 4 hardpoints but speed and agility is a bit more than the mkII.. i took 2 class3 ax mc´s and 2 class2 guardian plasmas -they don´t heat up so much.. scouts are no prob and interceptors is funny to play couse engineered your faster as them.. it´s like.. full speed boosting attacks and bringing one heart after the other down.. the mkII i also like very much. afm i have to reinstall.. sourced them out.. did u had any longer fights without repair limpets need? i mean is only afm enough for more rounds with the goids?
17 Dec 2022, 11:53am
THIS IS HOW I RUN THIS STUFF ....3 heatsinks one shutdown field newt. cold orbit and saty cold shooting shields off with lasers, dont stand in front of the eye, stay under 20% heat orbiting in a circle around the outer edge of the petals but slightly ahead of the thargoid. ALWAYS ALWAYS, gank the first herat as fast as you can, a steady hand kills with three gauss cannons, as follows(REGULAR AMMO USED ONLY, SHOTS FIRED AT WEAPON'S OPTIMAL OR AS MUCH YOU CAN), CYCLOPS: 3 shots to expose first heart, 2 shots to expose every heart after, 1 shot to expose last heart, hearts take 2 shots to kill. Bassilisk: 5-6 shots for first heart exposure ( this one is fast, so its hard to keep at optimal) 4 shots to expose every other heart including last. hearts take 2-4 shots to kill ( again fast mofo) MEDUSA: 10-12 shots for first hear exposure, 2nd exposure takes 8, 3rd and every other after take 6 shots to expose, last heart takes 4 ,takes all hearts take 4-5 shots to kill, HYDRA: anywhere between 35-50 shots to expose heart one alone, second 25-40 shots, 3rd 20-30 shots, and gets easier as its dying, last heart takes about 15 shots to expose, all hearts take in between 10-15 shots to kill. THE HYDRA IS MANDATORY TO GANK THAT FIRST HEART . And you can only expose that first heart with sustained constant fire, you miss shots you wont get it. Solo hydra requires you to have multiple reloads.
17 Dec 2022, 11:57am
those numbers are with a 3gaus setup.
17 Dec 2022, 12:07pm
yeah first heart on hydra is terrible.. on open only 3 times (so far) beat the hydra in teamwork.. more using gauss added to my do list thanks for the infos cephy
17 Dec 2022, 5:44pm
Oh. Just tried some AX to shake the rust off. Those 'enhanced' AX MCs are... just a bit less sh*te than their original versions. How am I supposed to fight Hydras with these?..
17 Dec 2022, 6:17pm
MeowersOh. Just tried some AX to shake the rust off. Those 'enhanced' AX MCs are... just a bit less sh*te than their original versions. How am I supposed to fight Hydras with these?..

I don't think FDev ever thought of having ONE SINGLE commander doing AX...
My wild guess is, that they thought of it as a wing taks.
Having three, or four players keeping the Hydra under constant fire might work, though, don't you think?
But alone, it's quite close to impossible...
17 Dec 2022, 6:20pm
Still, Modshards and Gauss are beating the sh*t out of them. But it seems like their use is going to be more and more limited.
17 Dec 2022, 6:38pm
MeowersStill, Modshards and Gauss are beating the sh*t out of them. But it seems like their use is going to be more and more limited.

Feels like FDev is opening AX comabt for new player quite early now, but making the other end of it a bit harder for endgame commanders, giving them new challenges.
17 Dec 2022, 7:25pm
Well, There is a medusa kill on youtube with AX multicannons and ax missiles but the guy was in an anaconda and rather hurt by the time it was done, HYDRAS on the other hand i think you would need at least 4 cmdrs to take her down with MC's and it would be a task still. The reppin power of 7 hearts would probably out-do the incoming damage
17 Dec 2022, 9:06pm
MeowersOh. Just tried some AX to shake the rust off. Those 'enhanced' AX MCs are... just a bit less sh*te than their original versions. How am I supposed to fight Hydras with these?..

Yes, use fixed and trailing aim.

MeowersStill, Modshards and Gauss are beating the sh*t out of them. But it seems like their use is going to be more and more limited.

Those do not work in maelstroms and vs Orthrus (you can kill it but they will be toast)
17 Dec 2022, 9:11pm
EpisparhYes, use fixed and trailing aim.
Thank you! I didn't know how to aim my guns! Maybe, finally, I'll hit something!

And, on a serious note, their armour penetration value is a complete cr*p. How long (how many re-exertions) it will take? Ugh. FDev is limiting Guardian tech usage, giving this rubbish in return. Are we going straight into the 'no solo AX' era?
17 Dec 2022, 10:41pm
I actually never used trailing
17 Dec 2022, 11:04pm
Are we going straight into the 'no solo AX' era?

I don't think it's FDevs intention to force us all back into wings.

But I honestly feel like they try to "gently push" a few of us over there, to reevaluate AX as a group activity.

The real hardcore pro-fighters will still gonna solo a Hydra just from a Lance SLF alone...

...But the majority of us "mediocre" players is probably gonna need some of those magical...
...what was it called?...
... ah yeah... friends
17 Dec 2022, 11:18pm
EpisparhI actually never used trailing

As a mainly plasma rammer when i pvp with rails and stuff i dont use trailing much, i use leading, but i can see where trailing can be beneficial in the fixed autos situation. i guess it all depends on flight style at the end of the day.
17 Dec 2022, 11:20pm
Are we going straight into the 'no solo AX' era?

I don't think it's FDevs intention to force us all back into wings.

But I honestly feel like they try to "gently push" a few of us over there, to reevaluate AX as a group activity.

The real hardcore pro-fighters will still gonna solo a Hydra just from a Lance SLF alone...

...But the majority of us "mediocre" players is probably gonna need some of those magical...
...what was it called?...
... ah yeah... friends

DO YOU KNOW HAT IS THE BEST SHIP TO SOLO HYDRAS??? IT, is not the krait, chieftain, cutter or any of those , it is the FRIEND-SHIP, that friend-ship is the best for AX

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