Elite: Game talk

07 Aug 2023, 4:05pm
Odion Khons@Vasil Vasilescu - thank you, finally a comprehensible answer

Glen van Ross(...)FDev is aware of the issue and investigating.

Thanks alot, Glen! =)

And that's the result of the incorrect recalculating of jump route after relogging. Bruh... Seriously how much it takes to fix something like this, whenever or not can be a security issue? But all bugs glitches and sloppyness in the matter of fact? Are, and some peoples ruthlessly going to exploit it.
07 Aug 2023, 5:32pm
PJwraithHi all, new to Inara and only recently dabbling in Elite. I have made my first few millions and bought a few ships and moved around exploring a little., love the game especially in VR. SO easy to lose hours just marvelling at the views out of the cockpit without doing anything meaningful which is where I am until now really...
Anyway, have a cobra mk3 and wanted to try some bounty hunting to up my rep, beam lasers and multicannons and specced as per a few posts I found on the net so the ship is okay, the issue is the pilot!

Problem is I suck at combat, even though I am having a blast. k/d ratio is close to 1:1 in conflict zones (lvl 0 ones). Can you advise any useful resources I can read/watch to help me get better at combat?

Any help appreciated!

NPCs "cheat" a lot. This is what you need:


and then follow this guide:

@Odion Khons
Vindicator Jones videos are quite old and NPCs back then were not the same as now.

Last edit: 07 Aug 2023, 5:37pm
08 Aug 2023, 9:30am
Thanks for this, will load them up!
10 Aug 2023, 12:21am
Hello, I'm having some trouble figuring out how to get rid of my own bounties. They are very small, less than 2k CR. I'm in the system where they were acquired and can't find a terminal to pay them at. My notoriety is 0. I'd rather not be shot over 2,000 CR
10 Aug 2023, 1:07am
FaizaHello, I'm having some trouble figuring out how to get rid of my own bounties. They are very small, less than 2k CR. I'm in the system where they were acquired and can't find a terminal to pay them at. My notoriety is 0. I'd rather not be shot over 2,000 CR
Find an Interstellar Factor facility and pay off your bounties there, or hand yourself over, serve a 1 (one) black-screen-fade sentence on a prison ship and get back to yours via space taxi. These are two ways I can remember, lol.
10 Aug 2023, 1:34am
FaizaHello, I'm having some trouble figuring out how to get rid of my own bounties. They are very small, less than 2k CR. I'm in the system where they were acquired and can't find a terminal to pay them at. My notoriety is 0. I'd rather not be shot over 2,000 CR

Find an Interstellar Factor facility and pay off your bounties there, or hand yourself over, serve a 1 (one) black-screen-fade sentence on a prison ship and get back to yours via space taxi. These are two ways I can remember, lol.

When I look at the tablet it doesn't give me the option to turn myself in. It tells me I have no bounties, which is weird because I do - I can see them in my transactions Do only some systems have interstellar factor facilities?
10 Aug 2023, 1:47am
Faiza[ When I look at the tablet it doesn't give me the option to turn myself in. It tells me I have no bounties, which is weird because I do - I can see them in my transactions Do only some systems have interstellar factor facilities?

The short answer is yes, only some places have the insterstellar faction you can use to pay bbounties. However, I feel your pain. I've also received bounties in a system and cannot turn myself in, or had them available to pay at an insterstellar faction. It gets kind of annoying flying around a system where you are wanted and you have to either avoid the constant interdictions, or fight off the NPC bounty hunters.

It's like, "dude, I just want to fly 50ls to that moon over there, do you REALLY need to interdict me twice while doing so?"
10 Aug 2023, 1:58am
Vasil Vasilescu
Faiza[ When I look at the tablet it doesn't give me the option to turn myself in. It tells me I have no bounties, which is weird because I do - I can see them in my transactions Do only some systems have interstellar factor facilities?

The short answer is yes, only some places have the insterstellar faction you can use to pay bbounties. However, I feel your pain. I've also received bounties in a system and cannot turn myself in, or had them available to pay at an insterstellar faction. It gets kind of annoying flying around a system where you are wanted and you have to either avoid the constant interdictions, or fight off the NPC bounty hunters.

It's like, "dude, I just want to fly 50ls to that moon over there, do you REALLY need to interdict me twice while doing so?"

Oh....so THAT'S why interdictions keep happening to me lol
10 Aug 2023, 2:00am
FaizaWhen I look at the tablet it doesn't give me the option to turn myself in. It tells me I have no bounties, which is weird because I do - I can see them in my transactions Do only some systems have interstellar factor facilities?
Logout/login trick may refresh it, it's getting buggy from time to time. And yeah, there was some kind of rule about Interstellar Factors, like, you can pay off your bounties only on a station that doesn't have the presence of any factions that issued these bounties... Or the faction shouldn't be present in the entire system. Can't remember now.
10 Aug 2023, 2:07am
Hooray, bureaucracy! I'm sorry, but your form 395-A does not have the proper signature on line 75 releasing us to clear your bounty. You need to fill out a form FLK-45-A3.3 to correct line 75 and resubmit your amended 395-A. No, yopu cannot just fill in a new 395-A becuase your current one is already in the system and is flagged as requiring a FLK-45-A3.3. Honestly, I don't know why you are getting so frustrated. This is all very simple if you just follow the rules.
10 Aug 2023, 2:22am
Got it - I flew to another system and paid them at a tablet there. What a headache! Thank you for your help.
10 Aug 2023, 2:28am
Vasil VasilescuHooray, bureaucracy! I'm sorry, but your form 395-A does not have the proper signature on line 75 releasing us to clear your bounty. You need to fill out a form FLK-45-A3.3 to correct line 75 and resubmit your amended 395-A. No, yopu cannot just fill in a new 395-A becuase your current one is already in the system and is flagged as requiring a FLK-45-A3.3. Honestly, I don't know why you are getting so frustrated. This is all very simple if you just follow the rules.
We can plan your next visit on 17 September, 06:30, or 7 October, 05:25. Which date would be more convenient?
10 Aug 2023, 8:09pm
Okay, so my next question is why can't my bounty vouchers cancel out my bounty if they are for the same faction and more than the cost of my bounty?
11 Aug 2023, 12:56am
FaizaOkay, so my next question is why can't my bounty vouchers cancel out my bounty if they are for the same faction and more than the cost of my bounty?

Act of putting a bounty on you makes your offence public so you have to be punished.
11 Aug 2023, 1:24am
FaizaOkay, so my next question is why can't my bounty vouchers cancel out my bounty if they are for the same faction and more than the cost of my bounty?

FaizaOkay, so my next question is why can't my bounty vouchers cancel out my bounty if they are for the same faction and more than the cost of my bounty?

Act of putting a bounty on you makes your offence public so you have to be punished.

Or think of it this way. What would a traffic court judge say if you got a speeding ticket going to work and said, "But I work for the city, so my pay cancels out the fine."

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