Elite: Game talk

16 Aug 2023, 6:50pm
Delta G
Delta G

I read somewhere Bright sentinal Hip 22460 sells salvation weaps so I am investigating there next.

Noooooo whoever said that may have been playing a prank. hip 22460 is caustic(ie thargoids and their flying acid crap with jumbling electronics) , I got interdicted twice on the way. theres two carriers there but you cant land on either. I think theyre both dead the tauri carrier is broken up. Any way it was an adventure getting here but its a bust

Oh dear, old info The bright Sentinel was destroyed in a massive backfire destroying most if not all of the ships in the system, giving the Thargoids ability to disable Guardian based weapons, and having them call in these new Stargoids as reinforement.
It's like ground zero for the new Thargoid assault.

HIP 22460 should be renamed "Salvation's Folly" or "Fool's Mate" given the collosal strategic cockup.
16 Aug 2023, 11:45pm
Ah, that answers that, thank you.
Do these things usually take long to fix?

If you need the permit ASAP, log an issue with FDev Support and they will probably give you the permit. I understand that is what they have been doing thus far.

Otherwise, you may be waiting a while. It took them a few months to fix it after HIP 22460 took out the Azimuth megaships.

I got the Mbooni permit in a Community Goal a couple months after HIP 22460; in retrospect I kind of wish I hadn't put my Cmdr on semi-friendly terms with Azimuth. The Stargoids (Maelstroms, now) didn't burn the bubble, and the old Aegis Guardian-derived AX weapons are still pretty good.
16 Aug 2023, 11:58pm
Glen van RossThe Stargoids (Maelstroms, now) didn't burn the bubble, and the old Aegis Guardian-derived AX weapons are still pretty good.
I guess that was an attempt to bring more 'coordinated team action' into AX since many players felt comfortable solo-ing what supposed to be a local sort of raid bosses. I mean, Medusas and Hydras. Whilst still keeping that option available for those who like old-school AX hunting. But, if you want to play that new 'war' content, please, install our new nerfy pew-pew sticks.
17 Aug 2023, 3:09am
MeowersI guess that was an attempt to bring more 'coordinated team action' into AX since many players felt comfortable solo-ing what supposed to be a local sort of raid bosses. I mean, Medusas and Hydras.

Can't blame FDev for trying. Many things in Elite are best experienced winged up with squadron-mates. Even the slower-paced stuff like hauling.

I've played the game for a year and enjoyed it as a lone wolf occasionally encountering other commanders, but the past couple months being in an active squadron working toward powerplay/AX/exploration goals has just drastically improved my in-game time. For me, this game really shines when you have a chance to participate in small-team activities.
17 Aug 2023, 3:23am
I'm not trying to drop a shadow on other playstyles, rather expressing an opinion about all that being sloppy half-arsed job full of cheap game design tricks.
17 Aug 2023, 5:00am
More like begin lazy. Because when some simple bugs caused by begin sloppy on programming and streamlining game processes, or simply just slap into the pilot seat to the scarab, and than the leg of it sticks out to time after time touch the ground? This is what we are talking about. And the worst part of it? They don't take the effort to fix it. And a lot of things depend on these things. Player base included. A lot of small annoyances are a huge letdown. It's just like mosquito bites you can take a few here and there without noticing. But when this is what's going on 7/24? That? Too much to everyone. And with this we also talked out why some elements of the gamer community so much of a problem.

The bottom line? Small problems tend to pile up, and grow into a huge issue if not begin taken care of.
17 Aug 2023, 10:06am
We didnt burn the bubble down, but we did give it a good singe
Ok we kind of toasted one edge of it ...ok we made thargoids show up they did the toasting

Point is my company has done more to shake up the status que of the super powers then any other force in the last century

considering the potential legal actions to come against members of Azimuth
Perhaps I should end my comments here before I incriminate myself further
17 Aug 2023, 11:36am
You do this but from my part? Since my back against the wall anyways, and the one thing what never going to happen to bend my knees?
And that's why i ceased to give a squat about it some peoples think of themselves and do to get what they want many years ago. So, here goes nothing...

A lazy man going to do everything to keep doing exactly just that. Nothing!
And the only thing worse than this are the so called volunteers. Whom work for free and someone never going to pass down the opportunity
for free workforce. What they never consider? Is two things. What sort of peoples going to work for free to get close to the fire?
And what these peoples going to do to get out something from their work, and what sort of agenda they serve?

And yet again? The cat's already out of the bag. But i prefer to say this one more time at here. Simply because? Some things always going to matter.
17 Aug 2023, 12:45pm
And the last thing you all have to understand? Everything they doing is about one thing. To play their game, to make us commit grave mistakes.
If you do? You lose. If you don't? They stand no chance in hell. This is not about pacifism or militaristic or anything else. But this simple thing cast into stone.

Never - never not by any cost play their game!
17 Aug 2023, 9:31pm
but...I like their game and really wanna play it!!
18 Aug 2023, 2:29am
Never going to happen... Not by any means, nor I'm ever going to waste my breath or time on them and their nonsense not just a single second no matter what. This door at that day slammed shut and forever will be remans shut. this is what no means this is when the other blocks you means. period! End of the discussion!
18 Aug 2023, 6:24am
We are still talking about the organization colloquially known as The Club correct?
18 Aug 2023, 8:59am
If someone don't understand no, and it's over their heads there wasn't nor ever will be anything? Than he's either the problem of law enforcement or belongs to a nice well padded room... And i mean't this literally and by word. Not by some dumb secret club secret talking which by the things it does also the problem of law enforcement if anyone ever going to brother to take the effort.

That's all! And this is final.

Or just.. You know? I will going to take care of them, by myself and they will not going to like it, not just a bit. And even less what follows.
18 Aug 2023, 9:22am
I suggest to keep the discussion more specific. The vaque statements where nobody knows about what it is doesn't exactly add anything to the discussion. Thanks.
18 Aug 2023, 9:36am
Glen van Ross
Ah, that answers that, thank you.
Do these things usually take long to fix?

If you need the permit ASAP, log an issue with FDev Support and they will probably give you the permit. I understand that is what they have been doing thus far.

Otherwise, you may be waiting a while. It took them a few months to fix it after HIP 22460 took out the Azimuth megaships.

I got the Mbooni permit in a Community Goal a couple months after HIP 22460; in retrospect I kind of wish I hadn't put my Cmdr on semi-friendly terms with Azimuth. The Stargoids (Maelstroms, now) didn't burn the bubble, and the old Aegis Guardian-derived AX weapons are still pretty good.

Thanks again CMDR, I'll do that, cross my fingers and see what happens.
Much obliged. o7

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