Elite: Game talk

02 Aug 2023, 3:19am
I keep trying but for some reason everyone seems really hesitant to let us do some work near the dedicant
The chatter over the comms that sounds like Duck you Azimuth gives me the impression maybe people are mad at us about something
02 Aug 2023, 4:23am
On second thoughts, you might not want to do that. Something was on the Dedicant with those people. And I’m hearing a lot of very unpleasant things about the Scythes, too. Things that make me want to find a place on the opposite side of the galaxy and not come back.
02 Aug 2023, 11:26am
Bruh, those claves are mean. Magnificent almost faced a rebuy after hyperdicted by angry couple of those.

Kasumi GotoOn second thoughts, you might not want to do that. Something was on the Dedicant with those people. And I’m hearing a lot of very unpleasant things about the Scythes, too. Things that make me want to find a place on the opposite side of the galaxy and not come back.

Same old, same old ... cheap horror story with junkies and mentally ill characters. At least FDev is consistent with Darwin's theory.

Last edit: 02 Aug 2023, 11:46am
02 Aug 2023, 8:02pm

I had planned to visit all "reported" stars in the "Inner Orion Spur" to have them "confirmed" in the Codex.

However, this does not work with one system, see screenshots.

Is this a bug?


I restarted the game and followed the system out and back in.

EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/esdxzc/need_confirmation_on_codex_bug/

EDIT2: The spectral class "DAZ" (white dwarf) worked for me in HIP 84876 (HIP 84876 B) after scanning with Discovery Scanner for codex confirmation.

Last edit: 05 Aug 2023, 1:03am
05 Aug 2023, 3:21am
It is quite apparent that @Minonian would argue over the colour of shite.

just one of those people

the types you politely make an excuse to walk away from

Ohhh is that the time already....
05 Aug 2023, 3:25am
DingBatDavewould argue over the colour of shite.
Actually, quite a serious topic in medicine!
05 Aug 2023, 4:13am
DingBatDavewould argue over the colour of shite.

Actually, quite a serious topic in medicine!

On a side note, if you are one of the few people with certain bacteria in your gut, you can earn thousands of extra dollars a month selling your poo. Those "probiotic make your gut healthy" pills have to get the probiotic bacteria from somewhere, doncha know.
05 Aug 2023, 4:04pm
And there was the time when someone said i'm too nice and smooth.
Well... I guess there's a first time to everything no matter how ridiculous is?
06 Aug 2023, 7:01pm
Greetings, I just saw that my carrier jump times are 1h+ and sometimes I get the "no jump slot available" message. I learned from the webs that that is due to too many jumps at the same time.
Is something happening?
06 Aug 2023, 7:48pm
Odion KhonsGreetings, I just saw that my carrier jump times are 1h+ and sometimes I get the "no jump slot available" message. I learned from the webs that that is due to too many jumps at the same time.
Is something happening?

Usually there are big delays in jump times and a bit of a backlog after a major update (like Update 16 that was just released on August 1st), but what is happening now is unexpected, since the number of carrier jumps appears to have returned to normal.

FDev is aware of the issue and investigating.
06 Aug 2023, 8:46pm
Glen van Ross
Odion KhonsGreetings, I just saw that my carrier jump times are 1h+ and sometimes I get the "no jump slot available" message. I learned from the webs that that is due to too many jumps at the same time.
Is something happening?

Usually there are big delays in jump times and a bit of a backlog after a major update (like Update 16 that was just released on August 1st), but what is happening now is unexpected, since the number of carrier jumps appears to have returned to normal.

FDev is aware of the issue and investigating.

I think it is because "Jump Around" by House of Pain was playing on the radio. Everybody listening has to jump around. It is a rule, doncha know.
06 Aug 2023, 10:54pm
And we still having that stupid entering the scarab bug... Not like it cannot be resolved by relogging from main menu, but still? Its a butthurt, besides i do wonder if it does possible to use this bug as a loophole to a certain hacker activity? (and that's why things like this must be fixed.)
07 Aug 2023, 4:50am
07 Aug 2023, 2:22pm
Hi all, new to Inara and only recently dabbling in Elite. I have made my first few millions and bought a few ships and moved around exploring a little., love the game especially in VR. SO easy to lose hours just marvelling at the views out of the cockpit without doing anything meaningful which is where I am until now really...
Anyway, have a cobra mk3 and wanted to try some bounty hunting to up my rep, beam lasers and multicannons and specced as per a few posts I found on the net so the ship is okay, the issue is the pilot!

Problem is I suck at combat, even though I am having a blast. k/d ratio is close to 1:1 in conflict zones (lvl 0 ones). Can you advise any useful resources I can read/watch to help me get better at combat?

Any help appreciated!
07 Aug 2023, 4:04pm
I found these tutorial pretty good - there are many more like these, but for a beginner (like me) they are all pretty informative.

Youtube tuts

These vids help you getting in touch with flight assist off and show you some trainings. I highly recommend these:


Last edit: 07 Aug 2023, 4:17pm

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