Elite: Game talk

21 Aug 2023, 6:47pm
Bainsey7The last two work well enough for taking on scouts too but you can pretty much kill them in anything.

Glaives and Scythes are scouts.
21 Aug 2023, 6:49pm
We can't win this by numbers and technology, they are superior at both terms. How we can win this, by outflanking and smarting them. Which starts with stop doing things what draws more attention, because this far? Whatever we did only made things significantly worse, and start doing things which takes off the heat from us. And the final thing what we have to understand this is only a war to us, to them? Just swarming us because we picked their interest. which means if we doing things what takes off the heat from us that somewhat can improve our situation.

Clear off Colonia and the bubble the space around the bubble & Colonia all of things thingies they can use to track us, this goes on the double to any war operation system. My suspicion is their sensory capabilities are this good, because somehow they tracking us. Even if my theory is somewhat wrong we are at least get rid of some nasty things they use to keep an eye on us, and serves as a nav beacon to them. Which is a gain all by itself.

& no, there won't be peace they will just keep coming this is what bugs do. But how much and how aggressively? It does matter.
21 Aug 2023, 6:53pm
Bainsey7The last two work well enough for taking on scouts too but you can pretty much kill them in anything.

Glaives and Scythes are scouts.

And scouts followed by the mainstay. If we see em anywhere it means they are advancing.
21 Aug 2023, 7:05pm
Thanks guys for your replies.

I'll be having a close look at the info, I play Solo exclusively, too old and slow for PVP stuff.
21 Aug 2023, 7:16pm
Glaives and Scythes are scouts.

They're not, the game (and, by extension, lore) classifies them as 'Hunter' types. Glaives especially are quite a bit tougher than a Scout. Maybe around Cyclops level of health, if without the hearts, but I haven't seen any precise numbers for it so not entirely sure. They also do more damage than an individual one. Versus a pack of Scouts, that one can be argued.

Scythes? Well, their goal isn't to kill your ship so their weapon accordingly doesn't seem to do a lot of damage. Seems like they'll still keep firing at you if you decide to shoot back, much like regular pirates do. It also doesn't have. mobile Guardian neutralizer field(from what I hear - haven't dealt with one myself, and it wouldn't surprise me if that was a bug/glitch).
21 Aug 2023, 9:33pm
I guess cmdr. Thinder wants medium ship which is capable of taking on any thargoid ship in any situation (ATAS). For that consider Chieftain, it is fast and very agile and it deals with any thargoid by winning the battles or surely escaping distraction. Arm it with 3 pre-engineered AX multies (2x3C+1x2E) and 3x1E beams engineered level 5 long range, 2 with vent and 1 oversized. You need 5A power plant level 5 armoured with thermal spread, it will provide enough power for everything on the ship with 5-6% extra capacity and it allows to boost to 543 which could be a life saver when dealing with Basilisk. Life Support 5A light level 4 or 5, it will give to enough time to return if you lose your canopy which happens quite often when fighting with glaives. Sensors 5A long range level 3. The rest core is all High As, all engineered to level 5. Utilities: advanced xeno, pre-engineered caustic, heat sinks, pulse neutraliser. Hull tank it with HRPs heavy duty deep plated, use two guardian MRPs 5D and 4D-in military slot. If you are planning to go to maelstrom change guardian MRPs to regular ones. When fighting the thargoids, fly by constantly boosting, don't sit in the same spot, use beams and multies at the same time it will keep your heat level at 50%. That ship shreds regular scouts easily 2-3 mil per trip to ax zone, could take down 10 scythes or 2 glaives if you don't lose your canopy. I am able to take down 3 cyclops per trip, still working on Basilisk I am at 4 hearts level now. Hope it will help.

Last edit: 21 Aug 2023, 9:42pm
21 Aug 2023, 9:51pm
I would actually recommend just ditching Guardian module reinforcements entirely - they don’t provide a huge durability boost, and Glaives will melt them like any other Guardian module*. That’s why my build for the Krait(if I ever use it again) has ditched them for the regular module reinforcements.

*Except hull reinforcement, but I don’t see anyone use that outside of Maelstrom explorers.
21 Aug 2023, 10:15pm
ok so it is clear that i need to learn to fuel scoop more effectively

im unclear on how to get close enough to the star that fuel scoop activates, but not close enough that i get emergency stopped and sucked into the star

tried to make the journey from terra to domino, it was about 9 jumps but i needed to fuel scoop and it was pretty nerve wracking and i took a lot of heat damage. im concerned about making the trip back home since it's also about 9 jumps.

any tips?
22 Aug 2023, 12:38am
Shg56I guess cmdr. Thinder wants medium ship which is capable of taking on any thargoid ship in any situation (ATAS). For that consider Chieftain, it is fast and very agile and it deals with any thargoid by winning the battles or surely escaping distraction. Arm it with 3 pre-engineered AX multies (2x3C+1x2E) and 3x1E beams engineered level 5 long range, 2 with vent and 1 oversized. You need 5A power plant level 5 armoured with thermal spread, it will provide enough power for everything on the ship with 5-6% extra capacity and it allows to boost to 543 which could be a life saver when dealing with Basilisk. Life Support 5A light level 4 or 5, it will give to enough time to return if you lose your canopy which happens quite often when fighting with glaives. Sensors 5A long range level 3. The rest core is all High As, all engineered to level 5. Utilities: advanced xeno, pre-engineered caustic, heat sinks, pulse neutraliser. Hull tank it with HRPs heavy duty deep plated, use two guardian MRPs 5D and 4D-in military slot. If you are planning to go to maelstrom change guardian MRPs to regular ones. When fighting the thargoids, fly by constantly boosting, don't sit in the same spot, use beams and multies at the same time it will keep your heat level at 50%. That ship shreds regular scouts easily 2-3 mil per trip to ax zone, could take down 10 scythes or 2 glaives if you don't lose your canopy. I am able to take down 3 cyclops per trip, still working on Basilisk I am at 4 hearts level now. Hope it will help.

Thanks for the tips!
22 Aug 2023, 2:35am
I might work for a Guardian Tech company but I dont put that stuff on my ships if I can help it
22 Aug 2023, 3:57am
i realized today that you can see info about your taxi driver in the navigation window, including when they passed their flight test

i wonder what my shuttle driver who passed their flight test two weeks ago feels when they land to pick me up and the ground is littered with bodies and the settlement power is turned off
22 Aug 2023, 7:17am
Faizaok so it is clear that i need to learn to fuel scoop more effectively

im unclear on how to get close enough to the star that fuel scoop activates, but not close enough that i get emergency stopped and sucked into the star

tried to make the journey from terra to domino, it was about 9 jumps but i needed to fuel scoop and it was pretty nerve wracking and i took a lot of heat damage. im concerned about making the trip back home since it's also about 9 jumps.

any tips?

Firstly, stay out of the exclusion zone have orbit lines on

Second if you can keep your scoop rate to 50-60% of the max for that scoop you should not over heat
22 Aug 2023, 12:13pm
Kasumi GotoI would actually recommend just ditching Guardian module reinforcements entirely - they don’t provide a huge durability boost, and Glaives will melt them like any other Guardian module*. That’s why my build for the Krait(if I ever use it again) has ditched them for the regular module reinforcements.
*Except hull reinforcement, but I don’t see anyone use that outside of Maelstrom explorers.

The MKII that you posted is under powered, 2% above its powerplant capacity of course it could not afford 2 guardian MRPs. 2 guardians only allow 1% damage to powerplant if you switch to regular one it goes to 5%. 2+5=7 could be devastating power loss in heavy thargoid engagement.
22 Aug 2023, 1:03pm
Faizaok so it is clear that i need to learn to fuel scoop more effectively

im unclear on how to get close enough to the star that fuel scoop activates, but not close enough that i get emergency stopped and sucked into the star

tried to make the journey from terra to domino, it was about 9 jumps but i needed to fuel scoop and it was pretty nerve wracking and i took a lot of heat damage. im concerned about making the trip back home since it's also about 9 jumps.

any tips?

Firstly, stay out of the exclusion zone have orbit lines on

Second if you can keep your scoop rate to 50-60% of the max for that scoop you should not over heat

When orbiting a star for refueling, I tend to never let the yellow exclusion zone line cross more than 1/3 of my canopy.

This is how I refuel:
1) Get close enough that the scoop engages.
2) Manually orbit the star.
3) While orbiting, increase speed until you reach whatever refueling rate or heat level you are comfortable with. (the faster you orbit, the faster you refuel)
4) Reduce speed to 0 and point away from the star. I have found that once you start refueling, if you stop moving the refueling continues at your current rate without an increase in heat. Pointing away from the star will slightly decrease refuel rate but your heat levels should not increase.

If you have a slow refuel rate, #4 also allows you to perform system scans while refueling. I do not suggest doing scans while refueling in or close to the bubble since you might get interdicted. FWIW, when exploring outside of the bubble, I tend to run 60-65% heat level when refueling. However, I am also a weirdo and have a class 6 fuel scoop on my aspX so it does not take very long to top off my fuel.
22 Aug 2023, 1:49pm

The MKII that you posted is under powered, 2% above its powerplant capacity of course it could not afford 2 guardian MRPs. 2 guardians only allow 1% damage to powerplant if you switch to regular one it goes to 5%. 2+5=7 could be devastating power loss in heavy thargoid engagement.

I don’t think you understand how the MRPs differ. Guardian MRPs do not increase the percentage of protection, only the hits that it will absorb before going offline. Which is not a large increase even for the 5D. Three human MRPs will provide the same 94% protection as three Guardian MRPs.

And for what it’s worth, I used that build with the low emissions powerplant and Guardian MRPs to absolutely no issue, so please don’t talk out of your backside. I specifically removed and replaced them to account for Glaives, not that I’ve done any AX since they showed themselves(or since the end of January, really). Not to mention the fact that power priorities exist, and the AFMU does not need to be active in combat(you’re not going to be shooting while using it, so power isn’t a particular concern).

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