Elite: Game talk

19 Aug 2023, 3:38pm
The most stupid thing anyone can do, to by any means pick up The Thargoids interests... The workers or in the matter of fact anything we can meet with? Are just literally that. Brainless stupid organic machines. There won't be any sort of diplomacy they will going to check it whenever you are food, danger or just nah.
19 Aug 2023, 4:55pm
EpisparhWars last 4-7 days. If the data is older it may be irrelevant. Furthermore if someone visited the system on the last day of the war before conclusion ( let's say when the result was 4:3) the state changes in next BGS tick.

The system where I parked my FC have a civil war (no high intensity ground CZ though).

i see. im just trying to unlock an engineer

Delta G
Vasil Vasilescu

You can use Inara and go to DATA>SEARCH NEAREST>MISC
1) Input your current Star system
2) Choose "Nearest Wars and Civil Wars"
3) Click Search

It will show you systems where there are conflicts.


lol okay, well i checked the top 10 listings nearest me and none of them actually had conflicts once i got there

inara doesnt update automatically if you arent set up. you can try going to commander tab and clicking the update button that might help. personally I find front line missions by wandering aimlessly while delivering cargo. I deliver to a destination then disembark. check the store for pre upgraded weapons check the missions boards for desired mats and check the front line desk for any combat missions.

i have auto updates on but i also manually update after every group of jobs turned in so that i can review my inventory on inara. i'll give searching for conflicts another try again later today though
19 Aug 2023, 6:38pm
hello all - quick question - where would I find out the cost of the Prismatic shields as before I unlock them i want to make sure that I have enough spondoolies to get a few....

o7 Cmdrs

scrap that found it x
19 Aug 2023, 7:16pm
Sir Sprocketthello all - quick question - where would I find out the cost of the Prismatic shields as before I unlock them i want to make sure that I have enough spondoolies to get a few....

o7 Cmdrs

scrap that found it x

Try https://edsy.org/
8 ~ 244mil
7 - 77 mil
6 - 24mil
5 - 7.6mil
4 - 2.4mil
3 - 762k
2 - 240k
1 - 132k
19 Aug 2023, 7:40pm
Faiza i see. im just trying to unlock an engineer

If all you need is surface conflicts to unlock, do this. Using Frontline Solutions is a waste of time.

1) Find a surface conflict. After scanning the nav beacon in a system, you can view system map. Planets with conflicts will have the yellow crossed swords icon.
2) View the planetary information and look at the map to see what settlements have a fight and go to the planet.
3) Land outside of the settlement. Join one of the fighting factions.
4) After the fight is over, recall your ship, go into orbital cruise to reset the conflict zone.
5) Repeat Steps 3 and 4

I've found that it is generally best if a system's controlling faction is in a state of war. The controlling faction tends to own more stations and settlements, so there will be more fights to choose from and they will likely have varying degrees of difficulty.
20 Aug 2023, 9:55am
Kasumi GotoAs matter of fact, yes. There are now Thargoid signals around everyone’s favorite Guardian ruins. At least until it goes out of flavor and everyone runs off, leaving the Thargoids very confused about what all that fuss was for.

Apparently the definitely-not-hatching-the-next-mycoid Holloway Bioscience nerds working together with Azimuth have also sent some people over to get their hands dirty and poke around.

The area of goid presence is incredibly limited, the whole area just feels off to me for some reason
but its nice to go out on a road trip with everyone
20 Aug 2023, 10:10am
Miseribut its nice to go out on a road trip with everyone
Try not to tell those 'everyone' what you do for living.
20 Aug 2023, 11:08am
Well, at least they’re fine with me out there.
20 Aug 2023, 11:20pm
Krait Zone...
I'm nearly finished re-engineering my Krait MKII, it is really efficient in this new configuration, although for assassination missions and heavy combat in zones, I'd use the Corvette which has tons more of combat persistence, for light/medium bounty hunting it is ideal.

2 X 3B Plasma Accelerator [Fixed] Overcharged - Grade 5, Plasma Slug. 1 X 3C Multi-cannon [Fixed] Overcharged - Grade 5, Auto Loader. 2 X 2D Beam Laser [Fixed] Long range, Grade 3 (limited in order to limit over-heating), Thermal Vent.
It's very easy to stay on target and keep hitting them. Next I will engineer the 7A Power Distributor from Charge enhanced to Weapon Focus.

I also have upgraded my Krait Phantom with an pre-Engineered Class 5 Frame Shift Drive, it is well worth it despite the trouble to get the raw material needed for it.
At full load (Fuel Rats configuration) FSD range is 57.10ly, Maximum is 64.58ly, but those figures seems conservative... in game figures are 61.69ly/69.93ly...
The pre-Engineered Class 5 Frame Shift Drive cuts travel time from wolf 363 to Robigo by one Jump compared to a fully engineered FSD, the Phantom is the ship I enjoy the most.
Range in Fuel Rat Configuration was important to me because of the nature of the mission, note that I haven't been trained yet and am still a recruit.
With 2 X cargo racks and 16 X Limpets, 1 XFuel Transfer Limpet Controller, 1 X Repair Limpet Controller, range are 51.57/67.30ly.
in game figure Max 69.93ly Empty...

Last edit: 21 Aug 2023, 12:19am
21 Aug 2023, 8:42am
Speaking about the bugs, to finish my train of thoughts.

My guess is their probes and sensors serve more purpose as one, and just as much of a detection device as a way beacon. Think of something like the ant's pheromone trail as analogy. So to pick up and carry around one is just as stupid it gets, on the other hand to destroy them throws em off trail, and makes harder to detect us. Unless the goal is to get em where we want em to go. As i said workers and such even if Thargoids has sentience, lacking any higher brain function. If there are sentient ones, that it will be higher in the caste hierarchy. Which means they will going to follow blindly any signature.

About dealing with them? As i said they will going to swarm anything what picks their interests. This is the problem and the trick.

1, Keep a low profile. Remember they are just instinct creatures.

2, In case of war distract em and give as many things to swarm as possible independent pilots and unorganized attacks chips away their forces because yet again? they will going to swarm anything and everything what gives them trouble. The trick at there to not give too much trail them to follow something like the proteus wave is a big no - no. To gave em as much headache is possible with the least effort is a good idea.
21 Aug 2023, 1:32pm
Talking about bugs...

One thing I haven
t been too hot doing is thargoid hunting, I tried a few times, perhaps with the wrong ship using the wrong fit and tactics.

Anyone has got a good Krait MKII fit for Thargoid hunt?

@Minonian Are you suggesting silent running to cut their detection and tracking?
21 Aug 2023, 3:16pm
ThinderTalking about bugs...

One thing I haven
t been too hot doing is thargoid hunting, I tried a few times, perhaps with the wrong ship using the wrong fit and tactics.

Anyone has got a good Krait MKII fit for Thargoid hunt?

@Minonian Are you suggesting silent running to cut their detection and tracking?

Thargoid hunt? do you mean scouts or interceptors or both, are you doing it solo or with team?
21 Aug 2023, 3:35pm
Thinder Anyone has got a good Krait MKII fit for Thargoid hunt?


I personally ended up using this for most of my Thargoid fighting activities (in the Bubble) - pretty much a slightly modified version of the meta AXI build with gauss cannons, after some tests to figure out which weapons and combinations I preferred. Never bothered to swap the self-repair capability stuff out just for a little bit of extra hull.

Worth noting is it’s only really good for/dedicated to Interceptors - scouts can be swatted away with modshards too but isn’t too optimal. Glaives, well, they decided to cheese Guardian weapons away with it so you can imagine how well it works against them.

Last edit: 21 Aug 2023, 3:41pm
21 Aug 2023, 4:56pm
It really depends on what you mean by "Thargoid hunting" as fighting each type is different (as mentioned above). I find that these 5 builds work really well to cover most things Thargoid...

The first two are both pretty meta for taking on interceptors

Krait Mk II.




This one is just for the laugh really
Anaconda (use with care).


Krait mk II for passenger missions to attract Scythes.


Krait mk II for exploring Maelstroms and fighting Glaives.


The last two work well enough for taking on scouts too but you can pretty much kill them in anything.
21 Aug 2023, 5:26pm
@Minonian Are you suggesting silent running to cut their detection and tracking?

That's useless against them. their sensors are too good, i just simply pointing out it's unwise to do any unnecessary ruckus.

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