Elite: Game talk

18 Aug 2023, 10:10am
ArtieI suggest to keep the discussion more specific. The vaque statements where nobody knows about what it is doesn't exactly add anything to the discussion. Thanks.

Agreed, and from my part this is the end of it about the rest as a final word?

As far none of us directly without any room of misunderstanding agreed upon anything with recorded proof, or legally binding contract? Their little games? None of our concern nor we has any obligations to care about it. But they can find themselves in huge trouble because of it.
18 Aug 2023, 11:23am
Glen van Ross
Ah, that answers that, thank you.
Do these things usually take long to fix?

If you need the permit ASAP, log an issue with FDev Support and they will probably give you the permit. I understand that is what they have been doing thus far.

Otherwise, you may be waiting a while. It took them a few months to fix it after HIP 22460 took out the Azimuth megaships.

I got the Mbooni permit in a Community Goal a couple months after HIP 22460; in retrospect I kind of wish I hadn't put my Cmdr on semi-friendly terms with Azimuth. The Stargoids (Maelstroms, now) didn't burn the bubble, and the old Aegis Guardian-derived AX weapons are still pretty good.

You were right, 1 minute of online chat with their support and they manually applied the Mbooni permit.
So thanks again.

... now if only the game would stop crashing upon loading...
18 Aug 2023, 12:02pm
Bainsey7 ... now if only the game would stop crashing upon loading...

REPORTED ON: AUGUST 17, 2023 6:51 PM

Temporary Solution : Base on some hints from my collegue from TWH seems file 'fsave_optionsxxx' need to be deleted from directory ' Your_username /AppData/Roaming/Frontier Developements /Elite Dangerous /Options' ... once you will start game successfully file will be created again...etc
18 Aug 2023, 4:35pm
“It is fascinating that none of the Thargoid vessels operating in this region are immediately aggressive. One of our theories is that they are still following million-year-old orders to attack the Guardians. Therefore, from their perspective, humans are an unknown species and not identified as an enemy. Alternatively, they may be pursuing non-combat functions such as meta-alloy harvesting, as with the Thargoids that can still be found in some nebulas.”

So I am thinking this will be a seperate faction with the thargoid species. I wonder if we will mess it up
18 Aug 2023, 4:48pm
Of course there will be idiots that go out of their way to purposely shoot at Thargoids over a thousand light years from the Bubble.

Because that’s just what we do.
18 Aug 2023, 10:02pm
Delta G So I am thinking this will be a seperate faction with the thargoid species. I wonder if we will mess it up

More like just worker caste. But the fact they can be found alongside with their sensors planet side quite literally in the other end of the galaxy makes it oblivious why guardians wasn't capable to run anywhere, and survive wherever we go, whatever we do, they are already there waiting for us. So sorry, but running is not an option.

Kasumi GotoOf course there will be idiots that go out of their way to purposely shoot at Thargoids over a thousand light years from the Bubble.

Because that’s just what we do.

So it begins. So it begins. But my guess is they are quite capable to differentiate between occasional accidents, and organized attacks. And they don't care about the first. To a hive losing a worker it's just like to us losing a strand of hair. They don't even noticing it.

But when the hive itself got attacked, or just escalated to the point of no turning back? Obboy! Game on, and there's no quitting.
And make no mistake eventually it will gets escalated to this point. Simply because this is how hive mentality works.
18 Aug 2023, 10:18pm
Is there a way to tell which systems/stations will have a Frontline conflict available?
18 Aug 2023, 11:36pm
Also, how much time is allowed to pass between when I scan someones bounty and actually claim it? If I wait too long to kill them will I not get credit?
18 Aug 2023, 11:44pm
FaizaIs there a way to tell which systems/stations will have a Frontline conflict available?

You can use Inara and go to DATA>SEARCH NEAREST>MISC
1) Input your current Star system
2) Choose "Nearest Wars and Civil Wars"
3) Click Search

It will show you systems where there are conflicts.
19 Aug 2023, 12:11am
Vasil Vasilescu
FaizaIs there a way to tell which systems/stations will have a Frontline conflict available?

You can use Inara and go to DATA>SEARCH NEAREST>MISC
1) Input your current Star system
2) Choose "Nearest Wars and Civil Wars"
3) Click Search

It will show you systems where there are conflicts.


lol okay, well i checked the top 10 listings nearest me and none of them actually had conflicts once i got there

Last edit: 19 Aug 2023, 4:17am
19 Aug 2023, 6:28am
Kasumi GotoOf course there will be idiots that go out of their way to purposely shoot at Thargoids over a thousand light years from the Bubble.

Because that’s just what we do.

Come on down ... Oh
Hello Kasumi... I dont have to continue this sales pitch I assume

... Did something happen today I have been at work and i have this strange feeling things have occurred today
19 Aug 2023, 8:42am
As matter of fact, yes. There are now Thargoid signals around everyone’s favorite Guardian ruins. At least until it goes out of flavor and everyone runs off, leaving the Thargoids very confused about what all that fuss was for.

Apparently the definitely-not-hatching-the-next-mycoid Holloway Bioscience nerds working together with Azimuth have also sent some people over to get their hands dirty and poke around.
19 Aug 2023, 9:58am
And hive workers most definitely not going towards anything what picks their fancy, at ever increasing numbers depending on it's importance... And that's why conflict is inevitable. About the rest? The sectors what they occupy is their hive so to speak. The rest of the galaxy? Is their foraging ground. So yeah... In their eyes? We are the interlopers.
19 Aug 2023, 11:03am
Vasil Vasilescu
FaizaIs there a way to tell which systems/stations will have a Frontline conflict available?

You can use Inara and go to DATA>SEARCH NEAREST>MISC
1) Input your current Star system
2) Choose "Nearest Wars and Civil Wars"
3) Click Search

It will show you systems where there are conflicts.


lol okay, well i checked the top 10 listings nearest me and none of them actually had conflicts once i got there

inara doesnt update automatically if you arent set up. you can try going to commander tab and clicking the update button that might help. personally I find front line missions by wandering aimlessly while delivering cargo. I deliver to a destination then disembark. check the store for pre upgraded weapons check the missions boards for desired mats and check the front line desk for any combat missions.
19 Aug 2023, 2:33pm
Wars last 4-7 days. If the data is older it may be irrelevant. Furthermore if someone visited the system on the last day of the war before conclusion ( let's say when the result was 4:3) the state changes in next BGS tick.

The system where I parked my FC have a civil war (no high intensity ground CZ though).

Last edit: 19 Aug 2023, 3:38pm

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