Elite: Game talk

22 Aug 2023, 11:04pm
Cristina Gomez
Thanks for the directions.
So I see what you mean, but I am looking for the reverse.
I am looking for settlements that are Anarchy, Independent, but NOT in war or civil war.
I've tried using 'None' and a few others but still end up finding them in war state.

Ah, I see... as it's not a very common search, there is no state exclusion, so the "None" option should provide something as you mention, although it won't cover everything (adjusted search). If there will be settlements with CZ, there is probable they changed an owner meanwhile (to another faction that is in the conflict) and the information about it wasn't updated yet, so it's always better to double-check that in the game.
22 Aug 2023, 11:30pm
Firstly, stay out of the exclusion zone have orbit lines on


Vasil Vasilescu
4) Reduce speed to 0 and point away from the star. I have found that once you start refueling, if you stop moving the refueling continues at your current rate without an increase in heat. Pointing away from the star will slightly decrease refuel rate but your heat levels should not increase.

also good, thanks

i have a 4A fuel scoop, does it make a big difference having a better one? im in a cobra mk 3
23 Aug 2023, 12:50am
i have a 4A fuel scoop, does it make a big difference having a better one? im in a cobra mk 3

A bigger scoop will give you a faster refuel rate but is not really necessary and is often overkill. The only reason I have a class 6 on the AspX I use for exploring is because I personally like the faster rate when exploring way outside the bubble or colonia, and all of the other components I have fit in the smaller modules. The bigger ships that I use for poking around the bubble or colonia, like my type 9s, have much smaller scoops (usually a class 3) for emergency refuels.
23 Aug 2023, 5:49am
Cristina Gomez
Thanks for the directions.
So I see what you mean, but I am looking for the reverse.
I am looking for settlements that are Anarchy, Independent, but NOT in war or civil war.
I've tried using 'None' and a few others but still end up finding them in war state.

Ah, I see... as it's not a very common search, there is no state exclusion, so the "None" option should provide something as you mention, although it won't cover everything (adjusted search). If there will be settlements with CZ, there is probable they changed an owner meanwhile (to another faction that is in the conflict) and the information about it wasn't updated yet, so it's always better to double-check that in the game.

Thanks for being so engaging and helpful..!!
23 Aug 2023, 8:37am
Yeah, that should be fixed with the recent game update.

So killing of 60-70 interceptors per day is achievable with a strong group of wings in AX CZ.
Given that the person have no life and just play the game for 8-10 hours
23 Aug 2023, 9:41am
Yeah, that should be fixed with the recent game update.

So killing of 60-70 interceptors per day is achievable with a strong group of wings in AX CZ.

Yes, even in solo with a proper ship and when such person knows what he/she is doing (at least for some interceptors). But if you mean that related to the case earlier, there simply wasn't possible to make the kills so fast with that particular ship (and basically any ship) in Solo mode as recorded in the journal.
23 Aug 2023, 10:24am
And goid killing requires specialized equipment without it any attempt is futile. So if you stumble across one in a trade build made hauling things around the smart choice is to run like hell. Some consider this cowardice? Yes... The same peoples whom prefer sitting ducks. From which point to be entire honest i couldn't care any less.

But that's currently not my problem since I'm away to see the spot where the doggo sat down. Which is a perfect opportunity to get 5/5 in Exploration & Exobiology so I'm not rushing. After that? I shall see.
23 Aug 2023, 3:38pm

Yes, even in solo with a proper ship and when such person knows what he/she is doing (at least for some interceptors). But if you mean that related to the case earlier, there simply wasn't possible to make the kills so fast with that particular ship (and basically any ship) in Solo mode as recorded in the journal.

I see. I do not know the exact ship build involved but if it is not an instagib build then there is just one logical explanation
25 Aug 2023, 9:23am
Sir Sprocketti want to do some space trucking for the recovery systems... do the market details on here reflect what the station needs to be delivered or do I have to pick up missions from somewhere to SPace truck?

It could be helpful to join Operation Ida discord, they specialize in space trucking for system recovery and station repairs. You should be able to get a link from them if you search "Operation Ida" on Discord. 07.
25 Aug 2023, 2:26pm
All that fuss about Imperial nonsense, just so they can build more statues to their vanity. In the middle of a war.

Almost makes me want the Thargoids to smash the Bubble to pieces.
25 Aug 2023, 3:17pm
Kasumi Gotothey can build more statues to their vanity.
They won't be actually building them. They have slaves for that line of work.
25 Aug 2023, 4:31pm
Well, of course. Don’t even need to mention that it will be the slaves that the Duvals have so graciously built their Empire upon, who’ll also build their statues.

Before anyone comes in here to defend it with the excuse that ‘Imperial slavery is used to work off debt and “humane”’… may I point you to Torval putting slaves to work in mines under rather inhumane conditions.
25 Aug 2023, 5:06pm
Yes, terrible Empire.
Waiting for hordes of people which just want to haul gold for shiny 380k price
25 Aug 2023, 5:38pm
Statues don’t build themselves.

And this still seems like an excessive waste of money for something that is a pure vanity project, at a time where those resources(in this case, the money) could really be put to something better, than to inflate the ego of certain high Imperials even more. Got nothing to do with the haulers that bring in the materials.

I’ll bet you there won’t be a statue for Aisling anywhere. It’d be so like them to do that.
25 Aug 2023, 9:08pm
Her grace majesty Arissa deserves her own statue "all citizens owe to the Duval dynasty, whose thousand-year reign has brought peace and prosperity to trillions". In time of war Royals do share their wealth so ordinary folks could continue to fight and defend human space.

Last edit: 25 Aug 2023, 9:26pm

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