Elite: Game talk
05 Nov 2024, 9:15am
I believe that everyone should decide for themselves which rating they use for AFMU. I don't believe in synthesizing repair units (premium) because they only use up valuable resources. This doesn't matter when exploring.
05 Nov 2024, 9:17am
What are you doing out there? Crashing into ice/rock rings around planets to see if you can leave visible holes? Just in case, this is not how mining works.
Vasil VasilescuI'd considered loading a second, smaller AFMU (class 1) just in case the primary got jacked to hell and needed repair. I still have not done it because I've not managed to jack up the AFMU that bad.
As for power, I am one of those people that configures ships with more power than they need, tends...
Exactly. Getting that extra 0.0x Ly but constantly fiddling with power setting to keep the light on is just a waste of time.
I did over 500 jumps (>70K ly) last trip. Needed to use AFMU after 18-20 neutron start jumps. I had to reload AMFU several times. It was still functioning fine.
Meowers... Nickel is always the bottleneck.
What? It's literally everywhere. This is why you need to take the SRV for a ride and pick up materials. Few junks of tin and some other more exotic materials, like Tellurium, is what you should take with you. But even those can be found around vents, on braintrees etc.
05 Nov 2024, 9:26am
Atusia DuvalI also only have an AFMU B rating installed in the Mandalay. AFMU B-Rating consumes less power and has more repair units than A-Rating. However, the speed of repair is a little slower than with A-Rating.
Ah, there's a good tip for new explorers: you don't need A-rated fuel scoop or AFMU, they are darn expensive for newbies. B-rated is totally fine, because neither AFMU nor fuel scoop add anything to your weight (thus it does not have an impact on jump range), only to power draw (go and figure, FDev...).
05 Nov 2024, 9:28am
AHWhat? It's literally everywhere. This is why you need to take the SRV for a ride and pick up materials. Few junks of tin and some other more exotic materials, like Tellurium, is what you should take with you. But even those can be found around vents, on braintrees etc.Not obtaining it (it can be easily traded using the materials given as mission rewards), but how much stuff uses it and it's oftentimes the first material to run dry and force me to go to a nearest mat trader. Imagine having a limited playing time in a day and wanting to do as many consecutive AXCZs as possible, because it's fun, and fiddling with materials isn't.
05 Nov 2024, 10:50am
TaffymanAnyone still having a problem with the fleet carrier?
What problem? You have to describe it in more detail.
05 Nov 2024, 10:51am
AH2 AFMU's? You have a FC! LOL
Some of us don’t use a carrier to explore due to the various hassles associated with it (tritium, namely).
But the only reason your AFMUs would even risk breaking is if you crash into exclusion zones too frequently, overheated near a star because you walked off to get a mug of something, or snack, or dropped into normal space in a jet cone which, for one, is almost impossible to do now on accident [near neutron stars] because you no longer get dropped out of supercruise on FSD malfunction (last I heard), and on the other hand you’re probably not going to make it out of a cone alive.
Rawnu because neither AFMU nor fuel scoop add anything to your weight (thus it does not have an impact on jump range), only to power draw (go and figure, FDev...).
How dare you be logical in Elite! We’re blastin’ those darn alien space flowers out of our sky!
(… the above is sarcasm, by the way. Until recently I completely forgot that AFMUs have no weight to them at all, and it’s similarly questionable for the docking computer and supercruise assist - if they don’t have any mass to them, why aren’t they just a software installed by default on any ship and can be toggled on/off at will? Game mechanic aside.)
Meowers fiddling with materials isn't.
At least now you get some just by playing the game and bashing Thargoids in invasion/control systems. I still tend to try avoiding synths because I’m stingy for some reason, but they’re not nearly as painful as they used to be (with exception to the Guardian materials that Frontier still insists we go to the sites and shoot dozens of Sentinels for).
05 Nov 2024, 12:44pm
Meowers force me to go to a nearest mat trader. Imagine having a limited playing time in a day and wanting to do as many consecutive AXCZs as possible, because it's fun, and fiddling with materials isn't.
Totally agree, it's time consuming...
I do a lot of Robigo runs as alternative to CZ Combat and most of the Raw Materials are 4 Grade there, I always have to exchange to a trader, but I use those materials for Syntesis, to reload the Corvette 4A MULTI-CANNON and the MODIFIED GUARDIAN PLASMA CHARGER on the Krait MK II when I run out.
So having some more for the AFMUs doesn't bother me at all, and in my experience, they can save the day, if I really feel the need for more materials I go to Orrere 2 B, the Anaconda Crash Site.
05 Nov 2024, 3:27pm
05 Nov 2024, 3:57pm
As for Beluga... people have used them as Titan bombers, so I doubt it could be getting that many more strange looks for standard AX.
05 Nov 2024, 4:25pm
Kasumi GotoI've used a Corvette way back when the experimental weapon stabilizers were originally added, and sometimes see people use them now. It should work fine even if the hardpoint convergence is not ideal for fixed weapons.
As for Beluga... people have used them as Titan bombers, so I doubt it could be getting that many more strange looks for standard AX.
The two huge and small hardpoints have the best convergence for fixed weapons, was thinking to reengineer my regular PvE Corvette with cannons in those. For AX you could do Gauss, modShards or MPC. The large and the two medium are a bit of a waste, I probably fit a large thermal vent beam and two medium AXMC and take it to a surface port.
With the Beluga, the first four medium hardpoints aren’t that bad if you use modShards. Oh, and I could try ramming interceptors with it!
05 Nov 2024, 4:35pm
Didn't get a lot of experience with it as I shifted my focus from AX to more evac-oriented work on the main account about a week later and basically stopped fighting Thargoids entirely (until I made my alt), but it survived to kill a Medusa in an open space CZ (no limpets or an AFMU, instead a shielded build, because it was technically for station conflicts)... which had a few players, but felt like I was doing most of the work on the big guy.
Don't ask me about the Beluga's performance anyway. I never had one, but I guess it might do ok. The hardpoints are right anyway.
05 Nov 2024, 4:58pm
EchoNovemberDelterAre Powerplay merits for exobiology and exploration still suspended?
They are probably still exposed.
Last edit: 05 Nov 2024, 5:08pm
05 Nov 2024, 5:02pm
RawnuThinking about another engineering project, this time for AX combat. I mainly use my PM2 for that, it's fast and packs a punch. But I always wanted to get into large ship AX combat, however my Anaconda never really satisfied me. So I'm thinking about a Corvette, which is probably the obvious choice. Then again, how does a ShardBeluga sound to you?
Take a look at the video. It's already four years old but it's a pretty good AX build.
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