Elite: Game talk

02 Oct 2023, 1:33am
Kasumi Goto
Thanks for the tip, the Beluga has also another problem, it is wide, and can easily got stock at the gate when you get out manually...

Fly it like the Cutter - center of the mail slot only, try to stay central in height as well as width. Someone really should have upgraded the design for current-day ships in the universe... nostalgia be damned. The 'mail slot' is really awful when you think about it.

If the Beluga's tail does get stuck, landing gear lowering/retracting is said to provide you with a moment of 'no-clip' that can free you from such situations. General advice I hear, never flown one myself, don't intend to. It's a luxury space whale, and I don't care to fly luxury space whales.

And some ships do have better thermal performance than others(looking at you, Dolphin). Not sure about the Beluga, but definitely don't hear great things about the Type-7 'Lakon Brick'(it literally looks like a brick with engines strapped to it). Still, an A rated plant with low emissions or armored engineering(as both provide a bonus to efficiency) will go a long way, if you can afford to put either on.

If you decide to use D rated and/or overcharged? Don't be surprised if it cooks itself (or tries to) just charging the FSD. Heck, even an A rated overcharged plant can cause you trouble and leave a rather small margin of error when parked next to a star for scooping.

All true.

I won't bother sorting it out, I just want to do some missions for materials and Credit, although it's far from being as good as Robigo mines/Sothis runs. at least I do something. on the other hand, I took my Vette out for some assassination missions, I haven't find an Azardous Extraction site populated enough to resume bounty hunting. I'll keep looking.

The Type-7 has a poor reputation but I managed to turn it into some acceptable medium hauler, properly handled it doesn't cook itself and I'm not finished optimizing it (FSD Thermal Spread instead of Mass Manager), what I like with this ship is its speed and maneuverability compared to similar ships.

For the moment, better not use the boost before engaging FSD, then it stays below 100° and I got 41.28/59.93 Ly out of it, probably a little less after I change the Experimental effect for comfort, and 280/487 M/S which is good enough to stay out of trouble, at the end it's not as terrible as its reputation is.

I think my problem is that I got used to engineering ships which are not so hard on upgrades (Krait/Python/Corvette), I knew (Youtube Video-The Pilot) that the Beluga overheated but not that it was that bad, I exchanged it for the Orca, sold the big modules re-equipped it and it is not fully engineered but it goes fine.
02 Oct 2023, 10:17am
The Beluga do not overheat if properly engineered - idle 14%, thrust - 37%, fsd - 64%.


Beluga requires less engineering materials than any of the Big 3 and type-10(noob trap).

P.S. The Pilot's videos are purely entertaining, even back then they were not much useful.
02 Oct 2023, 11:28am
EpisparhThe Beluga do not overheat if properly engineered - idle 14%, thrust - 37%, fsd - 64%.


Beluga requires less engineering materials than any of the Big 3 and type-10(noob trap).

P.S. The Pilot's videos are purely entertaining, even back then they were not much useful.

Yeah sure, You're entertaining yourself, you're starting to piss me off big time calling people noobs and suggesting that a ship which requires to be downgraded to perform is OK, TAKE A HIKE, DO NOT REPLY TO MY POST. BUFFON!

A Grade 7 FSB engineered X 5 Increased range + Mass Manager will overheat, there nothing I don't know about the combination in this link...

How do we block wankers in this forum?

Last edit: 02 Oct 2023, 12:01pm
02 Oct 2023, 12:31pm
You're overreacting a little too much to him, and you don't need to. Beluga has a problem with heating, i agree but if you install the A graded power plant with low emissions modification and thermal spread, the problem is gone permanetly. I use beluga to farm resources in robigo or some rescue missions.

I use that power plant modfication for all non combat purposes. I'm just speaking from my experience in general and in the past I spent a lot of time unlocking various things so as not to have to deal with it anymore.
02 Oct 2023, 2:52pm
A Grade 7 FSB engineered X 5 Increased range + Mass Manager will overheat, there nothing I don't know about the combination in this link...

How do we block wankers in this forum?

What? Something you don't know?
You do it like this
02 Oct 2023, 7:43pm
Well... I am speechless...
Digging a 5 years old post to prove ones misleading point... A grade low emissions power plant with thermal spread and low power shield will definitely fix any overheating of Beluga. In addition all Saud Kruger ships were fixed after Odyssey release...the dolphin for example is one of the coldest ships now.

Vette, Cutter , Anaconda and Type-10 have far more optional internals so they require more engineering.

And about the noob trap...it is not something I have invented. Type 10 is famous for this. If someone like it , good for them. But it is a fact that it is worse deal even than Type-9.

P.S. I do not read who post what. When I see misleading information I just correct it.
If someone do not want reading my post feel free to add me in your https://inara.cz/elite/user-ignored/

Have a nice ... whatever it is for you.

Last edit: 02 Oct 2023, 9:10pm
04 Oct 2023, 12:14am
Just gone to beagle point than Sag A and finally! to Colonia. No, i'm not going to go back, not for quite a while a monstre expedition to reach 5/5 in exploration and exobiology and git to the end of the galaxy from 1/1 is... Well? Allow me to put it like this.

I'm spent & burned out like the booster stage of a space shuttle.
04 Oct 2023, 3:24am

You know what's the real madness? I don't get back to bubble (with a little detour) until i go to combat elite 1 and merc elite not to mention enough micro res to finally upgrade my fleet.

Not a smaller task as the pervious one.
04 Oct 2023, 4:29am
So, after reading the latest GalNet story, I'm almost willing to go to Las Vegas and have a betting line opened. Either the Emperor ends up pregnant (side bets will be allowed on who the father is) or if the Emperor is assassinated, thus plunging the Empire into a civil war.

If we know F-Dev, it'll be that second one.

Side note: Betting will be allowed on a Thargoid being the father...
04 Oct 2023, 4:54am
Talon AvexSo, after reading the latest GalNet story, I'm almost willing to go to Las Vegas and have a betting line opened. Either the Emperor ends up pregnant (side bets will be allowed on who the father is) or if the Emperor is assassinated, thus plunging the Empire into a civil war.

If we know F-Dev, it'll be that second one.

The skeptic in me kind of doubts FDev ever really wants to change anything, ever. Would they really throw both the Federation and Empire into succession-related disorder, at the same time? We need some kind of Alliance-related disorder to balance it out, plus a big push by the Thargoids to really turn up the heat.

Looking back on our own history, something mundane would happen, like Hadrian Duval's infant son (Hector?) would be removed from his custody, taken to the Imperial Palace and raised as the heir apparent. And Hadrian would be lucky to ever see him again. But there's no drama in that, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I will put money against Aisling being designated heir apparent, though.
04 Oct 2023, 9:45pm
ClawsOfTiamatI joined Princess Smurf-Top just to unlock Prismatic Shields and I want to barf in my mouth every time I do something for her.

What... does this even mean
04 Oct 2023, 9:51pm
Messed some with FA but never bothered with mastering it. It's good to zipping around like a mosquito on acid, but it's hard to achieve and maintain a solid & permanent target lock, which is an issue since i prefer beam and autocannon. But that's what gimball for. If anyone want's to practice a flying style like this, i suggest to find a silent asteroid field and try to zip around the rocks harder as it sounds. but as you said? a flying style like this worth it. More or less the same as like flying in The X series. Anyways...

Speaking about tricky things. Here's a fun challenge headshotting with the Executioner while jetpacking. Now THAT takes some serious skill.
04 Oct 2023, 11:09pm
ClawsOfTiamatI joined Princess Smurf-Top just to unlock Prismatic Shields and I want to barf in my mouth every time I do something for her.

What... does this even mean

Someone does not like working for Aisling Duval
05 Oct 2023, 2:32am
ClawsOfTiamatSo, basically, Elite's default flight model is actually not physically possible for spaceships flying out of atmosphere.

Well, it's possible if you have a point of reference and a computer that controls your thrusters to simulate the feel of atmospheric flight relative to that reference point. Which is exactly what flight assist is. It does not add any special powers to your ship. It just automatically performs all the corrections that you would otherwise have to perform manually.

I like to compare it to the fly-by-wire system that kept the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stable.
05 Oct 2023, 9:09am
Wild Jim Gruden
Someone does not like working for Aisling Duval

Speaking about power play, i don't understand why we don't have some ground items and missions, and other things to keep peoples interested at it, such as consumables and other benefits, to which we can only have access as long we are tied to a faction.

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