Elite: Game talk

10 Oct 2023, 5:18pm
Titanium A SmithNeed help

Both System Map & Galaxy Map have lost their menu interface, how do I get this back or is this some type of Glitch?


You put a relative link in for the screenshot, works for you, everyone else gets a link to their own personal gallery. you the external link to the jpg.

but sorry, no idea other than maybe something drastic like a reinstall.
10 Oct 2023, 5:40pm

You put a relative link in for the screenshot, works for you, everyone else gets a link to their own personal gallery. you the external link to the jpg.

but sorry, no idea other than maybe something drastic like a reinstall.

grandmother Zemina is not the same, that's for sure... she's a different caliber
10 Oct 2023, 6:12pm
Wild Jim GrudenSomeone does not like working for Aisling Duval

Maybe they should try working for Torval for a change of pace.

I am absolutely not working for the most pro-slavery of the Empire. I don't care if their slaves are treated with higher quality than that of the Federal lower class, slavery is immoral. While they choose that fate, it still feels very wrong as a method of paying of debt. Both the Federation and Empire have failed in their missions of equity, though at least Aisling makes an effort to ban slavery.
10 Oct 2023, 6:14pm
Since Playstation is severed from the rest of Elite and I can't contribute my Universal Cartographics scans, I wanted to let y'all know that there are extremely dense and massive Platinum, Monazite, Rhodplumsite, and Serendibite hotspots within the rings of HIP 110017 ABC 3

Edit: LTDs and Void Opals in the rings of HIP 110017 ABC 7

Last edit: 10 Oct 2023, 7:06pm
10 Oct 2023, 7:59pm
ClawsOfTiamatIs there a secret to successfully using the Scorpion SRV in combat operations v ground troops? I love the way it handles, and it would be my go-to SRV if it weren't for the shitty cargo capacity, but this thing doesn't seem to be very good in a fight. It's RPG launcher seems to miss 75% of the time unless you're super close to your target. It's like the targeting computer and the weapon system doesn't even talk to each other. The Scarab's las-guns seem to do more damage.

Why use SRV weapons on ground troops? Just running them over is much more efficient and satisfying as far as PVE is concerned.
10 Oct 2023, 9:46pm
ClawsOfTiamatIs there a secret to successfully using the Scorpion SRV in combat operations v ground troops? I love the way it handles, and it would be my go-to SRV if it weren't for the shitty cargo capacity, but this thing doesn't seem to be very good in a fight. It's RPG launcher seems to miss 75% of the time unless you're super close to your target. It's like the targeting computer and the weapon system doesn't even talk to each other. The Scarab's las-guns seem to do more damage.

Use it like you would use a real IFV. Fire from hull-down positions (or as protected as one can get, given the terrain). If they are on the other side of a hill or rise, move close enough to the hilltop/ridgeline so that your turret can fire over it, but your hull isn't exposed. Use large boulders for cover.

If you are in danger of being flanked or surrounded, fire while on the move so it's harder for them to hit you.

Stationary armoured vehicles are suckers for ATGMs; in terms of ED weaponry the dangerous ones to SRVs are rocket launchers, plasma sniper rifles, and laser rifles. Don't drive out into the open where everybody has a shot at you. Take on a little section of troops at a time, and try to eliminate the dangerous ones (sharpshooters with plasma rifles, and commandos with laser rifles) first. The guys with plasma shotguns (strikers) have to close to point-blank range to really hurt you so you have all day to pick them off once the others are gone.

The surge repeater guns on the Scorpion are less accurate than those on the Scarab, and take a while to spin up to full auto. You want to account for that time to reach peak fire rate. The furthest I will engage is about 175 metres, with 150m or less being preferred. If I have more than three opposition firing at me simultaneously, I move to a better cover position where I take less fire.

EDIT: Forgot to mention I try to ID all of the NPC targets well before I get into weapons range (so that I know who to focus on first), and I always turn off the SRV lights (and enable night vision, if appropriate) before driving away from the ship.

Last edit: 11 Oct 2023, 5:31am
11 Oct 2023, 9:11am
Yuna Sakashiro
Well, it's possible if you have a point of reference and a computer that controls your thrusters to simulate the feel of atmospheric flight relative to that reference point. Which is exactly what flight assist is. It does not add any special powers to your ship. It just automatically performs all the corrections that you would otherwise have to perform manually.

I like to compare it to the fly-by-wire system that kept the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stable.

Previous versions of elite did employ a more dynamic newtonian flight model. You needed to select the reference point, manoeuvre using thrusters and accelerate in relation to the point of reference. Combat was similar to FA-off flight in ED. Saying that, it was a bit of a PitA and I 90% prefer the implementation of Flight Assist in ED, even if it has peculiar knock on effects like auto-deceleration, max speed and realism.
There again, Frontier Elite had a game-speed slider which was a bit 'gamey'. As far as I remember it was also called something ridiculous, like the StarDreamer? (basically the lore suggested the Pilot's Federation drugged all CMDRs so they'd nod off to sleep for days while travelling under severe G-force. Obviously before the invention of Supercruise).

Yeah, that was a time dilatation device if i remember correctly, but to be entirely honest i can't tell. Since i had lost the manual years before. And yes, the flight model of elite II & III was completely newtonian compared to the nightmare of that, a dimwit whose greatest achievement is to do the barrel roll, just makes me chuckle.

And let's just not mention the flight model of the first game whereas just to dock to a spinning Coriolis station was a superhuman achievement (to a 9 yrs old anyways) Yet again!? Don't make me laugh with that ridiculous barrel roll...

In my opinion, the problem with FA/off in ED was never the Newtonian flight model (which isn't complicated at all) but the missing switch for relative/absolute mouse (which was added only recently) and the fact that keyboards don't allow fine-grained thruster control, the thruster is either off or at 100%, there's nothing in between. This is what makes FA/off a bit fiddly when precision is required, e.g. while docking, unless you have a proper joystick. Oh, and another thing that's specific to the Cutter: Its thrusters in FA/off mode are still much weaker than in FA/on. You can easily test that for yourself: to bring the ship's relative speed to zero, the fastest method is to just toggle FA on. Doing the same thing using counter-thrust takes much longer. This might also be the reason why you can't trust docking computers in a Cutter; the computer miscalculates the speed corrections because it expects different thruster specs. But that's just one of those bugs that takes Frontier forever to address.
11 Oct 2023, 10:40pm
now it's only large wing trade/delivery missions with maxed reputation.
12 Oct 2023, 12:04am
About the mysteries of Raxxla? With all likely hood it's a guardian ruin which is already or yet has to be found. And either has a special piece of tech what does possible at the same principles as warp drive, (warp portal) or just someone fantasy ran rampart. But why to build and maintain a warp portal? It will take an insane amount of energy to operate it.

And speaking about Guardians? Here's something i still can't wrap my head around, the very fact some of their equipment is still operates without any maintenance is a tough pill to swallow. But the fact their sentinels are still up and running? Downright impossible! Not a single piece of advanced tech can last this long without any support! So something gives me the feeling here's something what we are not begin aware of (yet).
12 Oct 2023, 11:19am
So… the Fed elections will finalize on October 16. That same day, U17 drops, and from a sparse teaser, we already know something funky will be going on with barnacle matrix sites, which we have been allowed to clear recently, but remain once the system is taken away from Thargoid control. Meanwhile, it would be a few months before the new president is instated.

Totally not setting up for disaster and disruption.
12 Oct 2023, 11:59am
But what the barnacles really are? Just a biological resource? I can hardly imagine that's the case if they give em this much of an importance. No, there's much more on this.
12 Oct 2023, 4:42pm
Rochester is Club
Archer is Club
Election is a sham anyway, i say let the goids make a diplomatic appearance and shake things up

12 Oct 2023, 4:56pm
Diplomacy u say? I'm great on it, as long it involves a vette...
12 Oct 2023, 5:46pm
MiseriRochester is Club
Archer is Club
Election is a sham anyway, i say let the goids make a diplomatic appearance and shake things up


If Sol is a ghost town when the election results are supposed to be announced, don't put the blame on me. I won't have had anything to do with a sudden Thargoid appearance using a Titan in there.

And I'm pretty sure the Rochester that was working with the Club is currently rotting away in a jail cell after trying to turn the Federation into a corporate government. Idiot. Hudson is stupid, alright, but not that stupid.

(I still have some reservations about the name Rochester nonetheless, to be perfectly clear.)

Last edit: 12 Oct 2023, 7:32pm
12 Oct 2023, 10:42pm
So, seems I got stuck unable to deliver a set of rescued political prisoners in time and mission has failed.
What do I do with the rescued prisoners I have in cargo now? Can I sell them on black market, or do I have to just jettison them and leave them to die it the cold hard vacuum of space?

MinonianBut what the barnacles really are? Just a biological resource? I can hardly imagine that's the case if they give em this much of an importance. No, there's much more on this.

I expect it will turn out they are "growing" glaives in there or something similar.

Last edit: 12 Oct 2023, 10:48pm

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