Elite: Game talk

11 Aug 2023, 2:04am
Vasil VasilescuHooray, bureaucracy! I'm sorry, but your form 395-A does not have the proper signature on line 75 releasing us to clear your bounty. You need to fill out a form FLK-45-A3.3 to correct line 75 and resubmit your amended 395-A. No, yopu cannot just fill in a new 395-A becuase your current one is already in the system and is flagged as requiring a FLK-45-A3.3. Honestly, I don't know why you are getting so frustrated. This is all very simple if you just follow the rules.

Vasil Vasilescu
I just spilled my Jameson on my keyboard, I love this . Just made my day, I needed a good laugh.
11 Aug 2023, 2:10am
FaizaWhen I look at the tablet it doesn't give me the option to turn myself in. It tells me I have no bounties, which is weird because I do - I can see them in my transactions Do only some systems have interstellar factor facilities?

Logout/login trick may refresh it, it's getting buggy from time to time. And yeah, there was some kind of rule about Interstellar Factors, like, you can pay off your bounties only on a station that doesn't have the presence of any factions that issued these bounties... Or the faction shouldn't be present in the entire system. Can't remember now.

The reason of this usually work memory or whatever the likes got filled stuck or busy. If your net connection produces lags and slow connection load times with no reason at all the usual cause is its either yet again the router is clogged, or you got pinged or worse. Yet again? Reset... I know, i know, basics. But every joke is new to a child. Anyways? The smart thing is to find out the cause, and make automatic the cleaning process without the need of manual reset if it does possible. Or eliminate the let's just say... Lamprey. Which is usually something, yeah... Fishy.

Vasil Vasilescu
Or think of it this way. What would a traffic court judge say if you got a speeding ticket going to work and said, "But I work for the city, so my pay cancels out the fine."

At the cost of decreased payment...
11 Aug 2023, 6:11pm
Babo[ I just spilled my Jameson on my keyboard, I love this . Just made my day, I needed a good laugh.

Well, that is one way to enable sticky keys.
11 Aug 2023, 9:15pm
MinonianThe reason of this usually work memory or whatever the likes got filled stuck or busy. If your net connection produces lags and slow connection load times with no reason at all the usual cause is its either yet again the router is clogged, or you got pinged or worse. Yet again? Reset... I know, i know, basics. But every joke is new to a child. Anyways? The smart thing is to find out the cause, and make automatic the cleaning process without the need of manual reset if it does possible. Or eliminate the let's just say... Lamprey. Which is usually something, yeah... Fishy.
You remind me of the guy who tried to convince people that PC slowdowns happen due to background bitcoin mining made by a trojan software. Can't remember his username, sadly...

Nope. That's just the bad bugged coding. We can see it everywhere in this game.
11 Aug 2023, 9:18pm
In case you haven't noticed i was talked about two things. Ingame problems and in relation with this internet connection, Which is at some degree also part of the problem. with some overlaps present.
11 Aug 2023, 10:09pm
Hm. I remembered the name. Cephy, is that you?
11 Aug 2023, 11:00pm
If you trying to humor me, you do better to give up... I don't think this is funny.

But since you insist here it is, problems like warp times and and entering / leaving vehicle not to mention
picture download issues and missing objects just as much about internet connection and internet protocol like game code errors and deficiency.

And i hate to be a total disappointment although i did not mentioned or implied anything the likes of bit coin mining but such viruses and troyans turning your pc into bit coin miner does exist. What i referred to it your router can be piggy backed or otherwise disturbed both wirelessly and trough the wire. And this also goes to the server side. Which is also an issue they have to take account and make sure such things does not happen.

12 Aug 2023, 8:39am
First you would have to click on such a suspicious link, for it to be on your network in the first place.

And I’ve had plenty of times occur within Odyssey where it’d just get stuck on a black screen for no good reason even when the connection was perfectly fine.
12 Aug 2023, 10:28am
I click on such things.
from a honeypot
12 Aug 2023, 7:12pm
Kasumi GotoFirst you would have to click on such a suspicious link, for it to be on your network in the first place.

And I’ve had plenty of times occur within Odyssey where it’d just get stuck on a black screen for no good reason even when the connection was perfectly fine.

I get a black screen for about a minute every time I exit the game, I thought it was just me

Also a persistent bug where my taxi arrives but doesn't land and I have to rebook it several times (the landing pads are clear)

Still having a lot of fun though
13 Aug 2023, 6:09am
Switching the game to IPv6 only (if possible) fixes 99% of the network problems, the other 1% is just the transaction server taking a dump (I was Using IPv4 with NAT-PMP up until the middle of this week). I just have IPv4 totally turned off for the game now.
14 Aug 2023, 9:07am
Any easy way to find where Instellar factors are around me?

I have bounties to hand in and need one, not sure if I will lose these old ones if I die, does that only happen between killing pirates and landing at a station, once there are bounties safe?
15 Aug 2023, 10:02pm
So I'm fully allied with Azimuth Biotech and I've been parked on Glorious Prospect in the LHS 1163 system for ages now waiting for a mission (or something) to give me the Mbooni permit.
Does anybody know if I'm missing something? What's supposed to happen? I've obtained plenty of permits before but not for a long time (so long before any updates in the past year or so).

... suggestions?

... help?
15 Aug 2023, 10:49pm
Bainsey7So I'm fully allied with Azimuth Biotech and I've been parked on Glorious Prospect in the LHS 1163 system for ages now waiting for a mission (or something) to give me the Mbooni permit.
Does anybody know if I'm missing something? What's supposed to happen? I've obtained plenty of permits before but not for a long time (so long before any updates in the past year or so).

... suggestions?

... help?

I am in the exact same situation I tried T Tauri first then came to LHS 1163

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