Elite: Game talk

12 Oct 2023, 10:59pm
If you go to somewhere with search and rescue NPCs present, you can drop pods for them and they’ll pick them up. If you do it near an active/dockable megaship though, try to dump them outside the no fire zone and away from it. Otherwise the idiotic automated defenses will see them as ‘obstructions’(even well outside the zone where ships circulate) and blast them.
12 Oct 2023, 11:07pm
Yeah, next question - is that helps with system's progress? It is npc, you not directly delivering them to megaship.
13 Oct 2023, 5:47am
The Jupiter guys Mother is the running mate of the Winters lady....
Things are going to be so happening next week, I cant wait to see what my next role on stage will be.

See you in Sol everyone o7
13 Oct 2023, 8:14am
MiseriRochester is Club
Archer is Club
Election is a sham anyway, i say let the goids make a diplomatic appearance and shake things up


LCU NoFoolLikeOne gets my vote f'r sure. The others ...... Meh!
13 Oct 2023, 8:20am
Where's the candidate from the Thargoid party? :p
13 Oct 2023, 10:21am
The real question is which space is the witch space? And the answer is just exactly that. It's not this space & time reality and dimension or another but stuck in the elevator between two floors. Wormholes are good to moving around but not anywhere near to the potential of an albecurrie drive.
13 Oct 2023, 1:46pm
MeowersWhere's the candidate from the Thargoid party? :p

I could always offer up. My character is at least halfway there. Interested in being a politician, though?

*finds the nearest ship and makes five jumps in the opposite direction*
13 Oct 2023, 2:41pm
If you think i will going to pass this you were sadly mistaken, but the thing is i have a lot of catch up to do, and there's a lot of other things to do at this game.
13 Oct 2023, 3:00pm
MiseriThe Jupiter guys Mother is the running mate of the Winters lady....
Things are going to be so happening next week, I cant wait to see what my next role on stage will be.

See you in Sol everyone o7

Won't be seeing me in Sol. I'll be staying as far as I can from there and the Titans on Monday(carrier included)... until it is determined whether it's relatively risk-free to return to the general vicinity.

... might still stay out of Sol anyway. Especially if that idiot Archer gets elected, but the current direction feels more like it'll meet a disruption of the third kind in the end.

Oh, and it seems like there is some things going on near Mbooni that aren't in favor of Azimuth.
13 Oct 2023, 3:15pm
What we need are the sheewash drives and the witches of Karres...
13 Oct 2023, 3:21pm
Don’t know about that. But there will be funky things going on at barnacle matrix sites.


┴ɥǝ ɹnɯqlᴉuƃ ƃoʇ bnᴉǝʇǝɹ, ɐup ʇɥǝu ɯnɔɥ, ɯnɔɥ lonpǝɹ...

Corrected text(if you don’t feel like solving it yourself) -
The rumbling got quieter, and then much, much louder…
13 Oct 2023, 6:24pm
Kasumi GotoOh, and it seems like there is some things going on near Mbooni that aren't in favor of Azimuth.

Thats no big deal, just some uppity youth and some rabble rousers , painting on walls and breaking into a few storage warehouses
Nothing at all to be concerned about, They will have their fun and get bored eventually...

At this point , Im just waiting for my new top of the line AX megaship Eternal Vigilance with the Salvatron AI on board
13 Oct 2023, 6:47pm
You'll get yours when the Thargoids provide me with a mothership to command, I'm sure(not a Titan, that wouldn't be fair). Then we can have a shootout to settle our differences, just like people used to do in the old times.

... well, they still do, but the joke doesn't work as well then.
13 Oct 2023, 7:48pm
Kasumi GotoThen we can have a shootout to settle our differences, just like people used to do in the old times.

Please, no Hamilton-Burr duels. Settle your differences like modern adults, through social media sniping.
13 Oct 2023, 7:52pm
And what if I don’t use social media platforms? I’m not sure whether to count that as a win or loss for either side.

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