Elite: Game talk

29 Jul 2023, 11:26pm
Kasumi GotoI could imagine better ways to live a life than be a thrall to a Thargoid queen.
Feds, Allies, Imps, Thargoids... What's the difference?
30 Jul 2023, 12:22am
To some? Nothing at all... Because what they want, nobody allows. But to everyone else's the differences quite apparent.
30 Jul 2023, 12:59am
Feds, Allies, Imps, Thargoids... What's the difference?

To those who have no allegiances to either of those four… I might say there’s a few.

But what do I know. I stay out of the politics and try not to lose my mind witnessing the chaos. Both the one outside and inside my mind.
30 Jul 2023, 2:11am
Allegiance or not, the one whom refuses to differentiate between a sloth and tiger ends up begin mauled by the latest. And the one, whom mistakes a gun's stock with it's barrel going to shot itself. Know the differences be aware of the details, because your life can depend on it.

About not losing your mind to chaos? Same as making sense of riddles. There's a pattern in it. That's the thing you have to notice.
This is where and when you realize, nothing is certain, except uncertainty and this is the land whereas nothing makes sense you have to make sense of it. But you have to know not everything mean't to you that's why either don1t make sense, or better to not poke it. And this is where the journey from rationality to mystery starts.

Last edit: 30 Jul 2023, 2:17am
30 Jul 2023, 3:06am
The ‘not losing one’s mind to chaos’ was just an RP-flavored joke. Because, you know, my character has that thing with the Thargoids in her head going.

And right now, things are simple for me. Unlawful mercenaries and pirates are the humans that shoot at me, Thargoids are the big angry space flowers that shoot everyone [in the Bubble] and for which Azimuth is still convinced we just need more guns. Like the Proteus Wave wasn’t a lesson.

I don’t have to worry about superpowers much. Independent or not, I’ve taken some care to not have either of them pissed off against me.
30 Jul 2023, 4:43am
Meanwhile im over here being the poster child for ANY% Speedrun of the Becoming the most hated individual in the galaxy by involving myself in things no sane person should
30 Jul 2023, 8:08am
Good day. Wanted to ask how to make a one time donation to Inara. I went to Patreon and it makes it only as a subscriber? Monthly pay etc.

Where can I find the option of a single time donation?
30 Jul 2023, 9:26am
JOHN SHEPARD N7-117Good day. Wanted to ask how to make a one time donation to Inara. I went to Patreon and it makes it only as a subscriber? Monthly pay etc.

Where can I find the option of a single time donation?

Hello, you can do that at Patreon, too - simply pick any pledge level you like (or set a custom amount) and then cancel it after charged. Thanks!
30 Jul 2023, 12:40pm
Kasumi GotoThe ‘not losing one’s mind to chaos’ was just an RP-flavored joke. Because, you know, my character has that thing with the Thargoids in her head going.

And I'm a man whom tends to take things seriously. Not because i don't understand it, but because what one sees in things? Can be anything.
30 Jul 2023, 6:03pm
What does "Surface settlements assaulted/defended" mean for the mercenary rank at INARA?
What kind of activity/mission should I do?
30 Jul 2023, 7:44pm
What are sensor fragments useful for?
has the huge number of fleet carriers sucking up raw materials made them more rare or more difficult to find?
30 Jul 2023, 8:43pm
DescartesWhat are sensor fragments useful for?

Only things I know of are unlocking Palin and Sedesi once you completed the invitation requirement, and the Thargoid Pulse Neutralizer.
31 Jul 2023, 8:13am
FelaKutiWhat does "Surface settlements assaulted/defended" mean for the mercenary rank at INARA?
What kind of activity/mission should I do?

combat zones on ground. Defended/assaulted is just about a faction owning a settlement or not. If you side with the faction that owns this settlement and its currectly under conflict zone, you defend it. If not, you're an attacker
31 Jul 2023, 4:58pm
Kasumi GotoI could imagine better ways to live a life than be a thrall to a Thargoid queen.

Feds, Allies, Imps, Thargoids... What's the difference?

01 Aug 2023, 8:16pm
I’m not gonna lie, the
logs of the Dedicant
are just a tiny bit creepy and messed up… I highly suggest checking them out for yourself if you can.

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