Elite: Game talk

19 Sep 2023, 1:18am
Good bug is the dead bug
19 Sep 2023, 2:40am
All of those comments made me feel like getting rid of my Bar Tender, if she is not selling drinks and you have to do footie combat to get her Commodities it's not my idea of fun, plus I don't know about yours, but mine is rude, I might replace her with a Shipyard.

I'm still in Robigo, farming Credit for the Carrier (250.000.000Cr so far) and materials (76 from zero Grade 5 Modified Embedded Firmware among other things), Module Stock seems unchanged, either I purchased the wrong module selections or I'm in the wrong spot or both.

I'm investigating the possibility to travel to Colonia with a stock of things they can't find there, I have enough Tritium for a return trip and Credit to buy more stock...
19 Sep 2023, 3:59am
Shg56Good bug is the dead bug

Ah, Starship Troopers. Maybe the Thargoid war will mirror the movie. In the beginning of the war, taking down a bug took a squad of soldiers with each member dumping an entire magazine. At the end, a three round burst from one soldier turned them into bug parts.
19 Sep 2023, 4:23am
Kasumi GotoWe’re no better than the Thargoids.

And I’ve at least sometimes been trying to tell people that there’s no way this is the best that the Thargoids can do, or that they are actually really being held back by us. It barely ever seems to get to their brains, so overfed by propaganda they can’t seem to believe that maybe, just maybe, a species that’s been spacefaring for millions of years, and whose vessels are so advanced that we can barely fight them adequately without hybridized technology from another ancient(and dead) species, could just swat us out of existence if we desired.

At least, it’s not going to be like I didn’t warn them…

Yea yea, this is all nice and true. But you see, the issue is you acting like we have any choice at this matters while we don't.
19 Sep 2023, 5:14am
Miseri plus I dont totally discount the return of the Guardian AI to the field in the future...
too much nonsense with the Salvation guy being hinted at to let it just go

Wycherley is totally coming back as Mecha-Streisand. It's been hinted at extensively, as you've noted.

The question is whether he'll be a help (aiding humanity against the Thargoids), or a hindrance (doing Guardian AI's bidding to secure their corner of the galaxy against both human and Thargoid encroachment).

Kasumi GotoJoking aside, I still suspect the rescue megaships are going to meet an untimely demise later on this week... or some of them, at least. I, still, really don't think moving them closer(especially not to within 70 ly of a Titan) was a good idea.

Agreed. One or more are going to end up a Dedicant-like stricken hulk. Probably in time for Halloween and the arrival of thematically-appropriate human-Thargoid hybrids/zombies.

Vasil VasilescuAh, Starship Troopers. Maybe the Thargoid war will mirror the movie. In the beginning of the war, taking down a bug took a squad of soldiers with each member dumping an entire magazine. At the end, a three round burst from one soldier turned them into bug parts.

We will undoubtedly have to engineer a new "mycoid rifle" or similar handheld weapon to defeat the hybrids; such is the way of ED.

Last edit: 19 Sep 2023, 7:55am
19 Sep 2023, 6:00am
Yea yea, this is all nice and true. But you see, the issue is you acting like we have any choice at this matters while we don't.

No, what you could, and should, be doing, is show how this is a problem that humans didn’t just manufacture entirely by themselves because of them being xenophobic as anything in Elite, and because the Thargoids stand in the way of some completely absurd, narcissistic dream of absolute control of some idiots trying to pull every string from the shadows.

This ‘show’ you’re putting on is just stupid, annoying, and not a discussion.
19 Sep 2023, 6:12am
Glen van RossWycherley is totally coming back as Mecha-Streisand. It's been hinted at extensively, as you've noted.

The question is whether he'll be a help (aiding humanity against the Thargoids), or a hindrance (doing Guardian AI's bidding to secure their corner of the galaxy against both human and Thargoid encroachment).

Agreed. One or more are going to end up a Dedicant-like stricken hulk. Probably in time for Halloween and the arrival of thematically-appropriate human-Thargoid hybrids/zombies.

We will undoubtedly have to engineer a new "mycoid rifle" or similar handheld weapon to defeat the hybrids; such is the way of ED.

A. That idiot is going to be a liability no matter whose side he’s on. Worse, the Nemesis device might just end up attracting the Constructs no matter what.

B. I have a feeling they might end up coming out as soon as the update drops, unless my guesses on the timeline(which feels like it lines up relatively well for the date that is shown in the teaser - barring potential delays) are completely off. But with the megaships all moved by the 24th, I suspect a CG for the module on that day, or the 31st.

C. Doubt it’d be mycoid-based, since Thargoids are said to have an immunity to it now, but the general idea of it? Very likely. Though, if we just had a railgun, I doubt that there is a natural immunity(handwavey game magic and shields, to a degree, aside) to sheer kinetic force.

… well, I intended for that to be an add-on to my other post after writing, but whatever. It’s early morning. I’m sure you can relate.
19 Sep 2023, 6:50am
In one thing we agree this is a joke on which i'm sick and tired of it and gone way way too long, on a topic never was nor ever going to be a question or matters of discussion with all of its nonsense simply because we all see what's the one and only way how this can end if we listen to this sort pipedreams and ideological nonsense.

And such rubbish like xenophobia control freak narcissisms and the likes? because it's just it! A reasonless person throwing wild accusations. I have one suggestion to you! Which is better if i don't say, nor i think it's necessary to tell. And you do better to understand it than act accordingly. because against everything you peoples think i never was a man of talks, but actions. And you can rest assured i not just promise like some.

PS; ideology rarely meets reality and always reality comes out victoriously of their fight. And on the top of it? These two sort of rubbish is the sure sign someone full of it and that's all what has. From which point? I just entirely for once and all cease listening and cut the crap myself If the other don't understands when it's time to do so.
19 Sep 2023, 7:21am
Since you have nothing to say that is actually of substance, other than “You actually paid attention to Elite’s lore and the signs Frontier has been putting out for the last few years, but I’m just going to ignore that and say you’re ‘wrong’ without making any counterpoints”… enjoy sitting on my block list. You’re not worth engaging with.

Here’s some advice - instead of trying to sound intellectual by saying a lot while saying exactly nothing, try to actually make points for the other person in a conversation to engage with.

And if your whole point is “I play Elite to play the game and don’t care for the lore/story”, then say that, instead of pretending you know so much that we peasants don’t.
19 Sep 2023, 7:51am
ThinderAll of those comments made me feel like getting rid of my Bar Tender, if she is not selling drinks and you have to do footie combat to get her Commodities it's not my idea of fun, plus I don't know about yours, but mine is rude, I might replace her with a Shipyard.

If you're not going to do Odyssey ground combat at all, then it doesn't really make sense (unless you just want a bar ambiance aboard). If you are going to do Odyssey ground combat, then offering top dollar to buy the materials that you want will help reduce the amount of grindy foot combat you have to do yourself.

Lots of carrier visitors sold me many Odyssey goodies, and they definitely cut down the time and effort to get weapon/suit modifications.

Kasumi GotoB. I have a feeling they might end up coming out as soon as the update drops, unless my guesses on the timeline(which feels like it lines up relatively well for the date that is shown in the teaser - barring potential delays) are completely off.

The update teaser video hints strongly at something in the barnacle matrix sites, and... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't entirely know what to make of it. There's not enough cover and concealment there to make them interesting ground combat sites, but I guess we'll see. I suppose there may be something occurring out there at the same time we get the hybrids showing up at, say, formerly Thargoid-controlled settlements.
19 Sep 2023, 8:07am
Kasumi GotoSince you have nothing to say that is actually of substance, other than “You actually paid attention to Elite’s lore and the signs Frontier has been putting out for the last few years, but I’m just going to ignore that and say you’re ‘wrong’ without making any counterpoints”… enjoy sitting on my block list. You’re not worth engaging with.

Here’s some advice - instead of trying to sound intellectual by saying a lot while saying exactly nothing, try to actually make points for the other person in a conversation to engage with.

And if your whole point is “I play Elite to play the game and don’t care for the lore/story”, then say that, instead of pretending you know so much that we peasants don’t.

Here's an advice. Try to realize most peoples never going to listen oblivious crazy, and even less going to take any of it. And drop the act stop trying to act like you are the smart one, when reality refutes you at every turn. And make no mistake, there's no never was nor ever going to be any conversation, and yet again? make no mistake and don't think just for the second i doN't know what's going on, and this? Ever can turn to your flavor. No matter how hard you try, the first time the first resolution how i dealt with this was the last and never going to be anything else.

there's no conservation you trying to provoke it out but it's never going to happen.
19 Sep 2023, 8:14am
Glen van RossThe update teaser video hints strongly at something in the barnacle matrix sites, and... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't entirely know what to make of it. There's not enough cover and concealment there to make them interesting ground combat sites, but I guess we'll see. I suppose there may be something occurring out there at the same time we get the hybrids showing up at, say, formerly Thargoid-controlled settlements.

I figured it had to do with the matrix sites, if not from discussion, then just because I have been to too many atmospheric Odyssey planets and I recognized the opening shot as one immediately. Didn’t take much to make the connection from there.

It’s also just been speculation from other people that the matrix sites will have stuff to do that is Ody exclusive due to their peculiar placement, so I guess people thought they’d be setplaces for some on-foot action. I always thought they were a little big for that purpose.

Definitely had it in mind that those hybrids would be likely to show up at the, formerly human-controlled settlements. (On a related note, I would like it if we had AX reactivations extended to the other types - I’ve gotten kind of tired of the same 3-4 military layouts and can do them all reliably without a Revenant firing a shot at me, or me firing a shot at them… I guess having not-quite-so-human occupants there too would spice that up a little.)
19 Sep 2023, 8:23am
PS; Considering the fact how little i played at this approx 7 years or so with the game, (and we all know why is that aren't we?)
I see no reason to feel myself bad because my in depth role knowledge somewhat superficial. So much about this.
19 Sep 2023, 11:38am
o7 Commanders, I ask for your help. In a few minutes Equestria Q1K-41F will come to Theta Indi on the station Wyeth City. Carrier totally dry after last fly and right now i'm alone, without sleep because all night long i piloted the mobile base (Also commanders on Equestria board works or sleep too. Sad moment for me). I need to sleep before work and i put "Buy Tritium" on +175% from base price and 14.000 t to move. I hope that will be enough for anyone, who want to help.
After the sleep i'll get in progress too if something will remain. I would be very grateful in advance, for the glory of research and magic of friendship.
19 Sep 2023, 12:02pm
Vasil Vasilescu
Shg56Good bug is the dead bug

Ah, Starship Troopers. Maybe the Thargoid war will mirror the movie. In the beginning of the war, taking down a bug took a squad of soldiers with each member dumping an entire magazine. At the end, a three round burst from one soldier turned them into bug parts.

Speaking of which where are our real stuff to fight goids: like point defense which eliminates goids caustics and swarms; meta alloy armour light and strong at the same time; elimination of power groups; ship full damage reports on your main screen and ability to start repairs from the main screen instead of playing a piano on the keyboards; real heat management like goids they seem have no problems of firing their weapons non-stop; where are our rogue engineers who are capable to add extra utility or hard point to your ship or re-arrange the weapons placement and sadly majority of humanity don't seem care much about goids invasions they prefer to do vanity collection of bacteria and fonticulua in the far corners of the galaxy instead of partaking in the battle. We all know the answers why is it so because FD wants that way, c’est la vie.

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