Elite: Game talk

01 Dec 2023, 5:35pm
I am sure the in-game war will never end because it has been added to the game as another means of play/grinding. It has pretty much already devolved into a Stalingrad or WWI trench fight where both sides trade the same patch of ground over and over.

In my mind, the war is nothing but a grind mechanic for rank, or AX gear, or badges, or credits, or whatever, and there is no real threat to humanity.
01 Dec 2023, 5:54pm
Glen van RossThey are an intelligent, long-ranging spacefaring species; they should be every bit as crafty as we are.

They live by linear logic so to say by formulas...
01 Dec 2023, 5:59pm
Glen van Ross... They are an intelligent, long-ranging spacefaring species; they should be every bit as crafty as we are.

They seem to be able to go just about anywhere at any time. So, to crush morale, why not take time outfitting a few mega fleets, drop all of the Malestroms in Sol and destroy the cradle of humanity? Or at least do that to systems where there is a concentration of humans. Wipe out a few billion or a trillion humans at a time. Rinse and repeat until the humans are no longer a problem. It may take a few hundred years to wipe out humanity, but being able to appear just about anywhere without warning is a tremendous advantage in war.

Of course, maybe Thargoid politicians are arguing over how much funding to allocate to the war on humans which is why they have not yet stomped humanity into a greasy paste.
01 Dec 2023, 6:00pm
They live by linear logic so to say by formulas...

Because of game restraints more than actual limits of the species.

And Frontier of course had to listen to the complainers that refused to believe the Thargoids showing up for war actually meant war, not a mop-up job for belligerent, hubristic humans that don’t know their place in the universe… and also not “a lot of probing and skinning”. The balance went out of whack when they introduced that stupid sampling BS nonsense, and hasn’t been fixed since.

Said balance was also adjusted downward too many times because the difficulty dropoff from ~20 ly and onward made it an utter joke to deal with just 5 alerts per Titan even if they all went to places with just cold rocks in them, and no humans.
01 Dec 2023, 6:34pm
Yall gonna love whats coming next

I got exiled from the bubble just in time... Got to find a good place to watch this show from.

Whats coming... man its gonna be good. (I HOPE)

The rust is coming off those gears and the wheel is gonna turn...

(I also wish the war was not so hamstrung but understood from a game play perspective, what i hope now is that this was only the mid point and we shall see something new stir up things next year)
01 Dec 2023, 6:54pm
Maybe all those billions living on rocks should grow some spacelegs and earn their fleetcarrier. humanity has the numbers.
If they only learned how to fly...
01 Dec 2023, 6:55pm
MiseriYall gonna love whats coming next

I got exiled from the bubble just in time... Got to find a good place to watch this show from.

Whats coming... man its gonna be good. (I HOPE)

The rust is coming off those gears and the wheel is gonna turn...

(I also wish the war was not so hamstrung but understood from a game play perspective, what i hope now is that this was only the mid point and we shall see something new stir up things next year)

I fully expect so. The Titans seem to be awfully unconcerned about getting “isolated”… and I have reasons to suspect something is still ongoing with the spires even after their supposed deactivation.

Yet I’m just as sure people are going to bitch to heaven and back when Frontier dare to make them come back online in a newly changed form because the story demands it, just because it “InVaLiDaTeS PlAyEr EfFoRt”. So you want your actions of making the war not a war to keep counting when it’s very obviously not supposed to be over?
01 Dec 2023, 7:01pm
SuretterusMaybe all those billions living on rocks should grow some spacelegs and earn their fleetcarrier. humanity has the numbers.
If they only learned how to fly...

OR Fdev can just give us a way to make our own Project Dyansty pop up settlement kits and we could build out in the black

My entire goal is Invalidating other players efforts
Im gonna lay it on thick here but if there wasnt a war against the goids right now,
my plot line would probably be involving tipping over a lot of systems to stir up issues for major factions around the bubble

Not gonna lie its easy to start a lot of fires where these massive factions cant keep it all contained, and things like outbreaks , that stuff spreads if its unchecked..
im just saying its a good thing I have other stuff to focus on then mucking up BGS like a maniac
01 Dec 2023, 7:49pm
Vasil VasilescuThey seem to be able to go just about anywhere at any time. So, to crush morale, why not take time outfitting a few mega fleets, drop all of the Malestroms in Sol and destroy the cradle of humanity? Or at least do that to systems where there is a concentration of humans. Wipe out a few billion or a trillion humans at a time. Rinse and repeat until the humans are no longer a problem. It may take a few hundred years to wipe out humanity, but being able to appear just about anywhere without warning is a tremendous advantage in war.

There's an argument to be made that they may not actually want to eradicate us. Or at the very least their warfighting doctrine doesn't appear to be aligned that way. Seo Jin-Ae described the 'Thargoid Roar' communication as something akin to "We see them. We are coming." They haven't really made any noise about extermination that we know of (or at worst, Seo has for her own reasons avoided communicating that intent to us).

They've been scooping up escape pods since they reappeared, and apparently hoarding them on Titans now; which is a curious behaviour at best given that we are not food, not slaves, and not really useful on ammonia planets in general.

Given how rapidly and easily the Thargoids shook off the effects of the Proteus Wave, it may be that they don't regard it as an existential threat, and are only expending as much effort as it takes to contain us and prevent us from building future capability—like UN no-fly zones imposed on Iraq in the early 1990s, and maintained for a decade.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It is hard to say what their real intent and purposes are. Only a handful of writers at FDev will know for sure.

Vasil VasilescuOf course, maybe Thargoid politicians are arguing over how much funding to allocate to the war on humans which is why they have not yet stomped humanity into a greasy paste.

Today, the Magellanic Cloud Gazette reported that one of our battle groups has been isolated in enemy territory, and nearly half of our logistics bases have been abandoned. Titans and spires maintained at great expense to the Thargoid taxpayer, hundreds of thousands of light-years away; crewed by hundreds of thousands of offspring far from home.

And yet here at home we have pupae and larvae going hungry, and falling behind in school; millions of fellow insectoids living on planetary surfaces without a hive to call their own. Let me ask my learned colleague the Secretary of War: How many homeless could be sheltered for the cost of one Titan? How many pupae with empty mandibles could be put on a path to a better future?

We have spent a year occupying human space, trying to hive-build amongst those that do not share our collective thought process and values, and do not want to adopt them. We have tried to bio-engineer them so that they will accept hivemind integration, to no avail. And through it all, Big Meta-Alloy continues collecting countless resources and earning record profits while our society spends its caustic blood and treasure to keep humans from stealing it. It is well past time, Mr. Speaker, to bring our Titans home.
01 Dec 2023, 7:52pm
MiseriMy entire goal is Invalidating other players efforts
Im gonna lay it on thick here but if there wasnt a war against the goids right now,
my plot line would probably be involving tipping over a lot of systems to stir up issues for major factions around the bubble

Not gonna lie its easy to start a lot of fires where these massive factions cant keep it all contained, and things like outbreaks , that stuff spreads if its unchecked..
im just saying its a good thing I have other stuff to focus on then mucking up BGS like a maniac

Well on that note... We'll probably have to shoot you on sight, now.

Maybe the Anti-Club Accord didn't have it all wrong...
01 Dec 2023, 7:56pm
Glen van Ross
MiseriMy entire goal is Invalidating other players efforts
Im gonna lay it on thick here but if there wasnt a war against the goids right now,
my plot line would probably be involving tipping over a lot of systems to stir up issues for major factions around the bubble

Not gonna lie its easy to start a lot of fires where these massive factions cant keep it all contained, and things like outbreaks , that stuff spreads if its unchecked..
im just saying its a good thing I have other stuff to focus on then mucking up BGS like a maniac

Well on that note... We'll probably have to shoot you on sight, now.

Maybe the Anti-Club Accord didn't have it all wrong...

Gotta turn it one way or another...
01 Dec 2023, 9:10pm
Support your local Thargoid recruitment center today, and I’m sure they’ll be glad to help turn it.

Whether I mentioned it here or on the forums today, I’m also convinced the parking job of the Titans is deliberate, but what they’re keeping us occupied for is an entirely different matter. Clearly doesn’t seem to be keeping us from meta-alloy reserves…

And yes, it equally annoys me that humans yet again seem to have forgotten the part where questions should be asked, and have gone right back to blasting the hell out of anything they find in their faces, that isn’t human. Because nothing bad ever came of that, right, Palin?
01 Dec 2023, 11:34pm
Considering we are told they are a hive mind and all female, I think it might be a good time to point out there are 8 titans
if they are all top of the food chain as in 8 queens, that seems odd.
Human knowledge of insectoid races indicate male/females don't usually work together unless they are workers.
if they are all just 8 more of carrier types still answerable to at least 1 more above, this seems more likely.
could be in for a heck of a light show
02 Dec 2023, 12:13am
Well, if anything bigger than a Titan shows up, I won’t be one surprised about it.

I don’t necessarily believe any queens are on them, however, though they likely exist nonetheless.
02 Dec 2023, 1:51am
Maybe they are queens.

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