Elite: Game talk

21 Sep 2023, 5:42pm
EpisparhAny new gameplay in Elite nowadays?

Kinda no
21 Sep 2023, 7:18pm
silly question
22 Sep 2023, 12:02am
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik
EpisparhAny new gameplay in Elite nowadays?

Kinda no

Kinda no is probably the most accurate answer - unless you have not been playing since Odyssey launched(or just have not been playing Odyssey at all).

If you have, the Thargoid war mostly repackages existing content, with a few extra scenarios(port defense and some different signal sources - eg you can have two Cyclops and two Basilisks drop into a whole bunch of AX NPCs and fight alongside the human ships… if the obscure trigger for them to not wake out has been met). And in-system Thargoid interdictions… those currently are unbeatable.

Titans(Maelstroms) also provide an interesting environment to explore, if currently in somewhat limited manner. Neat atmospheric set piece to take a look at nonetheless, and there might be a [slightly] more meaningful gameplay loop to it soon… if reusing sub-surface mining mechanics.

Barnacle matrix sites will likely also get added to the list in U17, but not much of a clue what’s gonna be going on there until it drops.
22 Sep 2023, 5:54pm

Since Legacy (PlayStation and Xbox) versions of Elite: Dangerous are no longer supported in multiple capacities,

(no new updates, no Odyssey access, no cross-platform was ever added, no access to GalNet in ships, limited access to GalNet in stations that only shows local system events and Powerplay cycles, inability to be informed of Community Events [compounded by the removal of PlayStation Communities], significant inability to participate in Community Events, unconnected Frontier accounts, the inability to track game data on sites like INARA [compounded by the shutdown of EDDB]),

have other features like cross-platform galactic market updates and cross-platform appearances of Fleet Carriers also been removed?

Secondary, unrelated question:

Prior to my CMDR reset, I was Elite in Exploration and Trade, quite bad at combat, but never once tried Mining. I want to look into trying that as LTDs still seem to be incredibly valuable. Does anyone have any tips for how to start Mining as a completely inexperienced beginner at it?
22 Sep 2023, 7:45pm
madamepestilence Prior to my CMDR reset, I was Elite in Exploration and Trade, quite bad at combat, but never once tried Mining. I want to look into trying that as LTDs still seem to be incredibly valuable. Does anyone have any tips for how to start Mining as a completely inexperienced beginner at it?

Short version:
  1. Mining can be lucrative, but monotonous. It may be worth checking out some youtube vids regarding specific techniques.
  2. If you cannot fit all mining gear on a ship, core mining will require at a minimum: A scanner, a refinery module, 1 Seismic charge launcher, 1 abrasion blaster, limpet controllers (I suggest a mining multi limpet controller since it can produce both prospector and collector limpets) and cargo space.
  3. Also, mine some junk resources in case of pirates
  4. For quick cash, take mining missions for resources that you can buy.

Long version:
Personally, I prefer mining in my Type 9, loaded with plenty of mining gear to cover any type of mining scenario. It carries 2 seismic charge, 1 displacement, 1 abrasion, 1 mining laser, a mining multi limpet controller, and has 600+ tons of cargo. It has no defensive capabilities other than running or dumping cargo.

In addition to high value resources, I also mine low-mid value resources at the same time. I do this for pirates in the event I cannot escape them. Generally, a NPC pirate will either demand a specific resource (give me 20 tons of Monazite) or demand you dump X amount of cargo (give me 500k cr worth of cargo). It is my experience that having several types of cargo increases the chance of the NPC pirate asking for the later rather than a specific resource.  I'd rather dump 20t of gold at 60K/ton than 20t of something that I can sell for 800K/ton.  It is also worth noting that the pirates base the worth of the cargo on current market value, so that resource you are going to sell for 800K, they might only value at 50K.

Also, with regards to dumping cargo, I have also noticed that if I have a large amount of cargo, NPC pirates tend to demand about as much cargo as 1-2 asteroid cores can produce.

I also do what i call pseudo-mining. I look for mining missions where the resources can be bought rather than mined, buy the resource, and complete the mission. Often, missions pay way more per ton than the market value of the resource. So what if I have to pay 50K/ton for silver if a mission is giving me 300K/ton for it. That is a profit of 250k/ton without having to spend time mining. For me, the time saved is worth the cost.

Last edit: 22 Sep 2023, 8:35pm
22 Sep 2023, 11:36pm
Hmm.. do you think I could maybe use a Type-10 Defender and outfit it for mining, so I get a split between high cargo capacity and the ability to defend myself?
22 Sep 2023, 11:58pm
madamepestilenceHmm.. do you think I could maybe use a Type-10 Defender and outfit it for mining, so I get a split between high cargo capacity and the ability to defend myself?

I generally don't bother with fighting when I mine. If I cannot avoid the pirates by jumping away, I just dump the cargo they want. In the end, what is 15 or 20 tons of cargo when I have a 600+ ton capacity? it is just the cost of doing business. As for the type10, I think it is overrated. If I want to fight and mine, I'll use an Annaconda and give up the cargo capacity for a ship that can stand up in a fight.
23 Sep 2023, 12:08am
I personally always had a Python or a Cutter for mining, and always in hotspots(or at least, not in res sites), so not really much to deal with in terms of pirates.

In case of the Cutter, I did like to bring a beam laser and two multis with me anyway, in case I felt like shooting an interdictor up rather than avoid the NPC(generally stay[ed] out of open so players were no concern) following a trip to a ring.

Maybe I should think about getting back into blowing cores open. That type of mining did always feel rewarding and not-boring enough for me to tolerate(but I kind of hate the sub-surface minigame, feels way too erratic with how the timer randomly seems to speed up and slow down).

Surface/laser mining? I might have done maybe 10 treks of that at most before my brain decided that was enough for a few months. Or years. Or forever.
23 Sep 2023, 12:24am
Kasumi Goto Maybe I should think about getting back into blowing cores open. That type of mining did always feel rewarding and not-boring enough for me to tolerate(but I kind of hate the sub-surface minigame, feels way too erratic with how the timer randomly seems to speed up and slow down).

Surface/laser mining? I might have done maybe 10 treks of that at most before my brain decided that was enough for a few months. Or years. Or forever.

Core mining is why the type 9 has 2 seismic launchers, each with 72 missiles. That is just enough to spend several sessions filling a 608t cargo and not have to either synthesize more ammo, or go back to a station for rearming.

I also have a subsurface launcher and a surface laser just in case I run across something I need either one for, but I rarely use them. Well, I do sometimes use the surface laser to draw on asteroids when i get bored.
23 Sep 2023, 11:22am
madamepestilence...LTDs still seem to be incredibly valuable...

Update: Low-Temperature Diamonds are very, very overshadowed by Alexandrite. While LTDs sell for around 100,000 CR/T, Alexandrite sells for over 200,000 CR/T.
23 Sep 2023, 12:54pm
Market rules
23 Sep 2023, 2:00pm
Well? You can't sell trash, that's for sure...
23 Sep 2023, 2:51pm
Is CQC dead ?
23 Sep 2023, 6:17pm
Andrew BersenevIs CQC dead ?

It was dead on arrival.
23 Sep 2023, 6:57pm
Andrew BersenevIs CQC dead ?

Honestly I've always had trouble with CQC.. the queue times are increggibly long and generally it doesnae have very many people.. ye end up in situations like a 1v1 where the person leaves after 1 or 2 matches

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