Elite: Game talk

14 Sep 2023, 12:39pm
Remember, delivery missions won't update, so your pestered Tarach Tor system has no megaship to upload refugees.
14 Sep 2023, 12:52pm
Look on the bright side, if it gets blown up by a bunch of angry flowers, there’ll be less people onboard to kidnap.

Titan sub-surface ‘mining’ for pods is basically all but confirmed. Because that’s totally not gonna trigger people in any way. It might also make the Titans a bit angry...
14 Sep 2023, 7:18pm
Please, the Inara Community, pay respect for those poor souls from top 10 cmdrs list, who hauled 62 to 250 k of cargo. May their sanity persist well.

Last edit: 15 Sep 2023, 5:39am
14 Sep 2023, 8:14pm
One of them - the guy with 250k - was in system chat in Rabh. I don’t think they’ll be doing any hauling again any time soon…

I was personally in the top 10%. 36,950 units, plus 15.4k polymers which I didn’t deliver myself, but offered to other players as a gesture while I was asleep. My sanity was at its end by the time I got to the aforementioned personal contribution anyway.
15 Sep 2023, 5:26am
Talking about sanity?

Currently what i'm thinking at it, to be satisfied with about 300 jumps & 15K LYRS toward beagle point or go way above that?
And the answer usually is yes. So yeah... We heard someone mentioning that thingy but still haven't figured it out what does it means?
16 Sep 2023, 11:33pm
17 Sep 2023, 2:13am
Any idea of it when the next update comes?
17 Sep 2023, 2:23am
Pretty sure it says in that teaser, but I saw a screenshot on discord somewhere too… so I don’t need to watch it.

October 16. Which is like, two and a half months(since August/U16). Pretty quick for a ‘major’ update, so let’s see what it holds…

Last edit: 17 Sep 2023, 3:17pm
17 Sep 2023, 9:51am
Hm, enough time to not rush anything from my part only of course if i this time keep playing. If they keep themselves to the time table and that's it.

About landgoids? I don't think it's gonna happen that fast. This story line just not unfolded enough to that. Even if it happens at the next update.
18 Sep 2023, 1:48am
It didn't look like anything noteworthy, quite frankly. This entire Thargoid thing has been a big bunch of 'meh' and, as I predicted early on, there's no real threat to the Bubble and most certainly not a threat to Colonia. Unless you're totally into the Thargoid arc, the rest of the experience has largely flat. One would logically expect some degree of Colonia growth would be happening as a result people leaving the Bubble, but I've seen precious little of that. The BGS seems to treat Colonia as completely isolated and remote, even after the Bridge and the ridiculous glut of carriers (another wasted gameplay, IMHO). Personally, the only value the Thargoid bits have brought to me was the ability to finally knock out Combat Elite...after which I zipped back to Colonia. I'm not seeing anything to draw me back to the Bubble, that's for sure (other than needing to help my squadron as required).
18 Sep 2023, 1:58am
I'm interested in story stuff, and this one has me hooked(despite the glacial pace at which it's been progressing, with big lulls between updates), so it's sort of doing it for me.

I would prefer if the war hadn't come down to bogging the Thargoids as much as we have(I think that's a bit ridiculous for a species as advanced as they are), but I guess maybe there's a simple reason of them not looking to stomp on us. Just yet. Putting an awful lot of faith in Frontier there, though... rather than them abandoning balancing the gameplay feature that's supposed to keep the players occupied throughout the story arc.
18 Sep 2023, 4:46am
Hi guys!

Does my Carrier stays available to Open Play players when I play Solo or do I have to play solo for my Carrier Services to sell stocks?

Thanks in advance.
18 Sep 2023, 5:08am
ThinderHi guys!

Does my Carrier stays available to Open Play players when I play Solo or do I have to play solo for my Carrier Services to sell stocks?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, it is available
18 Sep 2023, 6:33am
And i'm more interested in playing if i decide to play and that's it... And for that, company or at least a group of fellow minded peoples are necessary.
So much about this part.

The bottom line? Less talks & foolin around more play and some peoples can actually get somewhere. And not just play hard, but play smart. At here? You need both.
18 Sep 2023, 5:09pm
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik
ThinderHi guys!

Does my Carrier stays available to Open Play players when I play Solo or do I have to play solo for my Carrier Services to sell stocks?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, it is available

Thanks Adam for your reply.

I made stock of equipment, mainly for miners, and parked my Carrier in HIP 20277, for the purpose, I sold a good chunk of my Tritium stock, I still have 13,292 tons on board, it's more than enough to go to Rodentia and back with all the stock on board.

I can see activity on the Carrier (solo) but so far no sales, perhaps I need to find a better spot, I renamed the Carrier to CdG Sales to Miners.

At the moment I'm only learning to play on foot, I started by visiting the Carrier, then purchasing suits and other equipment for exploration, I need to get my Bar Tender started with some Commodities, it's interesting but I'm not hot on combat, I'll be looking for the most peaceful ways to get what she needs.

The concourse I visited in Trujillo Prospect reminded me of Star Citizen only without the bugs which is a good thing, perhaps this aspect of Elite Dangerous is not as much developed but where SC was making me mad with bugs and crashes, I am now able to enjoy this experience without any issues.

I have no doubt that with time the game will grow in this area and to be honest, I'm not looking at other games, I'm happy with what I got here, the only problem I have is that my headset replacement haven't arrived yet and I had to partly rebind my controls to be able to play, I'm not doing any combat with ships now.

In the long term I will be in Open play after I'm finally trained and Op as a fuel Rat, exclusively for rescues missions, right now I'm just one recruit but my Krait Phantom is equipped like the one they suggested, it's awesome, with good carrying and jump range capability.

As a Fleet Carrier owner I'm opened to suggestions on location, stock and Service Tariffs, I'm not greedy, I got more ways to make Credit, I'm just starting to use my Carrier otherwise than as an exploration and Bounty Hunting platform.

Enjoy your gaming everyone!

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