Elite: Game talk

27 Sep 2023, 7:43pm
I prefer the ASPx because of its plug-and-play capabilities. With only an engineered FSD and a guardian booster I can get 60LY. To get 66LY with a krait, I need the guardian boosted and engineered FSD, plus juggling smaller modules (maybe engineering them), reducing weight, and other things I do not want to deal with. In my opinion an extra 6LY base range is not worth the extra effort, though it is to some people.

Additionally, with my exploring ASPx layout I can slap a full compliment of weapons on it just in case I need them for defense when back in "civilization" and still have plenty of power.

The krait does have more optional modules, but if using a krait requires minimizing the ship's mass, I feel that adding any extra modules or better equipment that has more mass is counterproductive.
27 Sep 2023, 8:12pm
Don't forget to consider what you want the ship to do when you get there I had found DB X is best For my needs
27 Sep 2023, 8:22pm
@ pretty much everyone here - I'm mainly just looking for the absolute furthest jump distance I can get while also having a small cargo bay, basic defenses, and keep my ability to fuel from stars

looking for whatever has the base furthest jump distance accounting for ship mass, so that i can then engineer the living hell out of it
27 Sep 2023, 8:51pm
Vasil VasilescuI prefer the ASPx because of its plug-and-play capabilities. With only an engineered FSD and a guardian booster I can get 60LY. To get 66LY with a krait, I need the guardian boosted and engineered FSD, plus juggling smaller modules (maybe engineering them), reducing weight, and other things I do not want to deal with. In my opinion an extra 6LY base range is not worth the extra effort, though it is to some people.

Additionally, with my exploring ASPx layout I can slap a full compliment of weapons on it just in case I need them for defense when back in "civilization" and still have plenty of power.

The krait does have more optional modules, but if using a krait requires minimizing the ship's mass, I feel that adding any extra modules or better equipment that has more mass is counterproductive.

It all depends on what you want to do with it.

As I pointed out, I need my Krait to carry the equipment relevant to Fuel Rats missions, meaning a 4D Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller, a 3A Repair Limpet Controller, 2 X 3 E Cargo Rack, 16 Limpets, a full 5 C Fuel Tank and it still will give me 62.80 LY Jump range, you just can't do that with an ASPX.

In this precise configuration I also have (*had) an OI Heatsink Launcher just in case I get too close to a star and the OA Frame Shift Wake Scanner that I didn't bother storing and, once the Scanner stored, the Jump Range goes up to 62.97 LY, so for the role it is designed to fill it is hard to beat.

Then what is your problem with other things you do not want to deal with? I see you have a 2C Plasma Accelerator [Fixed], surely you don't expect to make an impression on a determined ganker with that?

Instead I chose the solution applied to Unarmed Recce aircraft like the the RF-8G Crusader, speed is my best defense and it is first maneuverable enough to defeat an interdiction then fast enough to get out of trouble, for taking on gankers I have my Krait MKII and I use it occasionally to change from the Corvette.

Now if you ask me if I fail to defeat an interdiction often, not with this ship and I occasionally been taken as target in some circumstances, and can guaranty you that even at full load this ship is fast enough to make good your escape before your shields goes down.

This Krait Phantom is the ship I use the most, the only thing I don't do with it is Combat, I know better than carrying weapons on it but I do occasionally carry them to an Engineer for another ship to get the blueprint, then transfer the said ship to the nearest station to get the Experimental Effect applied to it.

Last edit: 27 Sep 2023, 8:58pm
27 Sep 2023, 9:05pm
madamepestilence@ pretty much everyone here - I'm mainly just looking for the absolute furthest jump distance I can get while also having a small cargo bay, basic defenses, and keep my ability to fuel from stars

looking for whatever has the base furthest jump distance accounting for ship mass, so that i can then engineer the living hell out of it

Stock and Engineered are two different things...

For exploration you really don't need weapons, if you look for a small cargo capacity and good jump range, then the ASPX will do you just fine, if you need more than small and still retain long Jumping range, the Krait Phantom properly engineered is the ship to go.

All ships are about compromise, since I don't intend to get into a brawl I reduce Armour, carry no Weapons but gain in jump range and speed at full cargo capacity, it's a deliberate choice.

Last edit: 27 Sep 2023, 9:15pm
27 Sep 2023, 9:22pm
Thank you; that's the kind of raw data I was looking for

I think the Krait Phantom would be a good compromise between jump distance and ship size then, dankeschon

Incidentally, what program did you use for that?
27 Sep 2023, 9:28pm
On another topic, I got two good news today:

My Pico4 replacement is on its way, then I also will be delivered with my fist Ready to fly RC aircraft, a complete bundle with 6-Channel Transmitter, Battery, Battery Charger, the cheapest bundle of its range, good for a beginner..

I'm gonna spend some time outside this winter...

Last edit: 27 Sep 2023, 9:34pm
27 Sep 2023, 9:31pm
madamepestilenceThank you; that's the kind of raw data I was looking for

I think the Krait Phantom would be a good compromise between jump distance and ship size then, dankeschon

Incidentally, what program did you use for that?

Just google it... Gern geschehen, Miss
27 Sep 2023, 11:19pm
ThinderOn another topic, I got two good news today:

My Pico4 replacement is on its way, then I also will be delivered with my fist Ready to fly RC aircraft,

I'm gonna spend some time outside this winter...

The greatest thrill about flying RC aircraft is when you manage to land them without crashing. I think that also applies to real aircraft.
28 Sep 2023, 12:18am
Vasil Vasilescu
ThinderOn another topic, I got two good news today:

My Pico4 replacement is on its way, then I also will be delivered with my fist Ready to fly RC aircraft,

I'm gonna spend some time outside this winter...

The greatest thrill about flying RC aircraft is when you manage to land them without crashing. I think that also applies to real aircraft.

Correct except that I flew real aircraft from 16, now that my eyes are shot I'm flying toys... LOL! The advantage is that I already know what to do, the problem is I don't know how to do it with an RC.
28 Sep 2023, 3:17am
Getting ready to jump to Rodentia, bypassing Colonia. It's been a long trip.
28 Sep 2023, 6:42am
Thank you for all your inputs. I think I have enough mats for my guardian modules on the ship and think I will be going for the Krait. My anaconda will be going to storage... Bummer .
28 Sep 2023, 2:45pm
Passenger evacs around a damaged port are fun now. And by fun, I mean it’s swarming with Scythes that stalk the surrounding area, there’s a lot more rescue ship NPCs around(and they’ll, seemingly, actively attempt to dock with it), and interceptor drop-ins seem a lot more frequent.

Don’t believe me, go into Omumba and visit the damaged port while it is still active as an invasion. With something that can take a few hits if necessary.
28 Sep 2023, 3:46pm
madamepestilence@ pretty much everyone here - I'm mainly just looking for the absolute furthest jump distance I can get while also having a small cargo bay, basic defenses, and keep my ability to fuel from stars

looking for whatever has the base furthest jump distance accounting for ship mass, so that i can then engineer the living hell out of it

Bit late in coming to this party, but since the talk is of exploration ships and the old AspX vs Krait vs jumpconda vs DBX debate. I just wanted to point out a couple of things as one of the old fashioned explo vets here:
1) The best ship for exploration is the ship you like to fly the most as y'll be spending a lot of time staring out that cockpit. I personally find that jump range plays much less part in my decision making than heat management, agility on landing, boost ability under high-G and fuel capacity and scoop speed.
2) As exobio has become the lucrative part of exploration, it makes sense to go for smaller ships that can land on mountains or deep in canyons. Mostly there is no need to bring an srv with you these days unless for raw mat gathering.
3) With the universal accessibility of fleet carriers, the reason for jumpcondas has all but disappeared. True, as a direct A to B commuter ship it will outrun a carrier with ease, but it's the journey that is of interest, not just the destination.

With all that in mind, I'd recommend the dolphin as the best in class for exploration.
Dolphin Explorer
28 Sep 2023, 9:48pm
madamepestilence@ pretty much everyone here - I'm mainly just looking for the absolute furthest jump distance I can get while also having a small cargo bay, basic defenses, and keep my ability to fuel from stars

Then I suggest you open a few tabs of EDSY and experiment with various loadouts.

Here’s an example of a not-quite-optimal-but-sufficient-for-my-needs loadout I’ve been using for exploration semi-recently. (The fuel scoop is a legacy engineered module I’ve never got around to replacing.)

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