Elite: Game talk

27 Sep 2023, 5:37am
Heh, prior obtaining G5 6A dirty thrusters for Kraits, I used DBX for trips long 1400 ly (both ways included). Jumprange was pretty decent-30 ly with fuel scoop, fuel tank, vehicle hangar (two times I think) and shield gen.

Since I got mentioned thrusters, I switched ship for explo to Phantom-if some aggresive NPC will interdict you, you will be ok cause top speed 590 m/s. Jump range is bit worse than DBX, only 26 ly
27 Sep 2023, 5:40am
Vasil Vasilescu
madamepestilence...the only alternative I've seen for it is the 337Ly Jumpaconda when used with a Neutron Star, but I don't feel like immediately losing my ship (it uses all of its fuel in a single Neutron jump) and I like being able to land pretty much anywhere, and the DBX comes nowhere close to the AspX, so I wanna make sure I get the optimum modules in before I start hollowing this thing out for even further jump distance

I use an AspX for all of my long-range exploring. I have a bunch of stuff on it I do not need for exploring, and it is not fully optimized for jump distance, but with the FSD engineered for increased range and mass management, it has a respectable 50LY base jump range. I could get another 10LY with a guardian booster but I have not motivated myself to go gather the components.

Yeah, I figured they had similar performances for exploration, the Krait larger footprint (than the Diamondback Explorer) can be a disadvantage in rare cases but I still managed to land and carry over all the Guardian missions, only the spots are a little harder to find, I guess it is mostly a question of personal taste.

Engineering a ship has a lot of benefits, I can compare my game-based data to that of the Inara Fleet's for the Krait Phantom, two entirely different beasts.

Speed 256 m/s vs 328 m/s

Boost speed 358 m/s vs 459 m/s

I just realized that I saved 40T on the 7A Power Plant only and I still have a lot of power on tap.

Last edit: 27 Sep 2023, 6:23am
27 Sep 2023, 6:49am
Been out of the game for a while but I have a question regarding exploration.

Been using an anaconda as a exploration ship and no one is mentioning anymore. It used to be an A class exploration ship. My question is if I should ditch my anaconda and use a Krait instead? (tired of the ASPx).
27 Sep 2023, 7:18am
ReisdalBeen out of the game for a while but I have a question regarding exploration.

Been using an anaconda as a exploration ship and no one is mentioning anymore. It used to be an A class exploration ship. My question is if I should ditch my anaconda and use a Krait instead? (tired of the ASPx).

It's what I've done.

My Anaconda ended up doing passenger work in CEOS, it is awesome for very long range jumps but rather useless for other sort of exploration or missions, like Guardian sites because of its footprint.

Once properly engineered, I find the Krait Phantom hard to beat, I did get the original fit from the Fuel Rats and modified it slightly with stronger thrusters to have some more margin for landing on high gravity planets, which was an issue with the ultra-long jump range Anaconda (not enough thrust).

Also, I figured that since I use it without weapons, its weights stays relatively low and I am able to use an engineered 4A Power Plant in the Class 7 slot and still have a large margin for power, the idea here is to max the thrust-to-weight ratio for range and secondarily gain in speed.

Top and Boost Speeds are excellent, Range with a 6C Fuel tank too, especially since I fitted a 6A Fuel Scoop to it (You're full before you've gone passed the star at full speed), If you don't have the need for a 6C fuel tank you also can save weight by fitting a smaller one.

The catch is that it is fully engineered, so it took me time but it was well worth it.

Helene I find the Inara data to differ from the in-game when it comes to Jump range but engineering seems to be correct.
27 Sep 2023, 11:33am
ReisdalBeen out of the game for a while but I have a question regarding exploration.

Been using an anaconda as a exploration ship and no one is mentioning anymore. It used to be an A class exploration ship. My question is if I should ditch my anaconda and use a Krait instead? (tired of the ASPx).

The Anaconda has an impressive range, especially when engineered, but it struggles to land in confined planetary spaces. Which is where you need to go to find many exobiology species.
I have found the Krait Phantom to be a worthy alternative but, if you aren't too troubled by less optional module space, the good old Diamondback Explorer is a good choice too. The latter can land on a handkerchief!
27 Sep 2023, 1:22pm
Thinder: These two things I am using (DBX was used for Guardian grind, I unlocked almost every stock Guardian module and ModShards, hence name Guardian Grinder, Phantom is my current explo ship):
27 Sep 2023, 1:50pm
Adam 'The detective' ŠtefánikThinder: These two things I am using (DBX was used for Guardian grind, I unlocked almost every stock Guardian module and ModShards, hence name Guardian Grinder, Phantom is my current explo ship):

I managed to do it with the Krait Phantom but I admit that it wasn't easy to find the site and spot to land it, I don't remember on which site but there is only one spot usable with a medium footprint...

Some of the Guardian modules are very useful for exploration, the FSD booster is priceless, I might have considered swapping with the 6A fuel Scoop but there isn't any grade 6 apparently, anyway, this combo suits me perfectly.

Silver Taffer
ReisdalBeen out of the game for a while but I have a question regarding exploration.

Been using an anaconda as a exploration ship and no one is mentioning anymore. It used to be an A class exploration ship. My question is if I should ditch my anaconda and use a Krait instead? (tired of the ASPx).

The Anaconda has an impressive range, especially when engineered, but it struggles to land in confined planetary spaces. Which is where you need to go to find many exobiology species.
I have found the Krait Phantom to be a worthy alternative but, if you aren't too troubled by less optional module space, the good old Diamondback Explorer is a good choice too. The latter can land on a handkerchief!

I came to the same conclusion, sites, terrains on some planets are an obstacle to land an Anaconda, plus the fit I used for ultra-long range made it awkward to maneuver in some conditions, in particular on high gravity planets.

At the end I decided not to keep it but it is not the only ship I sell even after engineering, (Viper Mk III, Cobra Mk III, Diamondback Explorer, the 3 Alliance ships, Fer-de-Lance, and Imperial Cutter, the last one was a Type-9 Heavy, I just don't collect them.

The Anaconda was my first exploration ship, I went to Colonia and back with it, but even if I have to work for the fuel, I prefer to travel this sort of distance on a Carrier, I wish we could engineer them (range/ preparation period for the jump) that would make the grind interesting..

Last edit: 27 Sep 2023, 2:03pm
27 Sep 2023, 3:06pm
ThinderI just don't collect them.
Ow. I know the feeling.
27 Sep 2023, 4:26pm
Vasil VasilescuI could get another 10LY with a guardian booster but I have not motivated myself to go gather the components.

I've never used Guardian tech and just recently re-unlocked Martuuk and Farseer so I would love some elaboration

ThinderFor an equivalent FSD performance, the lighter, the better.

Compare their respective weight here...
Asp Explorer
Krait Phantom

Are you telling me that I can get the Krait Phantom to leap even further than the Asp Explorer since it's lighter and uses the same FSD...?
27 Sep 2023, 4:32pm
madamepestilence Are you telling me that I can get the Krait Phantom to leap even further than the Asp Explorer since it's lighter and uses the same FSD...?

I guess?

Thinder: I dont unlocked FSD booster and Guardian PP, if my memory is good. And from engineered guardian stuff as I said, I have only ModShards
27 Sep 2023, 5:00pm
ReisdalBeen out of the game for a while but I have a question regarding exploration.

Been using an anaconda as a exploration ship and no one is mentioning anymore. It used to be an A class exploration ship. My question is if I should ditch my anaconda and use a Krait instead? (tired of the ASPx).

Nope. I still use with carrier, smaller explo ships just gather dust there. Anaconda is best ship still, especially with FSD 6A V1.
I love this feeling when Space Madness takes control over me, so I want to leave carrier, then 10000ly takes 1 evening there and 1 evening back when cured.
27 Sep 2023, 5:04pm
madamepestilenceAre you telling me that I can get the Krait Phantom to leap even further than the Asp Explorer since it's lighter and uses the same FSD...?

Phantom is like a new mercedes, AXP is like an old jetta
27 Sep 2023, 5:08pm
Shg56Phantom is like a new mercedes, AXP is like an old jetta

I'm assuming this means the KP > AspX but I don't know cars,
27 Sep 2023, 5:57pm
madamepestilenceI'm assuming this means the KP > AspX but I don't know cars,

Asp Explorer is APX the same as DBX for Diamondback Explorer, not AXP, my mistake... based on my experience with APX, it has only one good thing which is the view from the cockpit...
27 Sep 2023, 6:58pm
Vasil VasilescuI could get another 10LY with a guardian booster but I have not motivated myself to go gather the components.

I've never used Guardian tech and just recently re-unlocked Martuuk and Farseer so I would love some elaboration

ThinderFor an equivalent FSD performance, the lighter, the better.

Compare their respective weight here...
Asp Explorer
Krait Phantom

Are you telling me that I can get the Krait Phantom to leap even further than the Asp Explorer since it's lighter and uses the same FSD...?

Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster

The Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster is an optional internal module derived from Guardian technology. It provides a flat increase to a ship's overall jump range as determined by its Frame Shift Drive. In order to purchase the Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster, it must first be unlocked through a Technology Broker.

Engineered FSD V1

In theory it should work this way. Stock, the Krait is 10 tons lighter, has a slight advantage in Speed and Boost Speed, if it works the same way for Jump range with exactly the same equipment it should show in Jump range too.

Now there are other factors playing like the effect that fitting them with smaller modules than possible with their respective slots to save weight will have on the ship performance...

On mine, I have a 4A Power Plant Overcharged X 5 + Stripped Down in a 7 Grade slot, how do the ship react to lower Power input: 6D Power Distributor Charge enhanced X 3 Stripped Down in a Grade 7 slot and still a lot of power to spare.

Gains to Class A are 35.5 Tons and 65.6 Ton, you just can't achieve the same level of weight saving with an AspX from its Slot class only (5/4 vs 7/7), how it does affect the ship performance I don't know but the difference between same ship stock and mine again shows it has an effect on Jump Range.

You can see how Mass affects my Jump Range comparing my Power Plant to a Class A.

I don't remember how it was with the AspX but a Vulture isn't that tolerant, all of that contribute to Jump Range and speeds, if I compare the data from mine to a stock Krait, it is obvious, then again some characteristics are set values, not depending on mass, like Mass Lock Factors or the tendency some ships have to overheat even with Thermal Spread on Power Plants and Thrusters, forcing you to downgrade etc...

My Krait can boost all day long, doesn't overheat, has a lot of margin when it comes to power supply, some other ships might or not have a problem with the same modules fitted, but with the same FSD + Booster, the lighter ship should have a longer Jump Range...

Last edit: 27 Sep 2023, 7:33pm

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