Elite: Game talk

30 Sep 2023, 2:31am
Nah, just a solo, no gang backing
No Powerplay or Squadron affiliation either, I was able to get a scan in, though I wouldn't be surprised if they're a prior member of the Entropic Void Walkers Council [EVWC] (tldr Squadron that ganks people as they leave the baby bubble and then recruit anyone who fights back)

Trying to be a good sport about it; been having a really bad day and resolving an identity theft problem
30 Sep 2023, 2:49am
I avoid CG and other popular systems(hello, Shinrarta Dezhra… or however you spell it again) for that exact reason. People that think pulling you and trying to blow you up for no reason is ‘fun’ or means anything.

I’m also not the most competitive player or enjoy PvP much, unless it’s some dumb fun screwing around stuff like Mario Kart, or ‘friendly competitiveness’. Neither of which are present in an exchange with a ganker, or what I get as an impression from Elite’s PvP(and anyone bound to shoot at me is most likely not someone I’ll add, or have added in the past).

TL;DR is I am primarily a PvE player but accept player-on-player action if it is to have some light-hearted fun. Like screwing around in a max speed Courier in FA off as someone chases me around in their combat Krait… and is incapable of catching me even when I don’t boost. I wonder how much shield damage our very purposeful ramming encounter caused on their end(my ship didn’t survive).
30 Sep 2023, 2:54am
madamepestilenceWelp, Lonely Courier II [Type-9 Heavy Space Trucking Ship] renamed to Lonely Courier III after blueray-10_ decided to kill me in Deciat for some reason lmfao [...]

Most commanders who really enjoy Elite: Dangerous would love to see a lot more people flying in Open, also enjoying Elite. But there is a certain variety of commander that loves to lie in wait in high-traffic areas, picking off people in non-combat ships—particularly those with lower Combat ranks. "Clubbing baby seals", as it were.

In my experience, most of the PvP players who are actually halfway good at PvP do it as part of PowerPlay activities against a rival faction, and not just pouncing on the flow of random people coming to engineer their ships.

There is a lot to be said about avoiding ganking; some people only fly in Solo, or in a Private Group (there are PGs where PvP is prohibited, like Mobius). If you are more risk-tolerant and want to continue flying in Open, I highly recommend reading this Reddit post which gives a very good overview of gank avoidance once you have spotted the open triangle icon on your radar.

I joined a squadron that views PowerPlay activities as inherently PvP, so it is expected that we will conduct all BGS and PP activities in Open, and we expect to be interdicted and engaged by opponents pledged to other powers. We would not pick off randoms who aren't engaged in PvP or BGS activity in our faction-exploited systems.

I tend to stay in Open all the time, even when engineering, but I also have squadron mates who switch to Solo or PG when making their engineer rounds. There's no right or wrong answer, it all depends on your level of risk tolerance, and whether ganking sgnificantly affects your enjoyment of the game. Do what makes you happy.

Last edit: 30 Sep 2023, 3:00am
30 Sep 2023, 2:56am
Yea, I understand the preference thing

I'm quite the lonely soul and like company, so I fly in Open

Especially now that seeing a real human on console is a white whale
30 Sep 2023, 3:26am
What's Geforce Now? I've never heard of it

If I have to make an account for it, I'm not interested; I've been having to resolve identity theft today and I don't feel like risking that again
30 Sep 2023, 3:38am
Hmm. I've definitely got really good internet, and Heos does my wallet hurt for it, and someone recently directed me to a driver update. Apparently this laptop had a hastily installed driver with bad software and needed three years of updating... so now I can run 60fps instead of 30fps (the option for 30fps is just gone now. something was seriously wrong), and I can run TF2 at good graphics settings at a respectable 18fps instead of the 2fps slideshow, and at my standard settings for TF2 it hovers just below 60fps

However, as for buying Elite on Steam... even at a discount, I'm currently in poverty, and I'm nearly 10 months into applying for jobs1 with no water broken, and I'm really, really, really hoping this next job will hire me, because my rent's increased significantly, and on top of existing utilities payments and groceries, I've realistically got 3-4 months tops til I'm fucked

1How the hell are you not homeless?

My prior jobs paid me so poorly that the IRS owed me several thousand dollars, and I worked freelance for a few months but no longer work for the corporation; living in poverty has made me increggibly frugal. I think I have another tax return to file, so maybe it'll be a saving grace if I can't land this job. Wish me luck.
30 Sep 2023, 3:49am
Ah, yea, I feel that. One of the managers at a burger joint I used to work at had a Master's in microbiology. Couldn't land a job and has been working with hamburgers for over a decade
30 Sep 2023, 3:55am
Now that's a potent quote lmao
30 Sep 2023, 8:32am
madamepestilence@ pretty much everyone here - I'm mainly just looking for the absolute furthest jump distance I can get while also having a small cargo bay, basic defenses, and keep my ability to fuel from stars

Irrespective of all the discussion of what's best for massive range as OP asked, or what does or doesn't increase mass, may I ask why if you are exploring, do you want a massive jump range?

I can understand if you decide you want to go to the edge of the galaxy or Colonia, but for normal exploration or trying to find Raxxla, surely massive jumps are just bypassing load of system, and therefore you are just travelling not exploring?
30 Sep 2023, 8:55am
I want to fully complete the Discoveries Codex for every section of the Milky Way, including travelling to Colonia, Sagittarius A*, and Beagle Point
30 Sep 2023, 9:54am
I'm done exploring with ships, I use my Carrier to get to a region then look for interesting systems around it, not necessarily at max range, in a circular pattern.

My Krait Phantom is optimized for Fuel Rats work with some minor modification from their own fit, and this is where you need such range especially at full load, where the Krait reaches 67LY with full fuel tank, two limpet controllers, cargo racks and limpets, extra sensors etc.

Alternatively I do apreciate to see the number of jumps reduced when I want to get to (for example) Robigo from Wold 363, once there I'm gonna have plenty of jumps to do with passenger missions from Robigo Mines to Sothis, even at 20.000.000 per rotation, buying a Grade 4 Stock takes a lot of jumps...
30 Sep 2023, 10:05am
madamepestilenceI want to fully complete the Discoveries Codex for every section of the Milky Way, including travelling to Colonia, Sagittarius A*, and Beagle Point

OK, fair do's
30 Sep 2023, 12:30pm
Sampi Ogonek
Sampi Ogonek

No, they don’t. It says so on the very pages you’ve linked above

Clean and Dirty Tuning blueprints decrease optimal mass, which is utterly irrelevant to jump range.

The only blueprint that increases thrusters’ mass is Strengthening (a.k.a. Reinforced), and the only exp.effect that does so is Thermal Spread.

For a G5 dirty drives

THRUSTERS - DIRTY - GRADE 5 ︎︎︎︎︎

As far as I know, the optimal multiplier being +40% increases the thruster's ability but the optimal MASS -13% decreases jump range. That's why it's in red (which I can't copy/paste to show here). Similar for clean drives.

Note that is says OPTIMAL MASS, not MASS. Those are completely different things.

Optimal mass is a variable of the performance curves (see here). It has nothing to do with the mass of the thrusters themselves.

EDIT: In hope of dispelling the confusion: the variable that affects jump range is called optimised mass, and is a property of the FSD. The optimal mass of thrusters is something completely different, and the optimal mass of a shield generator is something different from both of those.

You know what? I am happy to be corrected. All this time I've had all my long-range ships with their drives only engineered to level 1 so that I could use the stripped-down experimental effect full sure that this was optimal. Now I'm off to G5 them all because my reason not to no longer exists. They'll all handle a bit better from now on.
Thank you!
30 Sep 2023, 1:55pm
Back in VR!!!

I received my replacement Pico4 yesterday and I have to say, this game is awesome with a good headset, I forgot how good it looks...
30 Sep 2023, 10:14pm
Engineering question.. is it more efficient to add experimental effects with each level, or does it waste resources unless only done at level 5? Specifically, I want to Strip Down pretty much every engineerable module possible; integrity be damned

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