Elite: Game talk

05 Oct 2023, 9:38am
Wild Jim Gruden
Someone does not like working for Aisling Duval

Speaking about power play, i don't understand why we don't have some ground items and missions, and other things to keep peoples interested at it, such as consumables and other benefits, to which we can only have access as long we are tied to a faction.

Perks of being a member of that 'club'...membership can have its benefits.

Since there is no way to do player to player selling (ie - selling any of your items for fun and profit), you got to join a faction to get the item. Fortunately or unfortunately, Elite Dangerous is not built with an open market. To be honest, I like it the way it is. I've played other MMO's where you could sell and buy anything without restriction and it tanks the game.

Nothing worse than an newbie showing up with all the latest armor, sword, gun (insert item here) after you busted your butt to obtain it. Far worse is when the player has no clue how to use it or how to play the game.

Just my $.02.
05 Oct 2023, 9:47am
I wholeheartedly agree with this. On the other hand to give fraction benefits only lasts as long one is a member is a good way to keep peoples interested at it. Such as one can only have access to a grenade with more bang for its bucks as long remaining a member. If they give a fraction specific shield cell than guess what happens if someone quits? He can't buy more of it's batteries. And on and on and on.

Or just fraction mat traders with better prices and more things to buy, better exchange rates.

The point is, if there's no benefits joining to a club and remaining a member of it, than nobody want's and remains a member of it.

Last edit: 05 Oct 2023, 9:56am
05 Oct 2023, 2:01pm
Talon AvexFortunately or unfortunately, Elite Dangerous is not built with an open market. To be honest, I like it the way it is. I've played other MMO's where you could sell and buy anything without restriction and it tanks the game.

Player to player trading also tends to lead to credit/gold farmers selling game currency. Want to be an instant billionaire? Just give us USD100 and we'll transfer you the gold so you can buy all of the end game gear you want.
05 Oct 2023, 3:02pm
Vasil Vasilescu
Talon AvexFortunately or unfortunately, Elite Dangerous is not built with an open market. To be honest, I like it the way it is. I've played other MMO's where you could sell and buy anything without restriction and it tanks the game.

Player to player trading also tends to lead to credit/gold farmers selling game currency. Want to be an instant billionaire? Just give us USD100 and we'll transfer you the gold so you can buy all of the end game gear you want.

Without the necessary proficiency to use it. A recipe of disaster, and guaranteed whatever they have they will going to lose it, whatever they do just going to screw it up. Been there did that and seen it at various times. Here's a reason of it why i at the clans i was part of it, trained the green horns filled up their heads the basic know how, than gave em a good but nothing special equipment, instead of let em to struggle with the useless up to no good starter set.

But as usual? The losers and self assured dimwits always think they know better than do the opposite what's rational, and works. And they are only losers cause the other is bad, and for various petty pathetic excuses cannot be right and what they doing good that? simply just never happen. So they doing the idiocy, than doubling down on it cause the only reason it won't work, because they weren't did it hard enough. Only to produce one epic screw up after another.
06 Oct 2023, 1:01am
Wild Jim GrudenSomeone does not like working for Aisling Duval

Oh! If anything, Princess Aisling Duval is the most ethical of the Empire. While Empires are inherently evil, she at least makes Slavery illegal, which none of the other Imperials bother to do.

Addendum: It just occurred to me the smurf comment was regarding her hair? It's just. It's just blue hair. What.

Last edit: 06 Oct 2023, 1:10am
06 Oct 2023, 1:02am
MinonianSpeaking about power play, i don't understand why we don't have some ground items and missions, and other things to keep peoples interested at it, such as consumables and other benefits, to which we can only have access as long we are tied to a faction.

Honestly though, it bothers me that all we can do is propaganda and combat support :/
06 Oct 2023, 6:22pm
hello cmdrs, was curious to see if anyone knows how or where to get these items for this weeks cg. im dumb founded. please help me.
06 Oct 2023, 6:55pm
Malottheadhello cmdrs, was curious to see if anyone knows how or where to get these items for this weeks cg. im dumb founded. please help me.

See here.
09 Oct 2023, 8:35pm
Wild Jim Gruden
Someone does not like working for Aisling Duval

but if ! she’s pretty so it’s nice to work for her; we are sure to work for a good cause
09 Oct 2023, 9:26pm
Wild Jim GrudenSomeone does not like working for Aisling Duval
Maybe they should try working for Torval for a change of pace.
09 Oct 2023, 10:01pm
People that lob Aisling into the same group as every other Imperial certainly need a reality check.

And yes, I signed up as a supporter for the ideals, not the shield or "space waifu princess with blue hair". Not that I'm going to argue against those as benefits, to be sure, but if I'd only been there for the rewards, I wouldn't even have looked at powerplay at all(I technically haven't, only ever moving 'cargo merits' around to buy a few prizzies and then let the pledge go back to tier 1 - I haven't changed it since I began playing in ~mid-2020, if that means anything).

TL;DR It was primarily intended as a pledge on RP grounds cause slavery sucks. If Aisling only manages to abolish the kind that Torval is driving, I guess that's a partial success, at least. But I don't think it speaks too highly of the Empire that they need a system in place where people have the 'option' to sell themselves into the modern equivalent(or close to it) of Greek slavery(if you don't know - go look it up, interesting history lesson) to work off debts.
09 Oct 2023, 10:48pm
What worries me they think the laughing third can work out to their flavor. Sorry, but the Thargoids way too serious of a threat for anything like this can tilt the scales to their flavor. But neither i think they can stay out way too long. Sooner or later they will get their wake up slap anyways.
10 Oct 2023, 9:35am
Yuna Sakashiro
Well, it's possible if you have a point of reference and a computer that controls your thrusters to simulate the feel of atmospheric flight relative to that reference point. Which is exactly what flight assist is. It does not add any special powers to your ship. It just automatically performs all the corrections that you would otherwise have to perform manually.

I like to compare it to the fly-by-wire system that kept the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stable.

Previous versions of elite did employ a more dynamic newtonian flight model. You needed to select the reference point, manoeuvre using thrusters and accelerate in relation to the point of reference. Combat was similar to FA-off flight in ED. Saying that, it was a bit of a PitA and I 90% prefer the implementation of Flight Assist in ED, even if it has peculiar knock on effects like auto-deceleration, max speed and realism.
There again, Frontier Elite had a game-speed slider which was a bit 'gamey'. As far as I remember it was also called something ridiculous, like the StarDreamer? (basically the lore suggested the Pilot's Federation drugged all CMDRs so they'd nod off to sleep for days while travelling under severe G-force. Obviously before the invention of Supercruise).
10 Oct 2023, 11:06am
Need help

Both System Map & Galaxy Map have lost their menu interface, how do I get this back or is this some type of Glitch?

10 Oct 2023, 1:11pm
Yuna Sakashiro
Well, it's possible if you have a point of reference and a computer that controls your thrusters to simulate the feel of atmospheric flight relative to that reference point. Which is exactly what flight assist is. It does not add any special powers to your ship. It just automatically performs all the corrections that you would otherwise have to perform manually.

I like to compare it to the fly-by-wire system that kept the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stable.

Previous versions of elite did employ a more dynamic newtonian flight model. You needed to select the reference point, manoeuvre using thrusters and accelerate in relation to the point of reference. Combat was similar to FA-off flight in ED. Saying that, it was a bit of a PitA and I 90% prefer the implementation of Flight Assist in ED, even if it has peculiar knock on effects like auto-deceleration, max speed and realism.
There again, Frontier Elite had a game-speed slider which was a bit 'gamey'. As far as I remember it was also called something ridiculous, like the StarDreamer? (basically the lore suggested the Pilot's Federation drugged all CMDRs so they'd nod off to sleep for days while travelling under severe G-force. Obviously before the invention of Supercruise).

Yeah, that was a time dilatation device if i remember correctly, but to be entirely honest i can't tell. Since i had lost the manual years before. And yes, the flight model of elite II & III was completely newtonian compared to the nightmare of that, a dimwit whose greatest achievement is to do the barrel roll, just makes me chuckle.

And let's just not mention the flight model of the first game whereas just to dock to a spinning Coriolis station was a superhuman achievement (to a 9 yrs old anyways) Yet again!? Don't make me laugh with that ridiculous barrel roll...

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