Elite: Game talk

23 Sep 2023, 8:43pm
Andrew BersenevIs CQC dead ?

Does it ever lived? Doubtful first impression decided all...
24 Sep 2023, 4:25am
You have the best chance of getting a match in CQC by letting folks know that your engaging in it and when, there are still some pretty regular players of it and a group of us have been dipping out toes into it
24 Sep 2023, 7:07am
we are goiinng crazyy
24 Sep 2023, 9:23am
MiseriYou have the best chance of getting a match in CQC by letting folks know that your engaging in it and when, there are still some pretty regular players of it and a group of us have been dipping out toes into it

Well... I tired it a few times recently, but with no luck within an acceptable time frame after which my impatience took the better of me. Which i don't regret. Of course if i make up my mind, and get a group that resolves it, but yet again? There's a reason of it i keep peoples in an arms length from me, and yet again? A lot of us exactly aware of what's the reason of this. And that's it until this madness does not settles or i just fed up with it and take it to a court. Of which? There's no way in hell any of em can come out of it good, and walk away free. So if they have just a hint of brains?
24 Sep 2023, 8:37pm
is there a mission limit on repaired stations?
i did several missions on Orasmus and now it doesn't offer me any missions.
25 Sep 2023, 3:46pm
Andrew BersenevIs CQC dead ?

Honestly I've always had trouble with CQC.. the queue times are increggibly long and generally it doesnae have very many people.. ye end up in situations like a 1v1 where the person leaves after 1 or 2 matches

I started playing ED in 2019 I still need to get permission for star system CD-43 11917
26 Sep 2023, 1:15am
is there a mission limit on repaired stations?
i did several missions on Orasmus and now it doesn't offer me any missions.

Any missions at all? Sounds weird... Have you tried to re-login?
26 Sep 2023, 4:51pm
is there a mission limit on repaired stations?
i did several missions on Orasmus and now it doesn't offer me any missions.

Any missions at all? Sounds weird... Have you tried to re-login?

yes, same problem next day... but today its okay and missions are offer...
26 Sep 2023, 5:57pm
standart 20 missions at a time and mission list update delay (an old but not too often bug)
26 Sep 2023, 11:51pm
I'm curious - regarding unengineered exploration ships, which has a further viable FSD distance: the Asp Explorer, or the Mamba? Is there a better alternative?
27 Sep 2023, 12:26am
I think the numbers favor the Asp regardless of setup, though I only did a quick play with the numbers on EDSY. Still, the larger FSD just makes it better.

(Krait) Phantom is a potential alternative - they seem to get similar numbers(though not completely identical) when stripping [core] components down to smaller sizes. FSD booster might make a difference, if you don’t consider that ‘engineering’.
27 Sep 2023, 12:27am
madamepestilenceI'm curious - regarding unengineered exploration ships, which has a further viable FSD distance: the Asp Explorer, or the Mamba? Is there a better alternative?

ASPX all the way. The Mamba can fit a maximum of a 4A FSD, the ASPx can fit a 5A. Doing a quick check on Coriolis.io, that equates to the ASPx having roughly twice the jump distance as the mamba.

Plus, the mamba costs 8 times as much as an ASPx, and is more like a top fuel drag racer than a 4x4.
27 Sep 2023, 12:38am
Alright, dankeschon meine fellow CMDRs.. I'm looking at making another Starburner ship (I like calling my main deep-space travel ships Starburner) and the only alternative I've seen for it is the 337Ly Jumpaconda when used with a Neutron Star, but I don't feel like immediately losing my ship (it uses all of its fuel in a single Neutron jump) and I like being able to land pretty much anywhere, and the DBX comes nowhere close to the AspX, so I wanna make sure I get the optimum modules in before I start hollowing this thing out for even further jump distance
27 Sep 2023, 2:40am
madamepestilence...the only alternative I've seen for it is the 337Ly Jumpaconda when used with a Neutron Star, but I don't feel like immediately losing my ship (it uses all of its fuel in a single Neutron jump) and I like being able to land pretty much anywhere, and the DBX comes nowhere close to the AspX, so I wanna make sure I get the optimum modules in before I start hollowing this thing out for even further jump distance

I use an AspX for all of my long-range exploring. I have a bunch of stuff on it I do not need for exploring, and it is not fully optimized for jump distance, but with the FSD engineered for increased range and mass management, it has a respectable 50LY base jump range. I could get another 10LY with a guardian booster but I have not motivated myself to go gather the components.
27 Sep 2023, 5:15am
madamepestilenceI'm curious - regarding unengineered exploration ships, which has a further viable FSD distance: the Asp Explorer, or the Mamba? Is there a better alternative?

As an alternative, depending on what you want to do of it the Krait Phantom comes to mind, but any ship is way better once properly engineered, like 5A Pre-engineered FSD, 5H Guardian FSD Booster, 6A Fuel Scoop, it transforms the ship completely...

I got my build from the Fuel Rats with minor adjustments for higher thrust and I wouldn't swap for anything else, I need a ship that can carry two different Limpet Controllers (Repairs and Refuel), Cargo Racks, frame Shift Wake Scanner, and still have a good jump range at full load, and this is IT.
66.81/66.72/71.04 LY.

I doesn't only depend on the stock FSD but also on the class that you can fit on them, the Krait Phantom is built light, you can make it even lighter (hull/Lightweight Armour), but also fit lighter modules like the 6D Sensor, 6D Thrusters and Power Distributor which still gives good speed and enough power at lower weight than the A class you won't need once engineered etc.

It is entirely up to you to optimize your ship for the role and performances you want of it, unengineered range is an indication but not showing the full potential, for exploration you can use D modules which offer reasonable qualities and performances (engineered is better) for a significant gain in weight.

For an equivalent FSD performance, the lighter, the better.

Compare their respective weight here...
Asp Explorer
Krait Phantom

Last edit: 27 Sep 2023, 6:17am

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