Elite: Game talk

30 Sep 2023, 10:51pm
madamepestilenceEngineering question.. is it more efficient to add experimental effects with each level, or does it waste resources unless only done at level 5? Specifically, I want to Strip Down pretty much every engineerable module possible; integrity be damned

You don't have to re-apply the experimental effect when you upgrade the main engineering grade; the effect will remain in place. For example, upgrading an FSD with G2 Increased Range + Mass Manager experimental to G3 Increased Range will leave the Mass Manager experimental intact.

The exception would be if you wanted to change the type of engineering effect. For example, if you took an FSD with G3 Increased Range + Mass Manager and wanted to switch the engineering type to Faster Boot, Faster Boot would start off at G1 and the Mass Manager experimental would be removed.
30 Sep 2023, 11:06pm
Mkay; dankeschon

It's been a few years since I've done engineering so I'm having to relearn a lot of basic stuff
30 Sep 2023, 11:12pm
No worries. There are many aspects of Elite that are opaque at the best of times.
30 Sep 2023, 11:41pm
madamepestilenceI want to Strip Down pretty much every engineerable module possible; integrity be damned

Good luck with building and flying the tin can...
01 Oct 2023, 12:18am
As long as it handles better than a Type 9 or 10, I'm sure it'll be fine. And integrity shouldn't be too much of a concern for an explorer anyway. Which this was about, right?

On a completely unrelated note, the new scenario around damaged ports in Thargoid invasion is still a bit nuts. Words don't do the insanity much justice, but let's just say, it can feel a bit more chaotic than the actual conflict zones are. No Glaives, though.
01 Oct 2023, 12:26am
Bainsey7 You know what? I am happy to be corrected. All this time I've had all my long-range ships with their drives only engineered to level 1 so that I could use the stripped-down experimental effect full sure that this was optimal. Now I'm off to G5 them all because my reason not to no longer exists. They'll all handle a bit better from now on.
Thank you!

Glad to have helped
and again, I wholeheartedly recommend giving EDSY a try. If you’re using EDMC you can set it up so that clicking on your ship name will open the current loadout in EDSY; then you can experiment and see how modifying the loadout would affect your jump range, max speed, handling etc.
01 Oct 2023, 12:47am
Shg56Good luck with building and flying the tin can...

lmao if my ship blows up that's on me, it just means i need to fly my routes more efficiently and pilot better
01 Oct 2023, 4:49am
madamepestilenceEngineering question.. is it more efficient to add experimental effects with each level, or does it waste resources unless only done at level 5? Specifically, I want to Strip Down pretty much every engineerable module possible; integrity be damned

Experimental can be added just once (unless you change it)
01 Oct 2023, 6:00am
madamepestilenceEngineering question.. is it more efficient to add experimental effects with each level, or does it waste resources unless only done at level 5? Specifically, I want to Strip Down pretty much every engineerable module possible; integrity be damned

can be added any time with fixed requirements.
01 Oct 2023, 11:57am
Shg56Good luck with building and flying the tin can...

lmao if my ship blows up that's on me, it just means i need to fly my routes more efficiently and pilot better

Just keep in mind, you can't repair powerplant and single amfu
01 Oct 2023, 11:10pm
I tried (and engineered) the Beluga Liner, my conclusion is that this ship is a piece of garbage, I find it impossible not to overheat, on top of which, Jaques Station keep tossing me into the walls at every launch, causing my shield to deplete and getting the hull integrity down to 80%.

Just for the stake of doing passenger missions I reverted to the Orca which is much better...

madamepestilenceMkay; dankeschon

It's been a few years since I've done engineering so I'm having to relearn a lot of basic stuff

I keep engineering my ships but still feel like I don't know much about it, simply because you don't really know the final result until you spent the materials into a level of engineering, better do a lot of researches with other players and home work...

As I thought, not every ship reacts the same way to identical upgrades, some clearly are not as tolerant as others, they would overheat as early as you engage the Frame Shift Drive, whatever you do and at the end of the day, the only solution is to lose in performances.

My best ship is still my Phantom...
01 Oct 2023, 11:17pm
Thindersome clearly are not as tolerant as others, they would overheat as early as you engage the Frame Shift Drive, whatever you do and at the end of the day, the only solution is to lose in performances.
That's... Strange. Never had any problems with my engineered modules. But maybe that's because I engineered the heck out of everything in one go, without comparing them with 'stock' ones.
01 Oct 2023, 11:46pm
ThinderI tried (and engineered) the Beluga Liner, my conclusion is that this ship is a piece of garbage, I find it impossible not to overheat, on top of which, Jaques Station keep tossing me into the walls at every launch, causing my shield to deplete and getting the hull integrity down to 80%.

Might want to look at not just module size but also grade, just to be sure. What engineering does your Beluga use? D rated powerplants have horrific heat efficiency, too. Or check how close you are to a heat source upon charging the FSD. Wouldn't do it next to a star in many ships, unless heading away already...

And auto-launch is a piece of [use your imagination] for big ships like the Cutter, Beluga, T9... don't use it. A single NPC taking the mail slot before you, either going in or out, completely destroys its pathing for large player ships, for some reason. It is also really janky generally, and just won't hold still if waiting in queue. Go with it for auto dock only.
01 Oct 2023, 11:49pm
Thindersome clearly are not as tolerant as others, they would overheat as early as you engage the Frame Shift Drive, whatever you do and at the end of the day, the only solution is to lose in performances.

That's... Strange. Never had any problems with my engineered modules. But maybe that's because I engineered the heck out of everything in one go, without comparing them with 'stock' ones.

I was talking about ships, how they react to different grade of modules and engineering.

Kasumi Goto
ThinderI tried (and engineered) the Beluga Liner, my conclusion is that this ship is a piece of garbage, I find it impossible not to overheat, on top of which, Jaques Station keep tossing me into the walls at every launch, causing my shield to deplete and getting the hull integrity down to 80%.

Might want to look at not just module size but also grade, just to be sure. What engineering does your Beluga use? D rated powerplants have horrific heat efficiency, too. Or check how close you are to a heat source upon charging the FSD. Wouldn't do it next to a star in many ships, unless heading away already...

That's what I've done up to the point the grades were too low for the mass, if you want to retain a proper jump range with this ship you'll have to live with overheating and it's worse than what I got with the Type-7 which I manage to tame.

And auto-launch is a piece of [use your imagination] for big ships like the Cutter, Beluga, T9... don't use it. A single NPC taking the mail slot before you, either going in or out, completely destroys its pathing for large player ships, for some reason. It is also really janky generally, and just won't hold still if waiting in queue. Go with it for auto dock only.

Thanks for the tip, the Beluga has also another problem, it is wide, and can easily got stock at the gate when you get out manually...

I used my Anaconda without a shield for the same sort of mission at CEOS, occasionally what you explained occurred but not as many times, ultimately my Bustruck Python is still the best I used for Passenger mission so far but it only has enough range for 2 jumps from Robigo to Sothis.

Last edit: 01 Oct 2023, 11:59pm
02 Oct 2023, 12:16am
Thanks for the tip, the Beluga has also another problem, it is wide, and can easily got stock at the gate when you get out manually...

Fly it like the Cutter - center of the mail slot only, try to stay central in height as well as width. Someone really should have upgraded the design for current-day ships in the universe... nostalgia be damned. The 'mail slot' is really awful when you think about it.

If the Beluga's tail does get stuck, landing gear lowering/retracting is said to provide you with a moment of 'no-clip' that can free you from such situations. General advice I hear, never flown one myself, don't intend to. It's a luxury space whale, and I don't care to fly luxury space whales.

And some ships do have better thermal performance than others(looking at you, Dolphin). Not sure about the Beluga, but definitely don't hear great things about the Type-7 'Lakon Brick'(it literally looks like a brick with engines strapped to it). Still, an A rated plant with low emissions or armored engineering(as both provide a bonus to efficiency) will go a long way, if you can afford to put either on.

If you decide to use D rated and/or overcharged? Don't be surprised if it cooks itself (or tries to) just charging the FSD. Heck, even an A rated overcharged plant can cause you trouble and leave a rather small margin of error when parked next to a star for scooping.

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