Elite: Game talk

31 Oct 2023, 2:49pm
So I knew about anti guardian field I encounterd it but properly time neutraliser can handle it. And afmu can repair guardian guns but it must be repaired to 100%.

Orthrus can be defenseless but supply trucks is similiary important as tank, if you know what I mean. Today I tried it in T10, on way there I got hyperdicted by Glaives, only luck was present shield. I made almost same amount of credits but it was painfuly long
31 Oct 2023, 3:13pm
It just spares you the trouble of having to repair the Guardian weapons. Getting them from 0 to 100 is an excruciatingly long process, and it takes less than a minute to undo again. Not worth it if you ask me, and the Orthrus hang around for a long time at those sites anyway, so killing them with AX multicannons (or missiles) wouldn't be a big issue.

And I know they are important. Don't you find it slightly questionable that the sites are practically undefended, aside from the Banshees and occasional Scout spawns, though? Does not scream 'valuable site' to me. Or it's Frontier-ism of pretending it is a valuable military target, but then there are barely any actual defenses around it. Trying to assault a military Odyssey settlement with the ships flying above would probably be harder(so I hear, anyway - I don't go around murdering like a maniac who spent too long listening to the Shamash signal).
02 Nov 2023, 10:08am
CMDR Milesred
also fwiw, the hunter's don't seem to want slaves or imperial slaves anymore...nowadays they just shoot me and fly away empty handed, fast.
They used to call friends and then they would all fly away full.

Glaive wants to kill you, always (being hunter class), Scythe is also this class, but at same time it shoots you with light blaster weaponary with acceptable damage. It is even don't have caustic missle by design. So it is wants your living cargo at first.

Last edit: 02 Nov 2023, 8:48pm
06 Nov 2023, 9:39pm
Sir Sprockett
TousaakHello Cmdr's;

I'm new to INARA but not ED. 1500 hrs and counting overall love the game. I have just experienced a conundrum. Had to log off in a hurry and the only dock near was a carrier. Two days later im 1500 ly from anywhere and no way back. All carriers show no departure times. what to do now?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks so much


and make loads of discoveries on the way back, be in awe of the true size of the galaxy, be the 1st to see and then make tonnes of dosh selling the data back in the bubble, also gain reputation....

or the good ol "suicide-winder" technique! Store ur ship and buy a cheap one, kill yourself, when asked what you want to do after you blew up, chose the free sidewinder option back in the bubble, then just get ur ship transferred back!
06 Nov 2023, 10:21pm
That's a fascinating solution, but it loses all of your cartographic data; defeats the purpose of exploration
06 Nov 2023, 11:16pm
People of course only do it after they sell their exploration data. Assuming they are smart(a basic degree of intelligence is all you need here) or just haven’t forgotten.

I never have because I find it a bit… well, lame, in regards to RP. Of course, if your concern is purely gameplay…
07 Nov 2023, 12:14am
'Haunted'kill yourself
Quite an interesting phenomena: killing yourself actually helps.
07 Nov 2023, 3:28am
One of my alt accounts has a fleet of fully engineered ships based in Jaques Station, all of them grade 5 engineered in the bubble, then flown to Colonia, remainder mof G5 engineering finished, data sold, Sidewinder bought and ship stored, then suicide back to the bubble, rinse and repeat. Made Elite 1 in exploration fairly quickly.
08 Nov 2023, 2:42am
So I began looking at Odyssey suit cosmetics because fancy black stuff.

Imagine how annoyed I was when I learned that you cannot separate hoods and/or hats from helmets. Ugh, Frontier. At least a basic effort into such a distinction, please?
08 Nov 2023, 3:12am
Speaking of which, as far as I can tell, they completely deleted Horizon jacket cosmetics from Legacy
08 Nov 2023, 4:35am
Trying out mining for the first time... I was gonna outfit a Python initially, but one of my home stations had a Krait Mk. II, so now I've got a Krait Union Miner

Doing some practice at Asteroid Belt Clusters before I try out ring mining
08 Nov 2023, 6:20am
Wow! This is really slow!

q u e e r b l a s t
08 Nov 2023, 8:46am
(PS4) madamepestilence (RPIU)Wow! This is really slow!

q u e e r b l a s t

Did you enjoy it or at least find it relaxing?
08 Nov 2023, 8:54am
'Haunted' or the good ol "suicide-winder" technique! Store ur ship and buy a cheap one, kill yourself, when asked what you want to do after you blew up, chose the free sidewinder option back in the bubble, then just get ur ship transferred back!

Well, this actually works non the less the stupid is strong with this one. never did nor plan to do anything likes this. With this much of effort i can take a good explorer ship with my theoretical carrier and make my way back to the bubble with it. The bottomline? Not going to tarnish my records for something like this. That's a hard pass. On the other hand? S* happens, to get anywhere you have to take the risk, and sometimes pay the price for it. Deal with it.

Last edit: 08 Nov 2023, 9:02am
08 Nov 2023, 9:09pm
Eddie Did you enjoy it or at least find it relaxing?

I just did a few sessions of mining with my alt to unlock engineers - got the Painite, Osmium, and Bromellite I needed and.... just kept going. I honestly forgot how relaxing it is! Few Anacondas full of Platinum later and a quarter of a billion more in their bank.

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